Journey Man
Annesley is as useless as any of them, the bloke is a fraud and should not be holding the job he's got, his sole purpose is to cover up the ineptitude shown by the whistle blowers and the bunker, the entire system needs an overhaul including training these muppets to control games consistently across all matches
Can't argue with that. But I will say that Annesley as the ONLY bunker official is something I have been calling for for a while now.
They say too many cooks spoil the broth. Now of course physically and geographically no one person can be the on-field referee at all of the games. But it is completely possible for one person to be the bunker official for all 8 games each round of the season. And that one being Annesley would take away a lot of the inconsistency in the decisions from game to game.
A different bunker official each game brings in different interpretations and zero consistency. One official only, that being the boss himself, would fix that.