

Winging it
Caught the above named Japanese anime flick on World Movies a few days ago. Probably the very best I have seen. An intelligent futuristic story line that lasts the whole movie, reasonable characterisations, great soundtrack and stunning visuals.
You can get a taste for it here:

Highly recommended.
I can not bide these anime movies. they interest eme not and frustrate me lots
because if I were to take the last step into geekdom, this would be it.

I try to maintain some sense of normality despite my occupation.

Anime apparantly can be quite addictive. i use to work with a guy who would go every weekend to watch 8 hours straight of anime at some geek theatre!
MB: Thanks for reminding me of that movie. I remember when it was coming out, but life changes kind of made me forget all about it.

Guess I'll have to hit the video shop.

My favourite anime, I think, was the Neon Genesis Evangelion series. They showed them on SBS. They were fun 🙂

Akira is cool, but a little out there...

If you liked Appleseed, you might like the Skyland series. Again, I've only seen the commercials for it, but it looks like it may be in the same vain. Either way, it's definitely one of the better anime series to come out lately.
I fear for your daughter Lincoln, I really do. If she doesn;t end up working in IT I will be very surprised 🙂

Just kidding mate. You guys recovered from your trip back over yet?
Thanks Narcissus. Skyland looks very interesting (but the trailer I saw wasn't in English).

Two other oldies worth having a peek at were Voice From A Distant Star. Only about 15 mins but groundbreaker for some effects. Cowboy Bebop The Movie was good too as it actually has a realistic plot, which more than I can say for most.

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