As fans you all deserve better.

MrInvisible said:
As fans you all deserve better

Not really. We deserve to be reigning premiers. We deserve to be the most successful club of the modern era. We deserve to have an Immortal, with more on the way. And we deserve to have the most talented playing roster in the NRL.

I wouldn't say we deserve any more than that.

MrInvisible said:
Sorry if this post annoys the Manly diehards

We are all Manly diehards Mr Invisible. If your club was anything like ours, you'd understand why.
My cousin lives next door to Des Hasler and he just told me that Des is desparately unhappy at the Dogs and is unlikely to see out the year. You might notice Des and Greenberg will not be seen together as much in coming weeks. Apparently they are barely on speaking terms.

I feel sorry for the poor Dogs fans. They deserve better than this.
MadMarcus said:
My cousin lives next door to Des Hasler and he just told me that Des is desparately unhappy at the Dogs and is unlikely to see out the year. You might notice Des and Greenberg will not be seen together as much in coming weeks. Apparently they are barely on speaking terms.

I feel sorry for the poor Dogs fans. They deserve better than this.
Deadset worst trolling ever. Des and Greenburg were talking today, and seen recently together talking about the NRL and consistency.

They are actually very alike if you've ever had the chance to sit down with both of them.
MrInvisible said:
MadMarcus said:
My cousin lives next door to Des Hasler and he just told me that Des is desparately unhappy at the Dogs and is unlikely to see out the year. You might notice Des and Greenberg will not be seen together as much in coming weeks. Apparently they are barely on speaking terms.

I feel sorry for the poor Dogs fans. They deserve better than this.
Deadset worst trolling ever. Des and Greenburg were talking today, and seen recently together talking about the NRL and consistency.

They are actually very alike if you've ever had the chance to sit down with both of them.

Yes, they are both scumbags.
bones said:
MrInvisible said:
MadMarcus said:
My cousin lives next door to Des Hasler and he just told me that Des is desparately unhappy at the Dogs and is unlikely to see out the year. You might notice Des and Greenberg will not be seen together as much in coming weeks. Apparently they are barely on speaking terms.

I feel sorry for the poor Dogs fans. They deserve better than this.
Deadset worst trolling ever. Des and Greenburg were talking today, and seen recently together talking about the NRL and consistency.

They are actually very alike if you've ever had the chance to sit down with both of them.

Yes, they are both scumbags.
No the are both a word the rhymes hunts but starts with a c.

Come to think of it you are too mr inbred
MrInvisible said:
MadMarcus said:
My cousin lives next door to Des Hasler and he just told me that Des is desparately unhappy at the Dogs and is unlikely to see out the year. You might notice Des and Greenberg will not be seen together as much in coming weeks. Apparently they are barely on speaking terms.

I feel sorry for the poor Dogs fans. They deserve better than this.
Deadset worst trolling ever. Des and Greenburg were talking today, and seen recently together talking about the NRL and consistency.

They are actually very alike if you've ever had the chance to sit down with both of them.

And, once again you ignore my it too intellectual, or too full of facts for you Doggies fans? Does it hurt to hear the truth instead of the crap that Paul Kent tried to throw on Wednesday night?

More importantly, how do you know what they were talking about, or if they are talking at all? Do you stalk them, or do you work at the club? Overall, I cannot believe you because everything you say is a load of crap. Whenever you come on here you ask for an intellectual conversation about footy but when the points you give are rebutted like I did before, you ignore these posts and continue your lies.

MrInvisible, continue to behave like this and you won't be welcome on this forum. Time to man up and come up with e rebuttal to my post.
Jono said:
My advice is concentrate on the ones that point out the flaws in your argument fairly and put up a good argument.

Let me show you how its done:

- The Bulldogs have re-signed players over the past year but before then they:

1) Lost Sonny Bill Williams, Willy Mason, Braith Anasta, Johnathan Thurston and Roy Asotasi, Steve Price just to mention a few off the top of my head.

