The Jan Davis Memorial Silvertails Tipping comp for 2015 is open for business.
Before you can play you need to pay. $25.00 per head again, and that gets you in the mix for some great prizes. We will be running the Last Fan Standing and the lucky tipper comps again as well, one payment gets you entry into all 3 comps. We will provide more detail on the prizes etc at a later date.
The format is slightly different than previous years because of the new forum platform. The tipping comp is a third party app tailored to our needs by Dan, so hopefully it should run nicely with the new forum software. The scoring system is exactly the same as previous years, 2 points per correct pick and 1 bonus game per week worth 4 points for a correct pick. You have to pick the score in the bonus game as the differentiator for weekly winner prizes.
So before you can sign up and enter your tips you need to pay. Go to your "User Profile", which is the little avatar image in the top RH corner of the page (next to the envelope and the flag). You can click on this to be taken to the page or hover over it to see the options available. Either way you want to look for and click on the "Account Upgrades" link. This will take you to the page where you can see all the extra upgrades you can purchase. You are looking for the "2015 Tipping Competition" upgrade. Click on "Purchase" and you will be redirected through Paypal to make the payment. Once you have confirmed payment you are OK to start playing.
For those who don't have Paypal accounts then we can arrange other payment methods, just contact Dan or myself and we can sort you out. Just takes a little longer for the process, so don't leave it till the day before season kickoff.
Once you payment has been confirmed you are right to enter the comp. The "Tipping Competition" link is right at the top of the page in the banner, next to the forums link, or you can click on the following link
[url=]2015 Tipping Comp[/URL]
Sign up and enter your tips. We have only uploaded Round 1 games at this stage to allow people to get started. There should be an Edit Tips button that allows you to get in and change any tips you have made. There is also a "Manage Tips" button at the very top of the tipping comp page (under the Silvertails logo) or if you hover over the Tipping Comp banner button at the top of the page a little drop down menu arrow appears giving you direct access to some of the Tipping Comp pages from anywhere on the site.
Once you sign up have a play around with it and let us know if there are any bugs or problems / questions.
As a special offer, the first 30 people to sign up will also receive 1 month free Premium Membership to Silvertails. This will enable you to browse freely without those pesky ads distracting your viewing pleasure. Just the thing for the hectic forum start to the season.
As most of you are probably aware the Tipping Comp is our main source of revenue to keep this site running. You can see that some of last years money has been spent on upgrading the site and providing a better host (no not Dan, he hasn't been replaced, we got a new server). So we ask all users to try and give a little back to the site and help out by signing up to the tipping comp. Not only are you keeping Silvertails alive and kicking, you are also in the running to win some great prizes and have a lot of fun. Tipping skill is not necessary, just ask @globaleagle
So get on board and see who can knock off our defending champion @tookey this year.
Before you can play you need to pay. $25.00 per head again, and that gets you in the mix for some great prizes. We will be running the Last Fan Standing and the lucky tipper comps again as well, one payment gets you entry into all 3 comps. We will provide more detail on the prizes etc at a later date.
The format is slightly different than previous years because of the new forum platform. The tipping comp is a third party app tailored to our needs by Dan, so hopefully it should run nicely with the new forum software. The scoring system is exactly the same as previous years, 2 points per correct pick and 1 bonus game per week worth 4 points for a correct pick. You have to pick the score in the bonus game as the differentiator for weekly winner prizes.
So before you can sign up and enter your tips you need to pay. Go to your "User Profile", which is the little avatar image in the top RH corner of the page (next to the envelope and the flag). You can click on this to be taken to the page or hover over it to see the options available. Either way you want to look for and click on the "Account Upgrades" link. This will take you to the page where you can see all the extra upgrades you can purchase. You are looking for the "2015 Tipping Competition" upgrade. Click on "Purchase" and you will be redirected through Paypal to make the payment. Once you have confirmed payment you are OK to start playing.
For those who don't have Paypal accounts then we can arrange other payment methods, just contact Dan or myself and we can sort you out. Just takes a little longer for the process, so don't leave it till the day before season kickoff.
Once you payment has been confirmed you are right to enter the comp. The "Tipping Competition" link is right at the top of the page in the banner, next to the forums link, or you can click on the following link
[url=]2015 Tipping Comp[/URL]
Sign up and enter your tips. We have only uploaded Round 1 games at this stage to allow people to get started. There should be an Edit Tips button that allows you to get in and change any tips you have made. There is also a "Manage Tips" button at the very top of the tipping comp page (under the Silvertails logo) or if you hover over the Tipping Comp banner button at the top of the page a little drop down menu arrow appears giving you direct access to some of the Tipping Comp pages from anywhere on the site.
Once you sign up have a play around with it and let us know if there are any bugs or problems / questions.
As a special offer, the first 30 people to sign up will also receive 1 month free Premium Membership to Silvertails. This will enable you to browse freely without those pesky ads distracting your viewing pleasure. Just the thing for the hectic forum start to the season.
As most of you are probably aware the Tipping Comp is our main source of revenue to keep this site running. You can see that some of last years money has been spent on upgrading the site and providing a better host (no not Dan, he hasn't been replaced, we got a new server). So we ask all users to try and give a little back to the site and help out by signing up to the tipping comp. Not only are you keeping Silvertails alive and kicking, you are also in the running to win some great prizes and have a lot of fun. Tipping skill is not necessary, just ask @globaleagle
So get on board and see who can knock off our defending champion @tookey this year.