sheridanstand78 said:
I read Andrew Websters article with grreat interest. As a gay man which is whom I am, I believe that gay marriage will eventually come by a consensus of the wider population.
To suggest that I am a product of Satan as described by the drugcastle player well thats saying more about him and his bigotry than it is about any gay or lesbian person.
We do not choose to be this way, its something that is determined long before we know it.
To Darren and Panash, one thing I respect is your right to your opinion. Homophobic opinions are like water off a ducks back to me. You just need to understand that bigotry and ignorance will never get you far.
I grew up knowing who and it took me many years to accept it. I have dealt with the jibes and barbs about it and that is totally over shadowed by the good people in my life.
I have been going to Brooky for 40 years now and enjoy the games with my hetero mates lol. End of the day are we not just footy fans? and dont we just love our Maroon and White heroes?
Mate, I'm not ignorant !!!!
I just made a comment that everyone is entitled to their opinion...and believe it or not there would be millions around the world that would agree with him because of religious beliefs (people are still allowed to believe in a religion aren't they?)
It is obvious that this person should not have posted his comment on twitter.
It seems that these days that the phrase "freedom of speech" is only recognised if it doesn't offend a community or individual.
What you do is your business and I have no issue whatsoever with what you or anyone else chooses to do in life, that was not my point at all.
You mentioned ignorance...what do you call a group of people that take to the streets once a year for a parade and create mayhem in the busiest part of Sydney without thinking twice about what the non-gay community think of it?
I don't mean to offend you or others, but what is the point of that parade every year? To this day I don't know why the gay community need the special event. There are places available every weekend to party.
Or how about a group of people take it upon themselves to create a sporting event (gay olympics) when the whole of society are able to participate in the Olympic Games which have been around since 770 B.C and modern Olympics 1894. The Olympics DO NOT discriminate and welcome gay athletes to participate.
It just seems that the gay community expect special treatment. To my knowledge gays are not handicapped and I know many that are very successful in careers & financially (with more money then ill ever see). They go out, party, drink, holiday and most importantly are accepted in society, so what's the issue ??
A coin has two sides. Not once have I suggested any violence towards the gay community. I condemn violence on any individual.
It was just an opinion of an individual !!! once again
"freedom of speech" ...we do not live in a concentration camp !!!