Interesting but not a total shock. Fighting in the street is a classic affray offence, or at least offensive behaviour. It's a defence to those charges if your actions are in self defence, but clearly neither of the original combatants could claim that. Walker on the other hand has claimed his action was to defend someone, which then raises questions about whether he believed his action was necessary in the circumstances as he saw it at the time. And whether the police could prove otherwise.It's the police that aren't charging him with anything ... he will probably still get hit by the NRL ...
But WTF are the police thinking .... they fine the 2 blokes squaring off one on one $500 ... but say the third man in who blindsides and assaults one of them with a kick ... nothing ... did nothing wrong ... nada .... everybody should do it .... FMD .... the cops are on happy gas ...
Even if he's not charged by police I'll be amazed if he escapes some stiff penalty from the league.