manly al
First Grader
Whether always accurate or not , reports of Hastings continuing to have or on a regular basis having an attitude problem have never gone away since he joined Manly . More then likely he was given and afforded quite a tolerance level especially with his previous background connection with Barrett and for whatever reason just recently the tipping point must have arrived where Hastings overall participation and influence in the club just became untenable and just not worth it . Bit dubious about indications with the players having the main influence or say in any final call or decision to move him on but probably was a case of balancing up the situation of retaining him with what he could still offer playing wise and any disruptive and destablizing factors from him . Anyway the reality is that it seems he will be moved on from another club once again now , i am sure that most people will wish him well and Manly will just have to adjust their playing selection options accordingly .