I disagree - I think the fact that players are refusing to play due to outdated religious beliefs & are happy to be seen as homophobic while doing so is the much bigger issue.
I sincerely doubt the players are happy to have their personal beliefs out in public like this, with all the judgement, analysis and consequences that are going to come with it. the privacy was taken Away from them when the club decided to roll out this initiative in the way they did, wether You agree with the message the club was seeking to make is immaterial. Players had a right to have their voice heard in private In Terms of what message they were expected to get behind. No matter the message and wether they do/should/dont agree with it.
I dont agree with them, but I respect their right to have an opinion or belief system different to mine. I would be mortified to have my personal beliefs bought to the forefront in the public sphere against my wishes and solely because of someone else’s actions.