ASADA Going Shark Fishing

Jatz Crackers said:
Earnie the Eagle said:
Susan I have tree dispute problem with my neighbor, can you help?

He doesnt branch out into that field & I think your barking up the wrong tree there so please leaf him alone and stick to the root of the problem.

Jatz are you saying he eats roots and leaves?

Sharks are worried about players suing them and aledgedly offering to pay players to sit out for 6 months which contradicts a previous post about players not getting paid while suspended. It will be in tomorrow's paper so probably not true.
Fact of the matter is that it is all still innuendo. None of the key players in this situation have said a single thing. The media is feeding off one another to construct stories. Standard News Ltd. They will be frothing over this.
Sharks try to pay off players.
30 players mentioned -14 at sharks 8 have moved on leaved 8 from elsewhere. (17 retired)
strone33 said:
How can we be implicated when ASADA cleared us?

Everyone of the 6 Clubs is cleared - as there are no positive tests.

That is why ASADA are trying to force peons to whistleblow on their Players/Teammates 😡

Cronulla should sue the F@k out of everyone on the basis of hearsay, slander, failure in Duty of Care etc
Some Trainer, apparently is the source of the Shark's issues (he now works at Parra).
As his job was to insure the Players' welfare, they can sue him for compromising their bodies with banned supplements.:exclamation:

It's going to be akin to the 90's Super League tussle year this year.
Footy will take backseat to hysterical reporting of insinuations:dodgy:
Ignorance no help to Cronulla Sharks players in beating doping rap
by: Paul Kent From: The Daily Telegraph March 08, 2013 12:00AM

BLAME it on Trent Elkin, blame it on ignorance, blame it on the boogie, if you like, but when the Cronulla players sit down with ASADA and begin to offer their case, it will all mean squat.

Under the formidable laws of the World Anti-Doping Agency, the players are solely responsible for what they put in their body. It is not up for contest.

After early suggestions that Cronulla were preparing to offer themselves up yesterday, the gravity of the repercussions slowed their pace and Thursday drifted into Friday.

Presumably ASADA closes its doors for the weekend and won't be contactable before the Sharks play Gold Coast on Sunday, causing many to believe that if anything is going to happen it will happen today.

And while the NRL did issue a statement yesterday confirming the Sharks would be playing, it didn't tell us who would be in the jumpers.

It is now considered a given that at least some Sharks have problems, with Paul Gallen, Ben Pomeroy and John Morris confronting Elkin after their meeting with their legal adviser, former ASADA prosecutor Richard Redman. And they won't be able to plead ignorance.

Anti-doping laws have ramped up since the princess of the pool, Sam Riley, went down with a headache and her coach Scott Volkers gave her a "headache tablet" which might or might not have had its label scrubbed off. It was the moment Australia lost its innocence.

Volkers' actions resulted in Riley using up everybody's Get Out Of Jail Free card and since then WADA has made it harder for athletes to plead ignorance.

It got so tough that it goes beyond what any of the Cronulla players are capable of pleading.

Eleven years ago Scottish downhill skier Alain Baxter walked into a pharmacy before the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, looking for something to treat his sniffle.

Given it was the Olympics, Baxter was on high alert. He spied a Vicks inhaler which he had used in Scotland and which he knew was not on the banned list. He bought the inhaler and went on to win bronze, Britain's first medal in alpine skiing.

Then he failed the drug test. Even though it came in the same packaging with the same label, it turned out the US version of the Vicks inhaler was slightly different and contained an almost insignificant amount of methamphetamine.

The International Ski Federation believed his version - how easy it was to make that mistake - and suspended him for just three months. It was later overturned on appeal.

The International Olympic Committee stripped him of his bronze medal. His appeal failed and the medal is now with someone in Austria.

The Sharks have pleaded innocent. They claim they began taking the drugs when they were legal, as they were in 2011, but failed to realise the drugs were banned in 2012.

Privately, some players have blamed it all on Elkin. Perhaps they did not realise his livelihood was at stake as much as theirs, or perhaps they just did not believe his career was as important as theirs.

Elkin claims to be innocent, acting only on the instructions of sports scientist Stephen Dank, who was still there at the time and who assured him the peptides were legal.

Yet Elkin now believed he was being framed as the architect in a bid to strengthen the players' claims of naivety. So he spoke to ASADA and after initially criticising the Australian Crime Commission's press conference, it found a voice.

In other words, it worked.

That's why Cronulla's legal advice changed so dramatically on Tuesday, when Redman was believed to be tipped off about new evidence.