2) In 2008 they bought 8 new superstars to fill their ranks for 2009.

3) Their retention was SO good that they needed to buy another 8 superstars in 2010 for the 2011 season.

4) 2002 they retained players by rorting the cap.

Now, lets look at Manly:

1) Players still at the club who signed pre - 2007: Brett Stewart, Glenn Stewart, Steve Matai, Anthony Watmough, Jason King, Brent Kite, George Rose, Jamie Lyon, Matt Ballin

2) Superstars we've lost (that haven't retired) since 2007: Michael Monahan (to the UK), Michael Robertson (to the UK), Steve Menzies (to the UK), Shane Rodney (to the UK), Steve Bell (to the UK), Matt Orford (went to the UK, now retired), Trent Hodkinson (Bulldogs), Will Hopoate (Morman/Eels), JWH (Roosters), Glenn Hall (went to UK, now at Cowboys), Heath Le'Strange (to the UK)

3) Young guys we brought in and made superstars since 2007: Tony Williams, David Williams, Daly Cherry-Evans, Kieran Foran, Will Hopoate (gone), Trent Hodkinson (gone), Jamie Buhrer, Darcy Lussick, JWH (gone)

And all that is off the top of my head, I'm sure I've forgotten someone.

My point is, you knock our ability to retain players. However, when you have a superstar team that turns your juniors into superstars as well, you are likely to either be right near the cap or you will start to lose some of these players. If you don't drop them then you turn into cheats like the Bulldogs in 2002, or the Storm from 2006 - 2010.

No Bulldog fan ever has a right to argue about staying under the salary cap because they have rorted it before. No Bulldogs fan can ever lecture us about re-signing players when they can't do this themselves and have to buy new people every 3 years. No Bulldogs fan has a right to talk about Manly and the way we operate because we have 2 premierships in 4 years and have still been able to retain most of those stars, while the Bulldogs leak players and junior like no tomorrow and haven't won a premiership since 2004.

Bulldogs fans have no right coming onto a Manly forum telling us how bad our operations are when they have bought Manly staff to improve their own operations.

Finally, no Bulldogs fan has a right to tell us how to retain our juniors when the only two juniors your club has bred in the past couple of years to make something of themselves are Ben Barba and Daniel Harrison. Guess what? We have Daniel Harrison right here at Brookvale, so thanks for that. Oh, and he's one of our Juniors anyways so you I guess you bought him as well.

The last 2 points I make are simple:

1) I have mentioned this before but you ignored it: you said we have a million dollars in the bank after winning the GF, we should put that to our wages. How do we do this when we have hit the $4.3 Million cap, without doing a Doggies and rorting the cap?

2) You mentioned above that we leave negotiating to the last minute. How is negotiating a contract 20 months before it ends "waiting until the last minute"?

The reason people hate the Dogs fans on this forum is because you all walk around since you got Des like your s**t don't stink. We couldn't give a rats arse that you got Des, you can have him. It just means that you all want to be like us, its actually a compliment: Canterbury - Bankstown: the new Silvertails!!! Nice ring to it.

You MrInvisible are, by coming on here, causing the most trouble. You may not mean it but you are exactly like Marie from "Everybody Loves Raymond". You make your compliments sound like they are genuine, but then you slap us in the face at the same time. It's called a backhanded compliment. We are not idiots. Therefore, you are a troll.

If you want to have a discussion, get rid of the backhanded compliments, and put up a logical argument. So far all I've heard is BS, which is not a good way to have an intellectual conversation. If you can't do this, then see you later and don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Well seem as you have gone to the effort to construct a decent response other than become abusive, then I guess a response (regardless of if you like what I have to say in it or not) is warranted.

Firstly I am not knocking you at all in regards to retaining players, I am simply stating that by dragging contract discussions on until a player approachs asking for more money, and then still ignoring it until the threat of a release is made, it's poor form and not the way to treat players. I have links with previous players (and a current player) for Manly and have been advised it is the norm, and been how business has been done at the club for a long time.

