[Resurrected] Yukon, Hat Kon, we all Kon!

Ok heroes and others....my name is Hat and I've been waiting for a Manly win to bump this thread. That way you're all probably in a good mood and receptive to some culture! It's taken awhile and I thank all my fans asking my stupid head owner (globaleagle) how I have been doing! Look I wont say ge is stupid but once he tried to put m&m's in alphabetical order!

On with the show!

Yay it's is 2015 and Mr new Hat here is rocking New Zealand and Australia!

Here's a pic of me in front of the mud pools in Wai-o-tapu! (Rotorua)


Wait! Hang on! I have just been handed a note. it says: "Due to the fact that 2014 hat visited the same areas as 2015 hat....there will only be one 2015 photo! Of me? Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!

I live! I feel, I love, I laugh, I cry! Just because I went all over NZ and the gold coast in Aust as hat did in 2014....doesn't mean I don't wanna live! Oh please let me live! I am not an animal! (movie reference biatches!)

Sheesh, what the hell was that all about? 2016 Hat here and just like Dr who I'm cruising all over the universe....as long as the Universe is earth....and Europe. Anyway, grab a chair and shut the hell up working schlubbs!

Firstly I smuggled myself on board some plane in business class. I assume it was business as in 'mind yer own business!' because who wants to talk to attractive blonde air hostesses for hours? I think Barry was his name! lol

OK, first stop Florence, Italy. Streets seems to be crowded with buildings until you walk around a corner and this hits you......

It's called the Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore (crikey) or just the Duomo. all I know is that it's got a damn big dome in the back that people wait for hours to climb and is incredibly beautiful on the outside and as boring as bat **** on the inside. Unless you go downstairs to see the archaeology...which I did....as me likes histroee and stuff! Pic was taken early morning before 10,000 tourists + horses pack the area. To my left (right of pic) is the baptistery from Dan Browns Inferno (plug)

Ok, who needs naked men?????

Michelangelo's David! wow! My thanks to the good looking tourist who let me sit on his head for this shot (and the girl on the right checking him out ...(hubba hubba) Featuring the biblical hero...David....5.71 metres of genius sculpturing! Damn these guys were damned skilled! Bucket list...tick!

From David to....bridge?

The Ponte Vecchio! Ponte = bridge, Vecchio = old

so...old bridge! Actually the day we were there, a water main burst and just behind me the road sank taking 20 cars with it! splash! This is a famous bridge and if you look at the middle where the people are...behind them is a raised area that the Medici's had built so they could walk through town safely. The Medici's? Sheesh read a book!

Now for some extra $$$$ you can walk the path they took. I kicked ge in the giblets, told him to stop being so cheap and headed off on the tour!

And here I am looking over the poor people like the Medici's used to do! Woo hoo! what a dynasty! Tours may be ending soon so +100 cool points to me (I may even give ge a cool point....yeah nah.)


Another view of the bridge with the 'passage' in the background. It's actually called the "Vasari corridor." Named after the dude who built it.


Ok, I am sure you are all cultured out for the time being....what you need now is....a guy riding a big gold turtle! Your wish is my command!

Standing in the Palazzo Vecchio (old piazza) Weird huh! To my left is a ton of statues!(right of pic) And in the background...near the turtle's mouth there is a yellow flag hanging off a little balcony. A scene from Hannibal was filmed there....where the policeman 'Patsy' met his end!


So....there you have it, part one of 50! (lol not really) It's off to eastern Europe we go!

Yay for wins and byes! I am Hat and I approve this message!
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Hello Ladies and other genders!
Well Florence was pretty good but you spray paint 'Manly rules' on one little Masterpiece and you get kicked out! Outrageous!

Then Mr big shot 'ge' bans me from the internet for a week to teach me a lesson (tosser.)

ge: You wanna make it a month?????

Well moving right along....and right along is into Slovenia, or as the tourist bureau seems keen on saying...sLOVEnia!

And the first thing I see entering this new country..... a Harvey Norman store!?!?!?!

I'm not in this shot as hat doesn't pose in front of commercial places (even if his head is covered in advertising...irony!)


That was in Koper and we eventually picked up our car and drove to the stunningly beautiful town of Ljubljana.

ge caught a cold because he is a total wuss (and an internet banning jerkasaurus) but still we went off to Logarska Dolina.

I saw a dragon....it reminded me of St George....I showed the dragon who's the boss!


Take that! Stoooopid dragon! (litva)

We also got great views of the valley. Just to (your) left of the coco joy (ugh) logo on me ole head....down in the valley there were Yaks next to the house (we were all the way down there before driving up)....one Yak came over to the car to take on ge....ge was happy to oblige until ge's better half told him to stop being a knucklehead!


Driving on further we came to a place down a path where they said if you drink the water...all your ailments will be cured. ge was still sick as a $3 note so he tried some. He says it was tingly as a mouth full of pop rocks and fruit tingles. I didn't get to try any as: 1) I never get sick and 2) I have no mouth! (dingbats!)