Supplements demystified: what it all means

by BRAD WALTER - 08/03/13, 3:00 AM
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Brad Walter takes a look at the supplements crisis engulfing rugby league

Q: CJC-1295 and Thymosin Beta 4, the substances alleged to have been taken by Cronulla players, were not on the WADA banned list in 2011 and have only recently been added. How can the players be charged with taking illegal substances?

A: While CJC-1295 wasn't specifically banned, S.2 of the WADA prohibited list states that it is illegal for athletes to take any product which promotes growth hormone. Thymosin Beta 4 is not registered as it is used for horses.

Q: What do CJC-1295 and Thymosin Beta 4 do?

A: CJC-1295 is described as a growth hormone releasing peptide, which was initially developed to treat visceral fat deposits in obese AIDS patients. TB-4 is one of 16 beta-thymosins, and is used for the repair and regeneration of damaged tissue.

Q: Why are the players facing suspension if they inadvertently took performance enhancing substances and did not know they were illegal?

A: Under the WADA code, athletes are responsible for any substance they take - regardless of whether they were given advice that later turns out to be incorrect.

Q: If 14 players are suspended for six months, how will Cronulla be able to field a team this season?

A: Under ASADA regulations, any athlete suspended for drug use cannot be paid for the term of his ban so the Sharks will have room in the salary cap to sign new players. They also have players to draw on in the NSW Cup and Under 20s.

Q: Are former Cronulla players at other NRL clubs facing the same sanctions as those still at the club?

A: The Sharks engaged legal counsel Richard Redman to represent their players and he has negotiated a six-month ban if they plead guilty. He is not believed to be representing any players at other clubs so they could face the full two-year sanction if found guilty. However, ASADA is understood to have offered any player who comes forward and confesses to using performance enhancing substances a six-month ban.

Q: Does ASADA have jurisdiction to proceed with charges against any former Cronulla players playing in England.

A: Any Australian athlete who satisfies the definition of an athlete under the National Anti-Doping scheme is subject to ASADA jurisdiction.
Posted this on another thread but why do we allow these complicated supplements in the game at all. All it does is encourage athletes to push the boundaries.Sally Pearson, the number one female athlete in the world last year ,refuses to take any supplements whatsoever for fear of making a mistake. Not a bad test case.

Surely it would be easier for the NRL to simply ban everything except water, basic energy drinks and basic vitamins.The players and club simply operate with zero supplements.Effectively take Sally'' s stance.

It then becomes easy-everyone knows the situation, no confusion, you test positive for any illegal substances and your gone and there is no -one to blame but yourself as you are and the club are required to use nothing but basics. You have the added advantage that fatigue would once again become an important element which allows footballers to shine and not just athletes.Why do we have to push everything to the edge.Arent we playing football ffs,not a chemical experiment. But that would be far too simple wouldn't it.
Mike Colman is making sense:

Sharks seem to be getting raw deal
Mike Colman
The Courier-Mail
March 07, 2013 11:00PM

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Source: The Daily Telegraph

I DON'T get this latest NRL drug imbroglio. No great scoop there. I'm often left scratching my head when it comes to the machinations of sports administration.

The difference this time is that I don't feel bad about not knowing what's going on. It seems to me no one else does either.

As best as I can make out, up to 14 Cronulla Sharks from 2011 are being advised by a former Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority employee to hand themselves in to the authority and cop a six-month suspension for something they were never caught doing and might not have been illegal when they did it.

I'm no expert, but that doesn't sound a very good deal to me.

In fact, the only people who seem to end up winners in this possible scenario are the investigators at ASADA, and I can't see what they've done to deserve it.

As Wayne Bennett said when the Australian Crime Commission dropped the big drugs-in-sport bombshell: "Our game pays a lot of money to ASADA to take care of this, so why haven't they?"
As usual, well said, Wayne.

If any Cronulla Sharks were using an illegal substance in 2011, where are the positive tests?

Didn't ASADA do tests in 2011, or, as some journalists are reporting, is it that the substances in question weren't illegal back then?

Regardless of which of these is the case, I think if I was a Sharks player I wouldn't be owning up to a darn thing.
If the Sharks do time for a crime that didn't exist when they allegedly committed it, it's not just rugby league tipping comps that will be affected. It will be the entire Australian legal system.

Drivers who drove 50km/h in school zones before the 40km/h rule came in will be asked to report to their nearest police station.

Same with anyone who rode their pushbike without a helmet back in the 1960s. Sonny Bill Williams would get eight weeks for a shoulder change he did in 2005.

Look, I'm against performance-enhancing drugs in sport as much as the next man, but I'm also against anyone being railroaded in order to hide the incompetence of others.

