2021 Membership

A couple of things I can add;

The pricing will vary per game depending how on time/opponent - Souths and last years GF and minor premiers will be at top of range.

There is no doubt the club is under the pump financially with reduced TV revenue, reduced crowd capacity and reduced corporate sales/sponsorship - this is strategy to maximize revenue to keep the club viable. It is tough on the regulars who attend every game.
A couple of things I can add;

The pricing will vary per game depending how on time/opponent - Souths and last years GF and minor premiers will be at top of range.

There is no doubt the club is under the pump financially with reduced TV revenue, reduced crowd capacity and reduced corporate sales/sponsorship - this is strategy to maximize revenue to keep the club viable. It is tough on the regulars who attend every game.
The club has shot itself in the foot over these ticket prices.

It is unrealistic to expect loyal season ticket holders to pay nearly double the amount of money to watch a match without any information about what a match day is going to look like, will there be minor grade footy to also watch? If Covid hits back, will there be refunds for tickets purchased? Will the pricing that we enjoyed for the 2020 season be available for members in 2022, when the centre of excellence is finished?

These are valid questions and people who like the experience of going to a match are going to have to ask themselves is it worth it?

The fact at Brookvale in its current state, if it is a wet day or night you have to sit in the grandstand and currently we have 4300 seats to offer under cover. The days of me sitting in the rain watching footy are long over. I pay more to get my seat to watch a game not having to worry about the elements.

I fear that the prices being listed by the club are going to drive the loyal fans away from the games. I am so disappointed that the club have not consulted the members about these changes.
A couple of things I can add;

The pricing will vary per game depending how on time/opponent - Souths and last years GF and minor premiers will be at top of range.

There is no doubt the club is under the pump financially with reduced TV revenue, reduced crowd capacity and reduced corporate sales/sponsorship - this is strategy to maximize revenue to keep the club viable. It is tough on the regulars who attend every game.
Did it occur to them to instead slash ticket prices and try to to fill the ground? In hard economic times people always want cheap activities and entertainment options - there's a lot of evidence of that!!

These sort of prices for, let's be honest, one of the League's crappiest grounds, are a serious misstep.
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Did it occur to them to instead slash ticket prices and try to to fill the ground? In hard economic times people always want cheap activities and entertainment options - there's a lot of evidence of that!!

Not sure if you know there is a global pandemic on and capacity will be 50% and that has been reduced by the COE work.

Filling the ground will only be about 6 or 7 thousand. Corporate sales in boxes reduced similarly.
Yes I have heard there is a pandemic but hadn't heard that will still affect the ground capacity next season. Fair enough the COE construction will.
Obviously I want the club to succeed. Will be interesting to see if the prices keep people away or if everyone turns up anyway.
Not sure if you know there is a global pandemic on and capacity will be 50% and that has been reduced by the COE work.

Filling the ground will only be about 6 or 7 thousand. Corporate sales in boxes reduced similarly.
Hey Wheel, I'm sure you all do a very good job on your member's council but just be careful you don't get too far inside the tent. I know their desire is to get members to see things their way, but you guys are there to represent us, with all the guts and objectivity that takes. The reduced ground capacity really shouldn't come into it at a time when many are struggling and goodwill is paramount. The optics of this is that they are screwing their most loyal supporters. Going back to the same well over and over can only lead it to run dry.
Have they not considered any sort of sweetener whatsoever? Even along the lines of once this is all over there will be a special thank you day or even days where all members will get a bbq with players. They have to give something!
Please don't take this as personal criticism. It is absolutely not that. But it is apparent that the club has zero regard for their fans. I'm like a broken record with this. Communication is appalling and the owners really must be to blame for a seriously underfunded front office.
A couple of things I can add;

The pricing will vary per game depending how on time/opponent - Souths and last years GF and minor premiers will be at top of range.

There is no doubt the club is under the pump financially with reduced TV revenue, reduced crowd capacity and reduced corporate sales/sponsorship - this is strategy to maximize revenue to keep the club viable. It is tough on the regulars who attend every game.

Can you explain why families get huge discounts but the rest of us don't?

I agree that the club is under the pump financially but when you're not catering for all fans, especially when fans have pledged memberships in 2020, then are asked to pay double in 2021, you're just asking for trouble.

I'm looking at $43.33 (including membership fee already paid across all games) for a ticket that doesn't even include a seat, just a patch of grass or a timber bench for Round 1.

Then you add on top the club's outrageous food and drink policy when bringing your own items into the ground.

I also think the renovations are a rubbish cop out considering not one reserved seat or corporate facility is affected by the closure of the Northern Hill.

