Ok heroes and others....my name is Hat and I've been waiting for a Manly win to bump this thread. That way you're all probably in a good mood and receptive to some culture! It's taken awhile and I thank all my fans asking my stupid head owner (globaleagle) how I have been doing! Look I wont say ge is stupid but once he tried to put m&m's in alphabetical order!
On with the show!
Yay it's is 2015 and Mr new Hat here is rocking New Zealand and Australia!
Here's a pic of me in front of the mud pools in Wai-o-tapu! (Rotorua)
Wait! Hang on! I have just been handed a note. it says: "Due to the fact that 2014 hat visited the same areas as 2015 hat....there will only be one 2015 photo! Of me? Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!
I live! I feel, I love, I laugh, I cry! Just because I went all over NZ and the gold coast in Aust as hat did in 2014....doesn't mean I don't wanna live! Oh please let me live! I am not an animal! (movie reference biatches!)
Sheesh, what the hell was that all about? 2016 Hat here and just like Dr who I'm cruising all over the universe....as long as the Universe is earth....and Europe. Anyway, grab a chair and shut the hell up working schlubbs!
Firstly I smuggled myself on board some plane in business class. I assume it was business as in 'mind yer own business!' because who wants to talk to attractive blonde air hostesses for hours? I think Barry was his name! lol
OK, first stop Florence, Italy. Streets seems to be crowded with buildings until you walk around a corner and this hits you......
It's called the Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore (crikey) or just the Duomo. all I know is that it's got a damn big dome in the back that people wait for hours to climb and is incredibly beautiful on the outside and as boring as bat **** on the inside. Unless you go downstairs to see the archaeology...which I did....as me likes histroee and stuff! Pic was taken early morning before 10,000 tourists + horses pack the area. To my left (right of pic) is the baptistery from Dan Browns Inferno (plug)
Ok, who needs naked men?????
Michelangelo's David! wow! My thanks to the good looking tourist who let me sit on his head for this shot (and the girl on the right checking him out ...(hubba hubba) Featuring the biblical hero...David....5.71 metres of genius sculpturing! Damn these guys were damned skilled! Bucket list...tick!
From David to....bridge?
The Ponte Vecchio! Ponte = bridge, Vecchio = old
so...old bridge! Actually the day we were there, a water main burst and just behind me the road sank taking 20 cars with it! splash! This is a famous bridge and if you look at the middle where the people are...behind them is a raised area that the Medici's had built so they could walk through town safely. The Medici's? Sheesh read a book!
Now for some extra $$$$ you can walk the path they took. I kicked ge in the giblets, told him to stop being so cheap and headed off on the tour!
And here I am looking over the poor people like the Medici's used to do! Woo hoo! what a dynasty! Tours may be ending soon so +100 cool points to me (I may even give ge a cool point....yeah nah.)
Another view of the bridge with the 'passage' in the background. It's actually called the "Vasari corridor." Named after the dude who built it.
Ok, I am sure you are all cultured out for the time being....what you need now is....a guy riding a big gold turtle! Your wish is my command!
Standing in the Palazzo Vecchio (old piazza) Weird huh! To my left is a ton of statues!(right of pic) And in the background...near the turtle's mouth there is a yellow flag hanging off a little balcony. A scene from Hannibal was filmed there....where the policeman 'Patsy' met his end!
So....there you have it, part one of 50! (lol not really) It's off to eastern Europe we go!
Yay for wins and byes! I am Hat and I approve this message!
On with the show!
Yay it's is 2015 and Mr new Hat here is rocking New Zealand and Australia!
Here's a pic of me in front of the mud pools in Wai-o-tapu! (Rotorua)

Wait! Hang on! I have just been handed a note. it says: "Due to the fact that 2014 hat visited the same areas as 2015 hat....there will only be one 2015 photo! Of me? Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!
I live! I feel, I love, I laugh, I cry! Just because I went all over NZ and the gold coast in Aust as hat did in 2014....doesn't mean I don't wanna live! Oh please let me live! I am not an animal! (movie reference biatches!)
Sheesh, what the hell was that all about? 2016 Hat here and just like Dr who I'm cruising all over the universe....as long as the Universe is earth....and Europe. Anyway, grab a chair and shut the hell up working schlubbs!
Firstly I smuggled myself on board some plane in business class. I assume it was business as in 'mind yer own business!' because who wants to talk to attractive blonde air hostesses for hours? I think Barry was his name! lol
OK, first stop Florence, Italy. Streets seems to be crowded with buildings until you walk around a corner and this hits you......

It's called the Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore (crikey) or just the Duomo. all I know is that it's got a damn big dome in the back that people wait for hours to climb and is incredibly beautiful on the outside and as boring as bat **** on the inside. Unless you go downstairs to see the archaeology...which I did....as me likes histroee and stuff! Pic was taken early morning before 10,000 tourists + horses pack the area. To my left (right of pic) is the baptistery from Dan Browns Inferno (plug)
Ok, who needs naked men?????

Michelangelo's David! wow! My thanks to the good looking tourist who let me sit on his head for this shot (and the girl on the right checking him out ...(hubba hubba) Featuring the biblical hero...David....5.71 metres of genius sculpturing! Damn these guys were damned skilled! Bucket list...tick!
From David to....bridge?

The Ponte Vecchio! Ponte = bridge, Vecchio = old
so...old bridge! Actually the day we were there, a water main burst and just behind me the road sank taking 20 cars with it! splash! This is a famous bridge and if you look at the middle where the people are...behind them is a raised area that the Medici's had built so they could walk through town safely. The Medici's? Sheesh read a book!
Now for some extra $$$$ you can walk the path they took. I kicked ge in the giblets, told him to stop being so cheap and headed off on the tour!
And here I am looking over the poor people like the Medici's used to do! Woo hoo! what a dynasty! Tours may be ending soon so +100 cool points to me (I may even give ge a cool point....yeah nah.)

Another view of the bridge with the 'passage' in the background. It's actually called the "Vasari corridor." Named after the dude who built it.

Ok, I am sure you are all cultured out for the time being....what you need now is....a guy riding a big gold turtle! Your wish is my command!
Standing in the Palazzo Vecchio (old piazza) Weird huh! To my left is a ton of statues!(right of pic) And in the background...near the turtle's mouth there is a yellow flag hanging off a little balcony. A scene from Hannibal was filmed there....where the policeman 'Patsy' met his end!

So....there you have it, part one of 50! (lol not really) It's off to eastern Europe we go!
Yay for wins and byes! I am Hat and I approve this message!
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