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I don't care who, or what this topic is about - the methodology and approach was extremely inappropriate - sorry Rudi - you owe Vidmar an apology dude.

Why have a go at someone who volunteers their time for a passion we all share?

Jesus, I may whinge here and there about the team, and get torn for it, but this is over the top - and coming from me, that should tell you something.

I thought we all supported Manly here. This thread is embarrassing. I hope other teams supporters don't read it - there would be many questions raised as to the level of intelligence in our demographic.
vidmar said:
Thanks to those people who alerted me to this post – you know who you are and I really appreciate your concern that I was being called a liar on a public forum.

Re T –Rex …OK – Here goes…

I was at a board meeting of the Football Club in October 2011 and one of the topics discussed was the contract for Tony Williams.

It was explained that his manager was originally looking to sign for 12 months but that a 2 year contract had been offered and signed (as seen, this news was confirmed and released to the public via a number of press releases and media conferences so confirmed what I understood).

It was explained to us during the meeting that there was no get out clause relating to coaching staff (as had been the worry for supporters for other peoples contracts at that time in light of the situation with Des Hasler)

Hence, it was my (and I’m told others) understanding that he was signed for 2 years with no “get out”

In light of the provocative post from Rudi (not sure who he/she is or why he/she would want to discredit me on here?) I have made a call and have now been informed that there was indeed a 2 year contract signed but that there is provision for the 2nd year of the contract to be negotiated at the end of 12 months (By both parties).

Of course I am deeply embarrassed and somewhat disappointed that what I was told is not exactly what was finally signed (albeit it is not a “get out” clause in the true sense of the term)

Now, bear in mind that contracts for players are with the Sea Eagles (not the Football Club) – they are managed and paid by the MWSE from their budget and company structure.

Hence, neither I nor any of my fellow board members are ultimately responsible for negotiating or signing these contracts and quite rightly so.

The deals are agreed at Sea Eagles board level (of which of course we hold 2 seats) and then signed by an authorised representative – here is not the forum to discuss the lines of communication regarding these aspects but needless to say I’m not happy and there was no benefit in me misleading members or fans (in fact the complete opposite is the case).

To Rudi – Please PM me if you have issues or want to check something?

Can I publicly tell you I take great exception to your claims that I lied to people or mislead them on purpose? – If you have issues with me or how I do things then fine, give me a call or arrange a meeting and I’m happy to hear your thoughts and I’m always open to constructive criticism?

However if you wish to criticise publicly or tell the world that you feel strongly that I’m not up to the task, also fine - People know who I am, where I can be found and that I'm open to discussion so how about you tell us who you are so we can continue this openly and people can have their say?

Also, whilst we are discussing facts - I'm not on the board of the NRL club (the MWSE), We are not struggling financially - read the thread about how good the Sea Eagles books are looking at present under the stewardship of David Perry and his team and, as the playing group are currently NRL Premiers then I guess overall we are not struggling too badly compared to others? - Gedda Grip mate?

Finally, I say to the rest of you…Sorry guys, I told it as I understood it and as I’d been informed – sorry about that – contact me if you like or grab me at Parra on the weekend and I’m happy to tell you the full story (sorry but not going to give the lazy journo’s any free column inches….)
Thanks guy's I will be releasing more hot info very shortly now I'll accept apologies the facts are HE has the clause and he will be leaving bag me all you like but with people like Vidmar involved in the club I fear for our future. I now what for you bury head in the sand fans to spin it. I'll be breaking more stories very soon stay tuned John the board is so clown university lol

Ryan said:
I don't care who, or what this topic is about - the methodology and approach was extremely inappropriate - sorry Rudi - you owe Vidmar an apology dude.

Why have a go at someone who volunteers their time for a passion we all share?

Jesus, I may whinge here and there about the team, and get torn for it, but this is over the top - and coming from me, that should tell you something.

I thought we all supported Manly here. This thread is embarrassing. I hope other teams supporters don't read it - there would be many questions raised as to the level of intelligence in our demographic.

What's embarrassing about flushing out the truth? don't come on here slagging people media and fellow supporters who said T-Rex has and out clause when he has we wouldn't except weasel words from politicians we shouldn't except them from people supposedly in the know. Maybe now we will ask more hard questions about other contracts G Stewart I wonder more news coming
Why would someone (who obviously has more idea of the runnings of the team and the club than most of us) set up an account on an internet forum to stir the pot I ask myself.

The answer is difficult seeing as though this is not an official forum sanctioned by the club, but I can only assume

1 its someone with an axe to grind.

2 someone who is no longer with the club, of if they are, someone who is very unhappy with the direction the club is taking.

3 someone determined to bring the club down.

Let me tell you this Zarsoff, Des Hasler was one page in our history, a great page but nothing more, we all seen him throw his arse in the corner when Manly got Sedaris, so it was no surprise he ran off again when told his place.