Besides, it's not as if these guys were injecting steroids or having HGH on their cornflakes.

We don't think they were, anyway.

So far, no one from ASADA, the NRL or the Sharks has said what they are supposed to have done.

The generally accepted scuttlebutt, though, is that they may have inadvertently used two supplements recommended by a club trainer which might have contained substances that were added to the illegal list a year later.

Now again, as I say, I'm no expert but I can remember only one similar case. It was in 1980 when the Australian Taxation Office moved against the so-called bottom-of-the-harbour tax-avoidance schemes that operated in the 1970s.

In 1982, the federal government passed an act allowing the ATO to recover taxes avoided by the scheme from as far back as eight years before it was made illegal.

So let's see, on one hand we've got around 6700 companies knowingly avoiding tax of between $500 million and $1 billion.

On the other hand we've got some footballers unknowingly taking a supplement which resulted in them winning exactly the same number of games as they had the year before - seven out of 24.

Sorry - as I say, I don't get it.

When the ACC and assorted politicians and law-enforcement agencies stood before the cameras on the so-called "blackest day in Australian sport" and said they were going to get fair dinkum, I envisaged something a little more, I don't know . . . dramatic?

Howling sirens, screeching tyres, footballers, drug pushers and heavy-set people who look like extras on The Sopranos being bundled into the back of cars trying to hide their faces from the cameras.

Instead, we get ASADA trying to play a bluffing game where they scare the Sharks into owning up to something that ASADA wasn't good enough to uncover at the time.

Something which, at this point, is nothing more than one man's word against 14.
We're still waiting for some action from the NRL, but if I was them the first thing I'd be doing is asking for a refund of ASADA's fees for 2011.

Same with the Sharks. Seven wins? I'd be asking for a refund from whoever sold them those supplements.
According to sources, ASADA's investigation is targeting 47 players in total - 30 current and 17 retired.
Or maybe ASADA are giving them the opportunity to come clean or lie their tits off before showing all their cards. It's what I do at work (a hotel) with patrons who misbehave, I ask them what happened who did what, they deny everything then I point to the camera above and around them and tell them it will become a police matter and then they admit everything. The wrong doers are found out even without me going through the evidence.
""The difference this time is that I don't feel bad about not knowing what's going on. It seems to me no one else does either.""
The article is then said to be based on "generally accepted scuttlebut""

So Mike admits he knows absolutely nothing except scuttlebutt and on that basis comes to the well informed conclusion that ASADA should be disbanded and everyone just forget about it.

It is pretty simple Mike.Wait to get more detail when they either admit to anything or fight the charges and then write the article.

I listened to this guy make a fool of himself and get booed off stage a while ago at Mermaid Beach Surf Club-biggest tool I have ever heard.
I bet the afl are loving the fact they aren't bound by any international drug 'laws'.

Internal investigations rule!!!!!
rmd said:
Stevo said:
My other half is away too. Bender!! EBC here i come lol!!!

I'm not sure that's appropriate Stevo (EBC ref) with Ben staying on the Northern Beaches. Given how many Bulldogs supporters troll this site we may end up with full houses in the pubs on the weekend and I just hate queues.

I live on the Mid North Coast mate so the beer lines on the Corso don't concern me! lol

Clint said:
Mark from Brisbane said:
Hamster Huey said:
LikeSlut 😛

Today I am BUT it's not doing me much good!!

Stevo has the best "likes given to likes received" ratio.
He is a gun at giving out the likes. Hang out with Stevo a bit more Mark if you are wanting to boost your like meter. 😉

Listen mate, you can agree with a post without having to elevate your post count. But i don't just go around giving out likes willy nilly. They're all legit! lol
susan said:
""The difference this time is that I don't feel bad about not knowing what's going on. It seems to me no one else does either.""
The article is then said to be based on "generally accepted scuttlebut""

So Mike admits he knows absolutely nothing except scuttlebutt and on that basis comes to the well informed conclusion that ASADA should be disbanded and everyone just forget about it.

It is pretty simple Mike.Wait to get more detail when they either admit to anything or fight the charges and then write the article.

I listened to this guy make a fool of himself and get booed off stage a while ago at Mermaid Beach Surf Club-biggest tool I have ever heard.

Mate what he does know is this:

"As best as I can make out, up to 14 Cronulla Sharks from 2011 are being advised by a former Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority employee to hand themselves in to the authority and cop a six-month suspension for something they were never caught doing and might not have been illegal when they did it."

I think his admission and point is that it all appears to be pretty thin.
Mate what he does know is this:

"As best as I can make out, up to 14 Cronulla Sharks from 2011 are being advised by a former Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority employee to hand themselves in to the authority and cop a six-month suspension for something they were never caught doing and might not have been illegal when they did it."

