Corso Pete is to me what I have been to the club lately. That's fair enough, what you sow, you reap.
Sometimes a battle has to be fought on a front, and defeats taken, with a greater strategy in mind. Sometimes it is neccessary to inflict pain on a particular part of a body (eg surgery) to save the entire body.
As I said, it seems as though I've achieved what I've set out to do and I am hopeful that there will be a very good outcome from this.
I will also say that I am extremely heartened that senior management have taken this incident in the right spirit and my faith has been immensely restored in the professionalism and ability for this club to be a serious contender.
The final proof will be in the pudding, but I'm hopeful that there will be something substantive and EXTREMELY beneficial to the club that will arise from all of this.
And maddog, no, I didn't enjoy the limelight, especially as the cops nabbed me talking on mobile phone (to a journalist) whilst driving and I am now $300 poorer for the experience. (An amount I could have re-couped and doubled had I taken advantage of the bidding war that was going on.)