This club survived when Fulton left, it survived when Eadie and Randall left, it survived when Arko left, we survived when Roy Bull left. Compared to those club heavy-weights, both on and off the field the Haslers and Peters of the Manly world are nothing, especially a Peters who contributed nothing he was just along for the cushy ride.

If Manly get the wooden spoon for the next 10 years guess what, most of us will still be there supporting them as we have during these good years and will continue to do so long after "the dinosaurs" that are trying to ruin this club are long dead and buried.

I guess this would be my longest post ever. Please excuse my typo's.
Wow..get busy at work for a bit and stay of the forum for half a day and look what happens.

Rudi you may be right, and may have more inside knowledge than most of us on here have, if that's the case then good on you. I won't be one to say you are right or wrong, you may well be spot on or you may well be just reading the Daily Tele like many.


I'd agree with others, Vidmar does lots of great work for no personal or financial return and knowing him as I do doubt VERY much if he would intentionally lie to the forum members.....that is way over the top and does derve an apology.

And as I always say to knockers, if you reckon you can do a better job come out from behind the hidden name and stand for the board yourself....otherwise cease being critical about others who are at least having a go.

No doubt I'll get a nasty PM after this, as I did the last time from "Jelores" (are you one in the same...guess I'll know soon enough) when I supported someone who I think does a good job representing the every day fans at Football Club board level.

bob dylan said:
Why would someone (who obviously has more idea of the runnings of the team and the club than most of us) set up an account on an internet forum to stir the pot I ask myself.

The answer is difficult seeing as though this is not an official forum sanctioned by the club, but I can only assume

1 its someone with an axe to grind.

2 someone who is no longer with the club, of if they are, someone who is very unhappy with the direction the club is taking.

3 someone determined to bring the club down.

Let me tell you this Zarsoff, Des Hasler was one page in our history, a great page but nothing more, we all seen him throw his arse in the corner when Manly got Sedaris, so it was no surprise he ran off again when told his place.

This club survived when Fulton left, it survived when Eadie and Randall left, it survived when Arko left, we survived when Roy Bull left. Compared to those club heavy-weights, both on and off the field the Haslers and Peters of the Manly world are nothing, especially a Peters who contributed nothing he was just along for the cushy ride.

If Manly get the wooden spoon for the next 10 years guess what, most of us will still be there supporting them as we have during these good years and will continue to do so long after "the dinosaurs" that are trying to ruin this club are long dead and buried.

I guess this would be my longest post ever. Please excuse my typo's.

Love your work Bob, always have, always will!!
bob dylan said:
Why would someone (who obviously has more idea of the runnings of the team and the club than most of us) set up an account on an internet forum to stir the pot I ask myself.

The answer is difficult seeing as though this is not an official forum sanctioned by the club, but I can only assume

1 its someone with an axe to grind.

2 someone who is no longer with the club, of if they are, someone who is very unhappy with the direction the club is taking.

3 someone determined to bring the club down.

Let me tell you this Zarsoff, Des Hasler was one page in our history, a great page but nothing more, we all seen him throw his arse in the corner when Manly got Sedaris, so it was no surprise he ran off again when told his place.

This club survived when Fulton left, it survived when Eadie and Randall left, it survived when Arko left, we survived when Roy Bull left. Compared to those club heavy-weights, both on and off the field the Haslers and Peters of the Manly world are nothing, especially a Peters who contributed nothing he was just along for the cushy ride.

If Manly get the wooden spoon for the next 10 years guess what, most of us will still be there supporting them as we have during these good years and will continue to do so long after "the dinosaurs" that are trying to ruin this club are long dead and buried.

I guess this would be my longest post ever. Please excuse my typo's.
You have no idea and I'm not getting into a pissing contest with you but if you think it is ok for a board member to post a LIE or if it's more palatable a untruth on the forum then we just disagree. If he didn't know or was confused then say nothing. I also think it's wrong for Perry to go on the radio and say the same thing as share holders in the club I expect the truth not half truths. Good spin you put on it Bob I just love how there is thread after thread slamming the media and others for lying yet when your mate is caught out we are so understanding great principles

Mark from Brisbane said:
Wow..get busy at work for a bit and stay of the forum for half a day and look what happens.

Rudi you may be right, and may have more inside knowledge than most of us on here have, if that's the case then good on you. I won't be one to say you are right or wrong, you may well be spot on or you may well be just reading the Daily Tele like many.


I'd agree with others, Vidmar does lots of great work for no personal or financial return and knowing him as I do doubt VERY much if he would intentionally lie to the forum members.....that is way over the top and does derve an apology.

And as I always say to knockers, if you reckon you can do a better job come out from behind the hidden name and stand for the board yourself....otherwise cease being critical about others who are at least having a go.