You are correct, the Bulldogs have lost many a big name player before, and it gutted me somewhat as a Bulldogs supporter. Difference is those players did the dirty on the club and fans, and not due to salary cap, but their own want for exhorbinant salaries that the club was never going to be able to suppply. That said I can see a LOT of similarity between losing some of those big names, and Manly struggling to keep their side together. As players get better they demand a higher salary. This however laughs in the face of the recent discovery of severely underpaying players like DCE. We've heard this one before with someone else, that's right Hasler. Now whilst touching on that name which is almost a swear word here, I brought news well before the announcement that Hasler was on the move to the Dogs. It wasn't a well kept secret to be honest. That said, his gripes were quite similar to those voiced by DCE (wanting more money for success, and being left to dangle for too long without contract talks).

Lets not dwell in the past re the Bulldogs Administration because it was downright shocking to be polite. These days the likes of Greenburg and Peponis are making decisions purely business based. Rugby League is as much a business as a sport, and that is why decisions such as that to accquire the services of Hasler were made. Hasler unhappy, Bulldogs make a business decision and offer him new state of the art facilties, in a family orientated club, with a decent amount of juniors to train up.

Herein lies the problem on the flipside. This was raised also by the continuous call team of 2UE tonight but I'll repeat as it's important and somewhat touches on my initial comments.

So Manly retain DCE, and they maintain Foran. That's fine, but all those other players busting their arse on (what they consider) bottom dollar contracts are well within their rights to ask why they can't get more money. In the case of players already on big dollars, it makes the problem worse. So you sign a few big names, but in doing so have to release a couple. Again that's just the way of Rugby League, BUT Manly don't have the juniors (as proven by performances in Toyota Cup and NSW Cup over past seasons), to be able to bring up much talent to cover their losses. The BIG gamble is that Manly are planning their side expecting a raise in the salary cap. If that doesn't eventuate or falls short of the expected total, then as a club they will be in all sorts of bother. As the Continuous Call team tonight stated "it's a gross missmanagement of funds, done so in a dangerous manner".

Finally, as you aren't an admin you don't really have a say on who participates on this site. The idea of forums are based on discussion forums, the keyword being DISCUSSION, in which opinions are warranted and varied.

Again though thanks for the reply. Mines above.
Why are you guys still feeding the Troll do you not understand they love it when you rage at them.

Sigh my last post in this thread stop feeding the troll, it's obvious.
Lets study the top 25 and see who started at Manly for
their 1st grade careers or juniors

1 Stewart (Debut Manly)
2 Wolf (Debut Manly)
3 Lyon (Marque player Parra debut)
4 Matai (Manly Debut)
5 Oldfield (Manly Debut)
6 Foran (Manly Debut)
7 DCE (Manly Debut)
8 King (Manly Debut)
9 Ballin (Manly Debut)
10 Kite (Semi marque Stain merge)
11 Chock (manly debut)
12 T Bone (Parra debut after signing with Manly)
13 Gift (Manly debut)

14 Bhurer (Manly Debut)
15 Mauro (Guess where he started)
16 Cunningham (Seeing a pattern yet?)
17 Robinson (Same again)

18 Harrison (Again,same place)
19 Whare (triple on debut for MANLY)
20 Joe G (Penrith,Souths,Parra then Manly)

So....might i add in a


So where did the Bulldogs top 20 start?

Also most of us didnt rage Jonesy
MrInvisible said:
Well seem as you have gone to the effort to construct a decent response other than become abusive, then I guess a response (regardless of if you like what I have to say in it or not) is warranted.

Firstly I am not knocking you at all in regards to retaining players, I am simply stating that by dragging contract discussions on until a player approachs asking for more money, and then still ignoring it until the threat of a release is made, it's poor form and not the way to treat players. I have links with previous players (and a current player) for Manly and have been advised it is the norm, and been how business has been done at the club for a long time.