Looking at the comments from some loyal members, the best option for the club would be to pause ticket sales until January, considering that the cricket season is on and the NSW Government looks set to increase the percentage for ground capacities.

Also, why advertise to get your 'early bird' memberships by the 31st December, but then put 'early bird' tickets on sale before this date? It's honestly clueless marketing in some instances.
Hey Wheel, I'm sure you all do a very good job on your member's council but just be careful you don't get too far inside the tent. I know their desire is to get members to see things their way, but you guys are there to represent us, with all the guts and objectivity that takes. The reduced ground capacity really shouldn't come into it at a time when many are struggling and goodwill is paramount. The optics of this is that they are screwing their most loyal supporters. Going back to the same well over and over can only lead it to run dry.
Have they not considered any sort of sweetener whatsoever? Even along the lines of once this is all over there will be a special thank you day or even days where all members will get a bbq with players. They have to give something!
Please don't take this as personal criticism. It is absolutely not that. But it is apparent that the club has zero regard for their fans. I'm like a broken record with this. Communication is appalling and the owners really must be to blame for a seriously underfunded front office.
I can assure you that this was discussed widely and there was plenty of feedback given at the council. Most of the members on the council are Jane Try members.

All I am trying to do is to give you background on why this is happening for one year only - you don’t realize how tight things are financially, we are treading a fine line at being able to stay afloat. This was explained in detail by the CEO. There is not only a pandemic but also the first recession in decades - this impacts everyone including our owners.

As for the staff they have ALL taken pay cuts and some lost their jobs - I can assure you this is not about making a profit but keeping our club viable.

It’s tough outcome for our most rusted on members I agree.
A couple of things I can add;

The pricing will vary per game depending how on time/opponent - Souths and last years GF and minor premiers will be at top of range.

There is no doubt the club is under the pump financially with reduced TV revenue, reduced crowd capacity and reduced corporate sales/sponsorship - this is strategy to maximize revenue to keep the club viable. It is tough on the regulars who attend every game.

Sorry Wheel, but I disagree. I mean this with 100% respect to you and the others involved with the members council but I feel that you guys just tow the company line these days for fear of losing your spots on the council, from the outside looking in it feels like you guys don't represent what fans actually want anymore. Yes the club is struggling financially due to covid but so is every fan, now the same fans that pledged hundreds of thousands of dollars to the club last year as a gesture to help out are now being charged more?. I made my feelings known when In saw that the club had decided to charge overseas members an extra $10 to join and I felt at the time that this new system is ill thought out and to be honest a lazy attempt at revenue raising through a cash grab from rusted on fans. Turns out it was worse than I predicted. The club needs to pause everything and have a long hard look at this ridiculous system they have created. I am sure they thought it would be simpler but lets face it its a dogs breakfast. If you do not address these problems immediately you will possibly lose nearly 50% of the members. I renewed my memberships even though I disagree because I love the club and don't want it to fail, but I won't stand by and say nothing whilst the club attempts to destroy its membership base by over charging rusted on fans, they simply won't put up with it and the fly by nighters don't need an excuse to disappear. Most of them won't come on here and complain, they will just disappear and not sign up and as you well know it will be nearly impossible to get them back once they go. I am sorry if I seem like I am having a crack at the members council but I honestly don't see the point if the members that represent the fans are just going to come on here and tell us the same rubbish that these people in the membership team at the club feed us every year (Who lets face it are just rubbish marketeers that aren't in sync with fans of the club and certainly aren't the sharpest marketing brains getting about). They had a chance this year to be creative and innovative and change things up but instead they have been lazy and come up with this utterly stupid system. Unfortunately I fear all involved will just close ranks now and tell us it can't be changed and blame covid for their failings. Very disappointing.

