I agree guys. We seem to have an older segment (particularly white collar) fans posting over here, and YES, it is predominantly because the moderators of the official site have made me, and I'm sure a lot of "us" feel, alienated. We are its paying fans, and with a quick flick of the finger by the moderators of MSE, the club is basically sticking its finger up at us, and pointing to the door. No explanation, no warning. They disagree with you, you are shown the door in NO uncertain terms. We have now hundreds of users that can attest to that. Hundreds of possible members, that are dissolusioned by the club, and its treatment of its non conga line fans.
I have written to the chairman about this, and expect a reply, as he is quite proactive in these matters.
It's only common courtesy to say "whilst we appreciate your opinion, we would prefer if you didn't discuss this topic in the line of thinking you are in an open forum".
Is there any reason at all, why we all tend to get along better on this site, than most do on the official site?
It's amazing.