You are correct, the Bulldogs have lost many a big name player before, and it gutted me somewhat as a Bulldogs supporter. Difference is those players did the dirty on the club and fans, and not due to salary cap, but their own want for exhorbinant salaries that the club was never going to be able to suppply. That said I can see a LOT of similarity between losing some of those big names, and Manly struggling to keep their side together. As players get better they demand a higher salary. This however laughs in the face of the recent discovery of severely underpaying players like DCE.

Struggling to keep the side together?? Jono has already pointed out Manly's retention, practically only losing players to ESL, sounds like the media beat up of late.

Also, whats wrong with signing a player that hasn't played an NRL game to a $85k contract? It just so happens that he's turned out to be as good as he has after a season and now touted a QLD and Australian halfback. Manly's recent offer reflects this.

MrInvisible said:
We've heard this one before with someone else, that's right Hasler. Now whilst touching on that name which is almost a swear word here, I brought news well before the announcement that Hasler was on the move to the Dogs. It wasn't a well kept secret to be honest. That said, his gripes were quite similar to those voiced by DCE (wanting more money for success, and being left to dangle for too long without contract talks).

Totally different mate, get your facts straight

MrInvisible said:
Lets not dwell in the past re the Bulldogs Administration because it was downright shocking to be polite. These days the likes of Greenburg and Peponis are making decisions purely business based. Rugby League is as much a business as a sport, and that is why decisions such as that to accquire the services of Hasler were made. Hasler unhappy, Bulldogs make a business decision and offer him new state of the art facilties, in a family orientated club, with a decent amount of juniors to train up.

This has always astounded me, how are the Bulldogs any more 'family oriented' than any other NRL club? How do you know this is a defining factor in Hasler's decision?

MrInvisible said:
Herein lies the problem on the flipside. This was raised also by the continuous call team of 2UE tonight but I'll repeat as it's important and somewhat touches on my initial comments.

So Manly retain DCE, and they maintain Foran. That's fine, but all those other players busting their arse on (what they consider) bottom dollar contracts are well within their rights to ask why they can't get more money. In the case of players already on big dollars, it makes the problem worse. So you sign a few big names, but in doing so have to release a couple.

Pretty big assumption, how do you know players are considering themselves on bottom dollar contracts? Most players, like in all clubs are played in accordance to their experience and skill.

MrInvisible said:
Again that's just the way of Rugby League, BUT Manly don't have the juniors (as proven by performances in Toyota Cup and NSW Cup over past seasons), to be able to bring up much talent to cover their losses. The BIG gamble is that Manly are planning their side expecting a raise in the salary cap. If that doesn't eventuate or falls short of the expected total, then as a club they will be in all sorts of bother. As the Continuous Call team tonight stated "it's a gross missmanagement of funds, done so in a dangerous manner".

I think you'll find Manly have enough depth in the juniors to fill the needed positions in first grade in the next few seasons, you should see a better performance of the NSW Cup side with Cliff at the helm.

MrInvisible said:
Finally, as you aren't an admin you don't really have a say on who participates on this site. The idea of forums are based on discussion forums, the keyword being DISCUSSION, in which opinions are warranted and varied.

Again though thanks for the reply. Mines above.

I wouldn't have even bothered with your above reply, its full of inaccurancies and justifying your silly warped point of view.

Noone here cares nor is buying into your crap.. you have dogsh*t to sell, go sell it in the kennel.
I prefer the issue regarding trying to retain key players and a brilliant squad together, then finding my club buy dozens upon dozens of recruits from the outside, only the clear the decks every 2-3 years.

I'm pretty sure that there is not one single player in the Dogs top 25 in 2012 that was there in 2008, besides Barba making a token appearance. And now the club (and the fans) can't wait to offload another 10-12 players from their first grade squad, to rebuild (again) an NRL side.
Mr Invisable, perhaps you should be more concerned about posting ideas in your berries forum about retaining your own players. You have several of contract at the end of this year.
MrInvisible said:
Jono said:
My advice is concentrate on the ones that point out the flaws in your argument fairly and put up a good argument.