I think his admission and point is that it all appears to be pretty thin.
On the contrary, Commander it appears they now have been caught, and "might not have been illegal" equates to "might have been illegal", which obviously is what has been alleged. That is what the players and everyone is wrestling with at present.
susan said:
""The difference this time is that I don't feel bad about not knowing what's going on. It seems to me no one else does either.""
The article is then said to be based on "generally accepted scuttlebut""

So Mike admits he knows absolutely nothing except scuttlebutt and on that basis comes to the well informed conclusion that ASADA should be disbanded and everyone just forget about it.

It is pretty simple Mike.Wait to get more detail when they either admit to anything or fight the charges and then write the article.

I listened to this guy make a fool of himself and get booed off stage a while ago at Mermaid Beach Surf Club-biggest tool I have ever heard.

I went to a function once up here where he was guest speaker (as an invited guest I wouldn't pay to hear is dribble), absolute tosser.

I used to get a subscription to the Courier Mail (when I first moved up here), between him, Craddock and that cockhead Ben Dorries I soon said to News Ltd "stick your paper where it fits".
Jethro said:
Clint said:
Mark from Brisbane said:
Hamster Huey said:
LikeSlut 😛

Today I am BUT it's not doing me much good!!

Stevo has the best "likes given to likes received" ratio.
He is a gun at giving out the likes. Hang out with Stevo a bit more Mark if you are wanting to boost your like meter. 😉

808 "Likes" isn't much 😛

WOW - Happily Manly has an even better ratio than Stevo. Share the love HM. Great work! 😉
susan said:
Posted this on another thread but why do we allow these complicated supplements in the game at all. All it does is encourage athletes to push the boundaries.Sally Pearson, the number one female athlete in the world last year ,refuses to take any supplements whatsoever for fear of making a mistake. Not a bad test case.

Surely it would be easier for the NRL to simply ban everything except water, basic energy drinks and basic vitamins.The players and club simply operate with zero supplements.Effectively take Sally'' s stance.

It then becomes easy-everyone knows the situation, no confusion, you test positive for any illegal substances and your gone and there is no -one to blame but yourself as you are and the club are required to use nothing but basics. You have the added advantage that fatigue would once again become an important element which allows footballers to shine and not just athletes.Why do we have to push everything to the edge.Arent we playing football ffs,not a chemical experiment. But that would be far too simple wouldn't it.

The simple answer to this is that everyone is looking for an edge, however miniscule it may be. Gone are the days of your NRL bulking up programme consisting of rump steak washed down with half a dozen schooners of stout 3 times a week. I'd be dissapointed with Manly if they weren't out on the edge of the technology/nutrition/injury management envelope. That's sport these days, it's big business. It'd be nice to have that romantic notion of purity of ability and skill as all you need to succeed in sport, but those days are long gone. Look at how much clubs invest in sports pyschologists, do you ban enhancement of players mental abilities as well ?

The issue here is not what they took, but when they took it. These supplements were legal and then they weren't. If you took them after that point then you are liable to be suspended, regardless of who told you to take them. Your mate Colman has missed the point totally, he sounds like the Queensland equivalent of Ray Hadley.
Mark from Brisbane said:
susan said:
""The difference this time is that I don't feel bad about not knowing what's going on. It seems to me no one else does either.""
The article is then said to be based on "generally accepted scuttlebut""

So Mike admits he knows absolutely nothing except scuttlebutt and on that basis comes to the well informed conclusion that ASADA should be disbanded and everyone just forget about it.

It is pretty simple Mike.Wait to get more detail when they either admit to anything or fight the charges and then write the article.

I listened to this guy make a fool of himself and get booed off stage a while ago at Mermaid Beach Surf Club-biggest tool I have ever heard.

I went to a function once up here where he was guest speaker (as an invited guest I wouldn't pay to hear is dribble), absolute tosser.

I used to get a subscription to the Courier Mail (when I first moved up here), between him, Craddock and that cockhead Ben Dorries I soon said to News Ltd "stick your paper where it fits".

A little off topic but how was the CM meltdown from these guys after a come from behind win on a Sunday up here a few years back, with Lyon scoring twice, once with his torso!!! Bought it just to sit and read it with a ****-eating smile on my face on the train to the airport, wearing a Manly jersey.

Measure the bile against their ready acceptance for last years SOO 'tries' to Qld under more controversial circumstances.
By the way, who won the Steve Rogers trophy in 2011? If the Ceating Shire sCum did, then it should be handed over to us.

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