Technical Coach
Which is basically what i said Mark.Des Hasler once said to me ( at one of the functions we had ) and in response to my question which was “ we’ve made the top 4 Des so what sets us aside from the other 7 to win this thing “.
He said , “ basically the top 4 all are about the same level so it really comes down to attitude , belief in your mates and the will to succeed , oh and if you’ve got some great leaders the others will follow”.
The month , August
The venue , Crown Plaza, Gold Coast
The year,..........2008
1) A good attitude is first and foremost(they tend to be the self motivators with a good work ethic no matter what and offer a consistency in performance you can rely on)
2)Because you know the players inside and outside of you are working with a good attitude you feel apart of a team, you have belief in each other to be their for each other when times are tough on and off the field.
3)Leaders in the team keep highlighting standards and push levels of performance in themselves and others.
Right now our player mix in terms of the above is not right, i could go through a list of what i think is the negative personality traits in the team and where the mix is lacking but it can easily be shot down as "you're an outsider, what would you know of each individual" and we are back to square one or i end up being seen as "not a true supporter".
Too many players in this squad fit inside these categories,
Needing a father figure, A confidence player, lacking maturity off the field, playing within themselves/protecting themselves, lacking leadership.