Let me show you how its done:

- The Bulldogs have re-signed players over the past year but before then they:

1) Lost Sonny Bill Williams, Willy Mason, Braith Anasta, Johnathan Thurston and Roy Asotasi, Steve Price just to mention a few off the top of my head.

2) In 2008 they bought 8 new superstars to fill their ranks for 2009.

3) Their retention was SO good that they needed to buy another 8 superstars in 2010 for the 2011 season.

4) 2002 they retained players by rorting the cap.

Now, lets look at Manly:

1) Players still at the club who signed pre - 2007: Brett Stewart, Glenn Stewart, Steve Matai, Anthony Watmough, Jason King, Brent Kite, George Rose, Jamie Lyon, Matt Ballin

2) Superstars we've lost (that haven't retired) since 2007: Michael Monahan (to the UK), Michael Robertson (to the UK), Steve Menzies (to the UK), Shane Rodney (to the UK), Steve Bell (to the UK), Matt Orford (went to the UK, now retired), Trent Hodkinson (Bulldogs), Will Hopoate (Morman/Eels), JWH (Roosters), Glenn Hall (went to UK, now at Cowboys), Heath Le'Strange (to the UK)

3) Young guys we brought in and made superstars since 2007: Tony Williams, David Williams, Daly Cherry-Evans, Kieran Foran, Will Hopoate (gone), Trent Hodkinson (gone), Jamie Buhrer, Darcy Lussick, JWH (gone)

And all that is off the top of my head, I'm sure I've forgotten someone.

My point is, you knock our ability to retain players. However, when you have a superstar team that turns your juniors into superstars as well, you are likely to either be right near the cap or you will start to lose some of these players. If you don't drop them then you turn into cheats like the Bulldogs in 2002, or the Storm from 2006 - 2010.

No Bulldog fan ever has a right to argue about staying under the salary cap because they have rorted it before. No Bulldogs fan can ever lecture us about re-signing players when they can't do this themselves and have to buy new people every 3 years. No Bulldogs fan has a right to talk about Manly and the way we operate because we have 2 premierships in 4 years and have still been able to retain most of those stars, while the Bulldogs leak players and junior like no tomorrow and haven't won a premiership since 2004.

Bulldogs fans have no right coming onto a Manly forum telling us how bad our operations are when they have bought Manly staff to improve their own operations.

Finally, no Bulldogs fan has a right to tell us how to retain our juniors when the only two juniors your club has bred in the past couple of years to make something of themselves are Ben Barba and Daniel Harrison. Guess what? We have Daniel Harrison right here at Brookvale, so thanks for that. Oh, and he's one of our Juniors anyways so you I guess you bought him as well.

The last 2 points I make are simple:

1) I have mentioned this before but you ignored it: you said we have a million dollars in the bank after winning the GF, we should put that to our wages. How do we do this when we have hit the $4.3 Million cap, without doing a Doggies and rorting the cap?

2) You mentioned above that we leave negotiating to the last minute. How is negotiating a contract 20 months before it ends "waiting until the last minute"?

The reason people hate the Dogs fans on this forum is because you all walk around since you got Des like your s**t don't stink. We couldn't give a rats arse that you got Des, you can have him. It just means that you all want to be like us, its actually a compliment: Canterbury - Bankstown: the new Silvertails!!! Nice ring to it.

You MrInvisible are, by coming on here, causing the most trouble. You may not mean it but you are exactly like Marie from "Everybody Loves Raymond". You make your compliments sound like they are genuine, but then you slap us in the face at the same time. It's called a backhanded compliment. We are not idiots. Therefore, you are a troll.

