Sounds like Yoda with a carrot up his arse.
I read everything I get my hands on. I read religious texts, cultural texts, history, geography, astronomy, medical, law, general science, sociological, criminological, psychological, fiction, music, economic, political, sport etc etc etc
I spend alot of time in discussion and debate with people who read such a wide range.
What do you read?
Just cause I study doesn't mean I'm blind to the world. In fact, it has opened my eyes to the way it works... it's a load of bollocks and will be tough to change. I know that. But I'm willing to give it a go. For the betterment of life.
Best not to try and bring me down. Why do you want people like me to stop? We're not the ones out there creating mass hysteria. We're working behind the scenes making a quantifiable difference. You should be encouraging people like me.
Experienced, no. But I get out there and chat to experienced lawyers and other professionals. They generally are as pissed off as me... and want to do something about it. Not for Schapelle... but for all who go through such legal systems. One thing we can do is form an advisory group and hopefully pressure the government into developing fairer laws. It's very unlikely to work. But at least we try.