Now ge thinks he is pretty cool and drove through a 'road closed' sign as 1) It was in the middle of nowhere and 2) It was easy to drive around.....so we continued all the way until we were about 100 metres from rejoining the highway we wanted and...yup.....the road was closed.

55 kilometres of backtracking later......(Goodness he's stupid.)

Next day...Postonja caves! Train ride first and last...with a 1k walk in between. Awesome.

I call the next photo: "ge it's too dark to take a pic....ge: shutup hat what do you know?"


I've always wanted to live in a cave....and also live in a Castle. Can there ever be both? Yes there can be!!!!

Predjama Castle!

I tried to stay but Mr Clingy wouldn't let me go. sheesh!


The next day ge drove to Bled (pronounced Blade) and he somehow didn't get lost. This place has a castle on a mountain overlooking a church on an Island in the middle of a lake. It doesn't get much more fairy-tale postcard perfect than that!


Nothing to say here...

ge: really?
hat: move along fartypants


Down at ground level now.....so purdy!


After all this it was time to go to Plitvice lakes. As beautiful as ge is not and it has a lot to see. One of the highlights is there big ole waterfall called....'The large waterfall' (ge levels of creativity there) anyway...here it is:


Well that's about it for hat and Slovenia. Trying to describe this amazing country with the above pics is like trying to describe the great wall of China with just one brick.

I thank you for being here during my journey. I reckon we'll go to Croatia next.

Hat loves you all!
Hello Ladies and other genders!
Well Florence was pretty good but you spray paint 'Manly rules' on one little Masterpiece and you get kicked out! Outrageous!

Then Mr big shot 'ge' bans me from the internet for a week to teach me a lesson (tosser.)

ge: You wanna make it a month?????

Well moving right along....and right along is into Slovenia, or as the tourist bureau seems keen on saying...sLOVEnia!

And the first thing I see entering this new country..... a Harvey Norman store!?!?!?!

I'm not in this shot as hat doesn't pose in front of commercial places (even if his head is covered in advertising...irony!)


That was in Koper and we eventually picked up our car and drove to the stunningly beautiful town of Ljubljana.

ge caught a cold because he is a total wuss (and an internet banning jerkasaurus) but still we went off to Logarska Dolina.

I saw a dragon....it reminded me of St George....I showed the dragon who's the boss!


Take that! Stoooopid dragon! (litva)

We also got great views of the valley. Just to (your) left of the coco joy (ugh) logo on me ole head....down in the valley there were Yaks next to the house (we were all the way down there before driving up)....one Yak came over to the car to take on ge....ge was happy to oblige until ge's better half told him to stop being a knucklehead!


Driving on further we came to a place down a path where they said if you drink the water...all your ailments will be cured. ge was still sick as a $3 note so he tried some. He says it was tingly as a mouth full of pop rocks and fruit tingles. I didn't get to try any as: 1) I never get sick and 2) I have no mouth! (dingbats!)


Now ge thinks he is pretty cool and drove through a 'road closed' sign as 1) It was in the middle of nowhere and 2) It was easy to drive around.....so we continued all the way until we were about 100 metres from rejoining the highway we wanted and...yup.....the road was closed.

55 kilometres of backtracking later......(Goodness he's stupid.)

Next day...Postonja caves! Train ride first and last...with a 1k walk in between. Awesome.

I call the next photo: "ge it's too dark to take a pic....ge: shutup hat what do you know?"


I've always wanted to live in a cave....and also live in a Castle. Can there ever be both? Yes there can be!!!!

Predjama Castle!

I tried to stay but Mr Clingy wouldn't let me go. sheesh!


The next day ge drove to Bled (pronounced Blade) and he somehow didn't get lost. This place has a castle on a mountain overlooking a church on an Island in the middle of a lake. It doesn't get much more fairy-tale postcard perfect than that!


Nothing to say here...

ge: really?
hat: move along fartypants


Down at ground level now.....so purdy!


After all this it was time to go to Plitvice lakes. As beautiful as ge is not and it has a lot to see. One of the highlights is there big ole waterfall called....'The large waterfall' (ge levels of creativity there) anyway...here it is:


Well that's about it for hat and Slovenia. Trying to describe this amazing country with the above pics is like trying to describe the great wall of China with just one brick.

I thank you for being here during my journey. I reckon we'll go to Croatia next.

Hat loves you all!
29 deg here at my place on the Gold Coast and I've been swimming in my non heated pool both today and yesterday. Not bad for winter.
Ahh Croatia, where would we be without you?

Actually that sounded better in my head...I don't have an answer for that. (Hi Mr Tesla, great mind and inventor.)

OK - After Slovenia off we headed to Croatia. BY NOW I'm sure you all spotted my obvious trick by putting the Plitvice lakes in the Slovenia section when they are in fact....In Croatia.

