it would have been great to see Hoppa and Schuster in the Reggies and ideally that would have been the way to go. But that door has closed and we cant even be sure it will open again in 2021.
To me if the side was playing top four like, I would hold them back and give them a little more time. But the back line we have is workmanlike, solid most of the time defensively, but not doing the job a backline is meant to do, that being finishing off the hard work of the forwards.
Early on with Turbo causing havoc, the backline was getting space and scoring most of the tries. In fact before Turbo was injured 13 of the 16 tries scored were by the threequarters and full back, with Walker and DCE each scoring a try each, meaning only one try was scored by the forwards. Since Walker and Turbo have been missing only two of the 11 tries scored since then have been by the three quarters and full back. The forwards have scored 5 tries , DCE 2 and Cust 1.
Its not therefore surprising that we have been losing games. If the forwards dont dominate, we have no alternative penetration. Defence only wins games if the attack can at least compete with the opposition. Holding off on Schuster and Hoppa will ensure the Sea Eagles continue to survive by arm wrestles and hard yardage made by the forwards, as well as scoring the tries. Time for risking youth.