If you want to have a discussion, get rid of the backhanded compliments, and put up a logical argument. So far all I've heard is BS, which is not a good way to have an intellectual conversation. If you can't do this, then see you later and don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Well seem as you have gone to the effort to construct a decent response other than become abusive, then I guess a response (regardless of if you like what I have to say in it or not) is warranted.

Firstly I am not knocking you at all in regards to retaining players, I am simply stating that by dragging contract discussions on until a player approachs asking for more money, and then still ignoring it until the threat of a release is made, it's poor form and not the way to treat players. I have links with previous players (and a current player) for Manly and have been advised it is the norm, and been how business has been done at the club for a long time.

You are correct, the Bulldogs have lost many a big name player before, and it gutted me somewhat as a Bulldogs supporter. Difference is those players did the dirty on the club and fans, and not due to salary cap, but their own want for exhorbinant salaries that the club was never going to be able to suppply. That said I can see a LOT of similarity between losing some of those big names, and Manly struggling to keep their side together. As players get better they demand a higher salary. This however laughs in the face of the recent discovery of severely underpaying players like DCE. We've heard this one before with someone else, that's right Hasler. Now whilst touching on that name which is almost a swear word here, I brought news well before the announcement that Hasler was on the move to the Dogs. It wasn't a well kept secret to be honest. That said, his gripes were quite similar to those voiced by DCE (wanting more money for success, and being left to dangle for too long without contract talks).

Lets not dwell in the past re the Bulldogs Administration because it was downright shocking to be polite. These days the likes of Greenburg and Peponis are making decisions purely business based. Rugby League is as much a business as a sport, and that is why decisions such as that to accquire the services of Hasler were made. Hasler unhappy, Bulldogs make a business decision and offer him new state of the art facilties, in a family orientated club, with a decent amount of juniors to train up.

Herein lies the problem on the flipside. This was raised also by the continuous call team of 2UE tonight but I'll repeat as it's important and somewhat touches on my initial comments.

So Manly retain DCE, and they maintain Foran. That's fine, but all those other players busting their arse on (what they consider) bottom dollar contracts are well within their rights to ask why they can't get more money. In the case of players already on big dollars, it makes the problem worse. So you sign a few big names, but in doing so have to release a couple. Again that's just the way of Rugby League, BUT Manly don't have the juniors (as proven by performances in Toyota Cup and NSW Cup over past seasons), to be able to bring up much talent to cover their losses. The BIG gamble is that Manly are planning their side expecting a raise in the salary cap. If that doesn't eventuate or falls short of the expected total, then as a club they will be in all sorts of bother. As the Continuous Call team tonight stated "it's a gross missmanagement of funds, done so in a dangerous manner".

Finally, as you aren't an admin you don't really have a say on who participates on this site. The idea of forums are based on discussion forums, the keyword being DISCUSSION, in which opinions are warranted and varied.

Again though thanks for the reply. Mines above.

The reason you knew about Hasler defecting so early is because your CEO contacted him, and illegally induced him to break a contract when he still had 18 moths to go. Hasler saw $$ and jumped the gun and accepted the offer. That's why no matter what Manly offered from then on was never good enough, He was already gone. That's when the so called 'dysfunctional Manly board' talk started. A convenient smoke screen designed by Hasler and Greenturd. Funny how since Hasler left there has been no talk of that dysfunctional board. DCE still had 18 moths to go on his contact also. That can hardly be considered leaving it to the last minute to do anything.
The other re-signing issues to which you refer happen to the premiers every year, no matter who they are. It's part and parcel of being successful. ( it's been a while since the bulldogs have had succes that you probably forget what its like so I will excuse you on that one). We would prefer if you didn't come on here and tell us it's poor management by Manly. If Manly keep DCE and Foran, on top of T Rex's re-signing (who by the way has no get out clauses) then I think they have managed the whole affair very well. Especially after Hasler, before leaving, did his best to stuff things up by re-signing the older players and neglecting the ones he would like with him at your pitiful excuse for a club.
Bring on Rd 8!

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