seriously some of you guys need to learn the meaning of the phrase "those in glass houses, should not throw stones"
There have been a whole lot of catty comments on this forum over the last few days about Lockyer, and despite most people saying the hype is ridiculous the conversations continue.
I don't really care if he plays or not. Personally I wish he were not injured and he was playing, I prefer to play them at full strength. Finals footy deserves all teams playing at 100% and it somewhat detracts from what should be a brilliant game of football.
It really is a shame that Lockyer has to make this decision, he deserves to go out in whatever his last club game is, fighting, not through an injury. If he plays it is a shame for his team if he has to leave the field early because of his injury, it just makes it harder for them. If he doesn't play, then it is a shame for him if the Broncos bail out in this game.
So any way I look at it I can only see it as unfortunate.
Of course I want Manly to win, but I also would have liked to see Lockyer as part of this game at full capacity.
As for the broncos fans, I think they are missing the point regarding targeting Lockyer. It isn't a matter of tackling him high or getting in around his head, it is all about targeting Lockyer whilst he is defending. He is going to have to get his head out of the way, and Manly only need to run traffic at him to expose the weakness, the broncos then have to have more than just Thaiday in there as his minder and that exposes them elsewhere. It is an unfortunate fact of the game that we all love, that a weakness needs to be exploited.
Anyway, either way I am just looking forward to a good game... I also hope that poster wasn't sarcastic about the forum being nice looking 🙂