For fossils to occur requires many conditions to be met .... (including a longer time span than the 6000 years the Earth has been in existence) ... firstly the said organism must die in a watery area that would quickly cover it in a chemically suitable silt, animals that simply die and have their bones scattred or undergo a burial will not be fossilised .... that is why fossils are rare in relation to the number of organisms to have existed ....
For one particular evolutionary link in a particular species ... (and the number of individual animals here would be small) ... to live and die both, .. in an area that is conducive to, and under the conditions necessary for fossilization would be millions to one ....
Lack of a fossil is not proof of it's non existence ......
For fossils to occur requires many conditions to be met .... (including a longer time span than the 6000 years the Earth has been in existence) ... firstly the said organism must die in a watery area that would quickly cover it in a chemically suitable silt, animals that simply die and have their bones scattred or undergo a burial will not be fossilised .... that is why fossils are rare in relation to the number of organisms to have existed ....
For one particular evolutionary link in a particular species ... (and the number of individual animals here would be small) ... to live and die both, .. in an area that is conducive to, and under the conditions necessary for fossilization would be millions to one ....
Lack of a fossil is not proof of it's non existence ......
@Woodsie, with repect this isn’t completely correct, ‘fossilisation’ has occurred in a matter of hours, it has been seen more than once in catastrophic events, such as volcanic eruptions and floods, fossils have also been produced in a lab by scientists. In fact the eruption of saint helens produced ‘fossils’ and rocks that were sent to a lab for dating and came back as millions of years old - yet they were 12 years old. These are recorded, searchable facts. The kind of strata layers and canyon produced by this event were previously thought to be something only millions of years could produce. The point is, dating methods are based on a set of assumptions - if those assumptions are wrong - it’s all wrong.
Also, evolution suggests that there are many many iterations that take place for one species to transition to another and each of these iterations would have literally thousands of units (just as we have thousands or millions of units within each species today) - multiply that over the entirety of species that have existed and you have billions of these iterations - which is more than the number of ‘end state’ dinosaurs of any specific type, or ‘end state’ species that have existed that have been found in the fossil record. Yet 100% of fossils found have been ‘end state’ - the numbers are just not in favour of evolution no matter which way you cut it.
I know we and others are not going to agree; however, I find it funny that Christians are mocked for their ‘blind faith’ yet evolution and the Big Bang requires just as much, if not more ‘blind faith’ as it is nothing more than a set of theories based on assumptions.
As for me I can’t help but see a clear and distinct intelligent design behind the complexities of life - the way the body works, animals, ecosystems, the sun and moon placed just at the precise distance from the earth in order to sustain life to control tides etc etc - it is far more logical to see the design of this (and therefore if there is a design there must be a designer), than the alternative - that everything we have today was a result of a big explosion that came from nothing and magically produced all the planets, stars, sun, etc and that some single cell organism was also magically created and then by its own will miraculously transitioned into every form of species we have today. Blind faith indeed.
I promise I will leave it here, as I respect that everyone will have their own view and I cannot force nor would I want to force people to believe mine; however, there is a lot of mocking of Christianity that goes on in this site, but I wonder how deeply people have analysed the legitimacy of their own beliefs.
So...Docker-Clay to get a crack in the 9 or what?