My attention has been drawn back to address a lingering issue. I'm not comfortable with what has transpired since my departure so I've taken time out of my day to deal with it ...
Therefore ...
Earnie the Eagle said:
So to you Captain, I think you mentioned you have children, how would you feel if they were the brunt of peoples sick sense of humour?
I'll go you one better Ernie ... my own 54yo mother HAS Cerebral Palsy herself !!! ..... pause to soak that in if you need to.
It is nothing short of a medical miracle that I am even here in the first place.
I dont care if I convince you or not, but rest assured I'm not in the habit of spending over an hour typing this response twice, for randoms on the internet I could care less about. - I am being 100% genuine !
I guess the next burning question is "Why can he allow himself to use such language considering we share similar paths ???" - The answer (however ugly it may be to you) is that I dont have the same sensitivity to the topic as you do. - My life path is different to your life path !
My family consists of blue collar battlers, who quite frankly dont take sh*t, or fools lightly. She was raised by a colourful cast of characters who refused to allow her to believe she was a victim.
As a result, she got married, had 2 kids, and lived past 50, when some family thought it'd be best to "Send her to a home" because she had "no hope or future".
She is stubborn, battles-scarred, feisty, protective and fiercely loyal. She drinks. She swears. She loves her footy. She tells people to "get f*cked" and she even calls other people the S-word !!! She doesn't see herself as disabled or a victim.
Picture this if you will : Me at 16yo, shopping with her at 35yo. She has a trolley she's wrestling with, and some teens get in her way ... she shouts "get out my f*ckin road you ******* !!!" - I'm embarrassed. The kid she shouts at is embarrassed. Then the group realises she's disabled AND called him the S-word. They all crack laughing at the one who got shouted at saying "that lady is funny" !!! - I have to go home and tell this story to people.
And that's what we love about her ... she's NUTS ! You can't take her anywhere without risking offending someone, or her shocking the pants off them ! Good lord, you should see her at the footy ... Police have spoken to her before !!!
Now .... does this make it OK for me to say what I said ?
I happen to also believe the answer is NO !
This isn't my house. I'm a guest here.
I admit ... It was and is tactless. I could have thought for 3 seconds longer and come up with something else. Sure I could try to defend it with "I'm new here" or "I dont know where the obstacles are" ... but that's pointless.
Facts are by using a euphemism, I still stepped on some toes, and offended people's sensitivities. The rules of the forum are clear "offensive posts may be deleted, and/or bans issued to users responsible". I'm OK with that. I understand it.
But Ernie ... you espcially need to understand, my path is different from your path. You dont have to like it, or agree with it. It is what it is.
That a being said ... I offer my unreserved apology to you. It was NOT my intention yesterday to come here AND offend people. I am disappointed that this has happened, and felt like I owed you an explanation.
While the term is offensive to you, it isn't to me.
You may find that difficult to understand.
Like I said ... our paths are different.
Mods made the right call deleting the thread. - Take the "semi-racist content" and "quasi offensive euphemisms" away from the issue : What happened was .... I invited myself to your place, and ran around like a idiot wearing enemy colours. I'm unfamiliar with the unspoken rules or recent history, and because I wasn't being careful enough, I stepped on some toes and made some regulars here mad for varying reasons !
Kind Regards
PS : For the benefit of a pro-active forum moving forward, please follow up this issue with me on Twitter ... dont re-hash old sh*t with mods here unless you want to troll them and risk incurring punishments.