Thanks for bearing with me HH. I'm trying to understand your beliefs more clearly. So it'd help if you can clarify further, and also correct me where I've misheard or misunderstood.
Self-interest and narrow views are everywhere, across the board. Money is as much a driver in the renewable space, as in the other self-interest areas. A clear look at the pro/cons should see most see that anything we do is irrelevent in the final solution; reducing climate change.
Greed and narrow self-interest
I'm hearing you believe greed and narrow self-interest are characteristics of all human beings in all situations? I'm not wanting to exaggerate or misrepresent your beliefs so it would help if you correct me. And, putting aside the question of desirability of reducing climate change, that any attempts to reduce climate change are futile? In your view, are we helpless in reducing climate change because others won't get on board (because of their greed and narrow self-interest)? Or helpless because there is nothing that could practically be done to reduce climate change even if everyone got on board?
I don't see global warming as a threat to humanity. Climate changes and people adapt. I'd be far more concerned if we saw the climate shifting to a cooling trend.
Global warming
I'm wondering how certain you are that global warming is not a threat to humanity? In your view, is there any possibility at all that you could be wrong, and if so, how might this impact your stance? e.g. If you thought there was any possibility at all you could be wrong, what would be the best way of researching this issue - so we could make a sound judgement on how we, as humans, could best adapt and respond?
Animals thrived/perished previously and often without our interference. I am far more concerned about the direct threats we pose to animals via deforestation, over fishing, over development and introduced species. Climate influences are often overstated to appeal to our compassionate side, with all sort of cute and (not so) cuddly animals paraded as the next extinction possibility. Many of these are half-arsed studies that appear to already have climate change as the answer, before they start looking; polar bears, hares, butterflies have all had a run and subsequent studies have found the initial claims misleading and/or false.
Animals and other life forms
I've heard you're "far more" concerned about the direct threats we pose to animals via deforestation, over fishing, over development and introduced species - rather than climate change. Overall, how would you describe your level of concern? e.g. Mildly concerned? Very concerned? And would you like to see us do something as governments and/or individuals in response to your concerns? And I'm wondering, given the ubiquity of greed and narrow self-interest, how you think we might respond rationally to these concerns in a global context? - Given that deforestation in, say, Brazil is not under our direct control.
I'm unclear whether you think there is a problem with species of animals potentially/actually becoming extinct through human activity. I'm hearing that you don't accept that human impact on climate change is a cause. But I'm not clear whether deforestation, over fishing, over development and introduced species are, in your view, causing a potential/actual problem of extinction.
Of course I do. But I see the hundreds of billions wasted better spent on helping the less well off adapt, lifting poverty to improve health and education. An ETS/Carbon Tax will never drive the change we seek to ensure we can clean up our acts.
What happens on this planet after we're dead
I wasn't asking the question thinking of carbon policy. I was more interested in how you rate the importance of leaving the planet in a good condition for future generations.
As you've raised it, I'm now curious. You think an ETS/Carbon Tax will never drive the change we seek to ensure we can "clean up our acts". Do you think Abbott's path would ensure that we can "clean up our act"? Or some other alternative? And if so, in your view what is that different mechanism that would make it work, where an ETS/Carbon Tax would not work?