I'm so pedantic I grabbed the pic and put it in here.



Anyway, off to the town of Split. Where we stayed, the streets were so tiny and packed with cars it was a nightmare. Especially when ge's better half decided not to believe the gps. We ended up in a road so narrow...it was better to leave the car there.

I wonder if someone's rescued it by now?

Split - famous for the best preserved roman palace built by Emperor Diocletian who decided to kill a lot of Christians and upon his own death, had his empire divided into 4 sections each with their own emperor. Needless to say...fighting ensued and the fall of the roman empire was started.

Anyway we decided to walk up Marjan hill (I got a lift on ge's head.) Why?...I don't know. It was hot and the hill was a long way away with a ton of stairs near the top. Methinks if ge was still single...he wouldn't be going on such walks.

I complained and got a drink:

I complained again but didn't get a drink....just abandoned.


We got to the top and I was made to pose with a big flag....I said flag!


After Split we.....split left for Dubrovnik!

Game of thrones fans will know much of the series is filmed here.

In fact we went to the GoT throne! ge got a pic on it trying to look kingly...but looking more like Jabba the hut. I'm angry as I wasn't allowed a pic. Boo!

We stayed up high...view from our room.

Westros and Kings Landing is basically the top right of the photo.


The houses with the new roofs (rooves) were bombed in the civil war. The house we were in got hit twice and you can still see where the outside stairway got hit. Boy was it a steep climb up here. View was great and the town is interesting and fun to explore. Weather was very uncanadian (hot.)

One should always be prepared to defend oneself!

Methinks that ship is full of parra/souths/storm/bronco (etc) fans!



Bugger, I missed!


Well.....at least ge stayed on guard and waved his fist at all attackers!
(He's so brave)


Now some may say that these few pics of Croatia does not do it justice, you may be right. But can any pic with me in it really be called unjust?
I didn't think so.

Go visit!

Go Manly!
Once again thank you GE (and hat) I love your work...awesome photos and narration.
Makes me realise I've got to get back out there and do some more traveling before I'm to old to enjoy it.
Hiya Manly fans (and others as well I guess.)

Hat here with my final instalment for this trip. Well, I also went to Paris after this....took the chunnel to pommy land and flew home...but is there anything to see in Paris, really???????

I didn't have to wait long for another Manly win to feel safe in posting but you guys seem to be getting less satisfied...the more wins we get!?!?

Humans are crazy!

But with Jarryd Hayne signing with the titans, we're probably all in a good lol@parra mood again! woot!

The last place here is good ole Bosnia and Herzegovina and yes, this place has had it's share of butt kickings.

My owner only went to the town of 'Mostar' which is famous for it's bridge and apparently when big guys tell you where to park and give them money....you do just that! (Even though I reckon they were prob some org crime thugs...they looked after the car and were friendly...which you should be...if you're making people pay $10 to park!)

It's hard to do a light hearted blurb on 'Bosnia' because of what it's been through. The people in Mostar are quite happy but there are stark reminders of the 1991-93 war all around.

They haven't fixed a lot of bullet riddled buildings as a reminder to the futility of war.

Touching also is the central cemetery. Before the war it was a small but well attended little park, but during the war it was one of the few places the dead could be buried away from sniper fire. The park is now full of graves of all religions and the year of death is usually 1993. It is...sobering.

Obviously I felt many places would not be appropriate to pose in front of.

So only a couple of pics with me in it....here goes:

Ironically the first one hasn't. Taken from the famous bridge looking towards one side of the town. See the Minaret up there? Little did the hat's owner know he would be walking up there soon!


Well enough looking...it was time for lunch. It was delicious so I allowed a pic of myself to be taken...looking back towards the famous bridge.


Then,as said before, my owner walked to a Mosque.

Having never been in one before he and his better half paid their money and went inside.

Hat's owner didn't have claustrophobia nor acrophobia (fear of heights people) when he went in.....but he thinks he has it now after leaving!


When you finally get up to the top, you exit onto a tiny pathway encircling the minaret. The view was awesome, going back down almost as good (especially when another couple arrived up top. Crowded and no sexy hats.)

Now hat's owner's better half is a fine photographer so whilst we do have pics of the building and said cemetery....this is my thread and they can start their own damn thread!

That's about it folks. Time to stop boring you all and time to bore the family with 2000+ pics taken. Another wonderful time, almost as good a time you guys would have had looking at me!

ge: You seem a bit up yerself hat!
hat: Shutup and get me a beer. No wait...2 beers. That Louis Vuitton hat is coming over.
ge: *sigh* roll on 2017!

Hat: Thanks everyone! I've enjoyed sharing this with you and I sincerely thank you for your kind comments. the world feels both small and large at times filled with beautiful sights and great people (well hats anyway.)

May all your travels lead you to....or back to loved ones.

Peace. 🙂

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