Granted the financial situation is dire but surely this is a stupid risky play because if 50% of the members disappear then you lose 50% of revenue. Have they thought of that? The way you are selling it is the reason they are not offering value for money is just because the club is struggling, that is not a good enough excuse. The club marketing dept needs to get to work figuring out ways to make more money, not through gouging but through some fresh ideas on fundraising and revenue generation. Hard work and innovation is what will raise money, come up with a club lottery or auction off gear etc there are a million ways to raise money, its not easy but it can be done. This business of saying its tough times so fans need to put up or shut up is rubbish, start thinking like a volunteer jnr footy club they bust their arses to raise every cent. The way the club is at the moment its like a school leaver saying I want an easy job that pays a lot cause I don't want to work too hard, but as we all know we aint the Broncos we need to pick up a shovel and get working.
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Sorry Wheel, but I disagree. I mean this with 100% respect to you and the others involved with the members council but I feel that you guys just tow the company line these days for fear of losing your spots on the council, from the outside looking in it feels like you guys don't represent what fans actually want anymore. Yes the club is struggling financially due to covid but so is every fan, now the same fans that pledged hundreds of thousands of dollars to the club last year as a gesture to help out are now being charged more?. I made my feelings known when In saw that the club had decided to charge overseas members an extra $10 to join and I felt at the time that this new system is ill thought out and to be honest a lazy attempt at revenue raising through a cash grab from rusted on fans. Turns out it was worse than I predicted. The club needs to pause everything and have a long hard look at this ridiculous system they have created. I am sure they thought it would be simpler but lets face it its a dogs breakfast. If you do not address these problems immediately you will possibly lose nearly 50% of the members. I renewed my memberships even though I disagree because I love the club and don't want it to fail, but I won't stand by and say nothing whilst the club attempts to destroy its membership base by over charging rusted on fans, they simply won't put up with it and the fly by nighters don't need an excuse to disappear. Most of them won't come on here and complain, they will just disappear and not sign up and as you well know it will be nearly impossible to get them back once they go. I am sorry if I seem like I am having a crack at the members council but I honestly don't see the point if the members that represent the fans are just going to come on here and tell us the same rubbish that these people in the membership team at the club feed us every year (Who lets face it are just rubbish marketeers that aren't in sync with fans of the club and certainly aren't the sharpest marketing brains getting about). They had a chance this year to be creative and innovative and change things up but instead they have been lazy and come up with this utterly stupid system. Unfortunately I fear all involved will just close ranks now and tell us it can't be changed and blame covid for their failings. Very disappointing.
I rolled over my membership as per the 75 dollar offer. I will always support the club regardless. What I will NOT support is blatant price gouging like this.

Our club has the poorest home ground in the league with facilities that are well behind modern standards. We are all in difficult times with the loss of work and income for many of us. It is true that the total capacity at Brooky will be reduced to 12K next season providing covid restrictions lift which means only 6K currently are allowed in.

The prices announced are a real kick in the guts for loyal season ticket holders who for years have stuck by the club and are now forced to pay huge overs to see live footy.

I think it needs to be reviewed as what I predict for 2021 is small crowds at Brooky with more away fans attending who are prepared to pay a one off price to see a game.

Crucially for me, what the club need to spell out, Will these prices and membership package remain, once the centre of excellence is completed for 2022???
I rolled over my membership as per the 75 dollar offer. I will always support the club regardless. What I will NOT support is blatant price gouging like this.

Our club has the poorest home ground in the league with facilities that are well behind modern standards. We are all in difficult times with the loss of work and income for many of us. It is true that the total capacity at Brooky will be reduced to 12K next season providing covid restrictions lift which means only 6K currently are allowed in.

The prices announced are a real kick in the guts for loyal season ticket holders who for years have stuck by the club and are now forced to pay huge overs to see live footy.

I think it needs to be reviewed as what I predict for 2021 is small crowds at Brooky with more away fans attending who are prepared to pay a one off price to see a game.

Crucially for me, what the club need to spell out, Will these prices and membership package remain, once the centre of excellence is completed for 2022???

I live in Western Sydney, so now I'm just thinking of seeing the team when they play away closer to home because I could most likely get a ticket to an opposition's home ground for a lot less than one game at Brookie.
I can assure you that this was discussed widely and there was plenty of feedback given at the council. Most of the members on the council are Jane Try members.

All I am trying to do is to give you background on why this is happening for one year only - you don’t realize how tight things are financially, we are treading a fine line at being able to stay afloat. This was explained in detail by the CEO. There is not only a pandemic but also the first recession in decades - this impacts everyone including our owners.

As for the staff they have ALL taken pay cuts and some lost their jobs - I can assure you this is not about making a profit but keeping our club viable.

It’s tough outcome for our most rusted on members I agree.
I do appreciate the work that you do in relation to informing us about the clubs plight. I am a Football club member and I am well aware of the challenges we face.

You mention a pandemic and recession that we are dealing with, so why on earth would the club raise prices so high in these times ignoring the financial problems that so many fans and members are facing?

This lack of empathy is not a good look from the club!
I can assure you that this was discussed widely and there was plenty of feedback given at the council.
you don’t realize how tight things are financially, we are treading a fine line at being able to stay afloat. T
Good to know you all give feedback but has it ever changed or influenced a single decision?
Also, should members council people be majority Jane Try members given that they are the most expensive seats and therefore a very specific demographic?
As for the fine line of being able to stay afloat - perhaps it's time to sell. I can't imagine anyone wants this great club to go down because we have stubborn owners who either can't or don't want to afford us!
People hard up for cash will flock to quality sporting entertainment if the price is right, even during the Depression!

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