The Manly jumper represents LGBTIA. It is more extreme than just gays. LGBTIA stands for "Lesbian, gay, bisexuality, transgender, intersex, queer/questioning, asexual."
Can you blame players being uncomfortable publicly wearing such a jumper on national TV supporting ALL of these issues? Without being consulted?
They have their religious and moral beliefs. They should have never been put into a position of making those beliefs public. It is nobody's business but their own.
I have been supporting Manly for over fifty years. I never been more embarrassed or more offended by the insensitivity and stupidity of the Manly management in this horrendous stuff-up.
The players involved must feel they have been so grossly disrespected by their club, not having at least their cultures respected.
Our players deserve respect. They wear their jumpers with pride and bleed for it. And we cheer for them on the field.
But sadly I am not cheering for our management, who have has made fools of us all.