Wow..get busy at work for a bit and stay of the forum for half a day and look what happens.
Rudi you may be right, and may have more inside knowledge than most of us on here have, if that's the case then good on you. I won't be one to say you are right or wrong, you may well be spot on or you may well be just reading the Daily Tele like many.
I'd agree with others, Vidmar does lots of great work for no personal or financial return and knowing him as I do doubt VERY much if he would intentionally lie to the forum members.....that is way over the top and does derve an apology.
And as I always say to knockers, if you reckon you can do a better job come out from behind the hidden name and stand for the board yourself....otherwise cease being critical about others who are at least having a go.
No doubt I'll get a nasty PM after this, as I did the last time from "Jelores" (are you one in the same...guess I'll know soon enough) when I supported someone who I think does a good job representing the every day fans at Football Club board level.
bob dylan said:
Why would someone (who obviously has more idea of the runnings of the team and the club than most of us) set up an account on an internet forum to stir the pot I ask myself.
The answer is difficult seeing as though this is not an official forum sanctioned by the club, but I can only assume
1 its someone with an axe to grind.
2 someone who is no longer with the club, of if they are, someone who is very unhappy with the direction the club is taking.
3 someone determined to bring the club down.
Let me tell you this Zarsoff, Des Hasler was one page in our history, a great page but nothing more, we all seen him throw his arse in the corner when Manly got Sedaris, so it was no surprise he ran off again when told his place.
This club survived when Fulton left, it survived when Eadie and Randall left, it survived when Arko left, we survived when Roy Bull left. Compared to those club heavy-weights, both on and off the field the Haslers and Peters of the Manly world are nothing, especially a Peters who contributed nothing he was just along for the cushy ride.
If Manly get the wooden spoon for the next 10 years guess what, most of us will still be there supporting them as we have during these good years and will continue to do so long after "the dinosaurs" that are trying to ruin this club are long dead and buried.
I guess this would be my longest post ever. Please excuse my typo's.
Love your work Bob, always have, always will!!