No doubt I'll get a nasty PM after this, as I did the last time from "Jelores" (are you one in the same...guess I'll know soon enough) when I supported someone who I think does a good job representing the every day fans at Football Club board level.

bob dylan said:
Why would someone (who obviously has more idea of the runnings of the team and the club than most of us) set up an account on an internet forum to stir the pot I ask myself.

The answer is difficult seeing as though this is not an official forum sanctioned by the club, but I can only assume

1 its someone with an axe to grind.

2 someone who is no longer with the club, of if they are, someone who is very unhappy with the direction the club is taking.

3 someone determined to bring the club down.

Let me tell you this Zarsoff, Des Hasler was one page in our history, a great page but nothing more, we all seen him throw his arse in the corner when Manly got Sedaris, so it was no surprise he ran off again when told his place.

This club survived when Fulton left, it survived when Eadie and Randall left, it survived when Arko left, we survived when Roy Bull left. Compared to those club heavy-weights, both on and off the field the Haslers and Peters of the Manly world are nothing, especially a Peters who contributed nothing he was just along for the cushy ride.

If Manly get the wooden spoon for the next 10 years guess what, most of us will still be there supporting them as we have during these good years and will continue to do so long after "the dinosaurs" that are trying to ruin this club are long dead and buried.

I guess this would be my longest post ever. Please excuse my typo's.

Love your work Bob, always have, always will!!

No nasty response from me 2 you I just posted what was and is the truth and the usual about troll and not a supporter and from Lakemba gets thrown up
Vidmar is no mate of mine, never met him or anyone else on this forum its just that I have a sense of what is decent, Vidmar is, and the likes of you are not.

Proof Vidmar is more a man that you lies in the fact that he uses his name and you are too gutless to do it.

Put your name up or leave.

Many by 15 Saturday night btw.
bob dylan said:
Vidmar is no mate of mine, never met him or anyone else on this forum its just that I have a sense of what is decent, Vidmar is, and the likes of you are not.

Proof Vidmar is more a man that you lies in the fact that he uses his name and you are too gutless to do it.

Put your name up or leave.

Many by 15 Saturday night btw.

And you are who? and you control what? thought so go Bob put your name up or leave oh that's right yo tryhard you have never called someone out for lying. You decent self praise is no praise bob
Hi Rudi. What is it that you want out of posting your inside knowledge here? What is the crux, i mean the real motive behind it? What do you have to gain from it?. My name is Graham. I am a nobody for the club, but a fan of the team.
Rudi said:
What's embarrassing about flushing out the truth? don't come on here slagging people media and fellow supporters who said T-Rex has and out clause when he has we wouldn't except weasel words from politicians we shouldn't except them from people supposedly in the know. Maybe now we will ask more hard questions about other contracts G Stewart I wonder more news coming
Rudi don't even speculate about Glenn Stewart's contract because I heard from a source alot higher up than vidmar that Glenn's contract was taken to Schubert and is water tight. It would take a club serious dollars paid to manly for them to even consider releasing Glenn. So nice try this time.
mozgrame said:
Rudi? RRRUUDDDIIII!! Oh well, i guess he's gone 🙁

I have a life for Bob Jess Kransky I have no problem such to say tell the truth, as a supporter I'm not 1 like you seem to be who tow's the party line I choose to dig deeper. Cambo as for G Stewart what you say is correct but it don't mean he will be here next year. I guess we sit tight. My aim as a supporter is to hold people accountable and NEVER allow these rubbish clauses in contracts again.
I don't toe no line other than to support my team no matter what.

I am what you might call SOLID.

mozgrame said:
my name is Graham, and i'm a Manlyholic.

You might get off the grog one day perhaps??
My aim as a supporter is to sit down once a week and enjoy watching Manly run around, no delusions of granduer here
I agree with one aspect and that is we don't want rubbish clauses.

But I still disagree with personal attacks on volunteers...regardless.

If you wish attack the coach (he gets paid) or the COO (he also gets paid) go for it...but there's a bunch of unpaid people who have volunteered who don't deserve to be all democracies if they dont perform we get rid of the meantime personal attacks are just not kosher!!
Rudi said:
mozgrame said:
Rudi? RRRUUDDDIIII!! Oh well, i guess he's gone 🙁

I have a life for Bob Jess Kransky I have no problem such to say tell the truth, as a supporter I'm not 1 like you seem to be who tow's the party line I choose to dig deeper. Cambo as for G Stewart what you say is correct but it don't mean he will be here next year. I guess we sit tight. My aim as a supporter is to hold people accountable and NEVER allow these rubbish clauses in contracts again.

Sweet Rudi. I have a v8 because my slug is not as big as i'd like it to be. No matter how much i rev it, or spin the wheels, nobody really seems to give a ****. So i park back in the driveway and be quiet.

You get me?
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