You guys may have a point...


UFO Hunter
Guys, Im the last to back down on something but im becoming increasingly frustrated with the performance of our Prime Minister Howard and his party. He just seems to be going against common sence on every issue and this one is very concerning.

Kyoto pact is useless and harmful: PM
17:51 AEDT Wed Feb 16 2005

Prime Minister John Howard has labelled the Kyoto Protocol useless and harmful as environmentalists rallied across the country to protest Australia's refusal to sign the landmark pact.

Labor attempted a political stunt to force the government to immediately ratify the international treaty on greenhouse gas emissions, but Mr Howard maintained it would cost Australian jobs.

A total of 141 countries have signed the Kyoto Protocol, which aims to get the industrial world to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 5.2 per cent by 2012, with targets set according to each country's pollution level.

Australia and the United States are the only developed nations not to have signed.

Mr Howard said it was not in Australia's interest to sign the Kyoto Protocol because major polluters including China, India and Indonesia would not be subject to the same penalties and restrictions Australia would face.

That would jeopardise Australian jobs and industry, he said.

"Until such time as the major polluters of the world, including the United States and China, are made part of the Kyoto regime it is next to useless and indeed, harmful, for a country such as Australia to sign up to the Kyoto Protocol," Mr Howard told parliament.

"There are only four or five countries in the world that are on track to meet their Kyoto emission reduction targets.

"One of those countries is Australia, another is New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Sweden, and Germany, I understand, is close.

"We are part of an arrangement whereby through our own domestic policy we are able to reduce emissions."

Labor interrupted parliamentary proceedings to suspend standing orders and urgently debate the issue but the government used its numbers to defeat the motion.

And in a rare move during Question Time, Opposition Leader Kim Beazley asked Labor's environment spokesman Anthony Albanese to detail why priority should be given to his private member's bill requiring the government to sign the Kyoto Protocol.

"The reason why my bill should be prioritised is because climate change is the number one environmental challenge facing the global community," Mr Albanese said.

Protesters from environmental groups including Greenpeace and The Wilderness Society gathered outside Parliament House in Sydney to call on NSW Premier Bob Carr to lead the green fight.

The protesters set up an ice sculpture and watched it melt with the help of a wind turbine to mark their opposition to the federal government's stand.

In Melbourne, about 60 protesters on the steps of the Victorian parliament waved the flags of the 141 countries that had signed the Kyoto Protocol.

The protest started with a passionate kiss between two people dressed as a beaming US President George W Bush and larger-than-life Mr Howard wearing a sash, saying: "I'm with stupid".

Australian Conservation Foundation vice president Peter Christoff said the federal government should be ashamed of its refusal to sign the agreement.

"Australians have to continue to pressure John Howard in particular to realise he has to say sorry to the environment," he said.
Pfffft....Kyoto :roll:

Here in Oz we dont follow trendy International laws

We just follow America!
we care ot for our beautiful bck yard, lets kill it with smog after all little johnny wants us to become America II anyway
Yeah bloody libs.....all they wanna do is keep ppl driving there V8 valiants and allow big industry to keep blowing holes in the Ozone layer....bastards. :wink:

They haven't done anything to prevent this.......I dont even think there's such an organisation called the EPA!

the libs just don't care!
byso, tsk tsk that doesnt even deserve a response, try a bit of research champ!!!
Interesting that only two Western Industrialised countries did not sign this pact!

The USA (whose power Barons think they run the world - cause they do!)

and Little Johnnies irrelevant Monarchy in the South Pacific. What a joke! All of Western Europe, Canada, Scandinavia, Russia etc manage to accept targets to ensure a better world but not Mr Sheen.

No debate though as we can just have another scare campaign about interest rates (that will go up anyway!).
My turn...


You know how the Howard Government's anti-pollution campaign settles on the average homemaker?? Well, they make about 10% of the pollution concerned. There are no limits on campanies. There is very little investment in renewable sources of energy or in alternative means in manufacturing etc to reduce carbon monoxide and methane emission.

For example, did you know an Aussie made a food for cows which makes them fart less? That's alot of methane cut out. And do the government support the introduction of such a food???

Simple answer. Nope.

Kyoto is not a load of bull... Why would so many have signed? LOL And if the government invested more in clean energy options and developing more guidelines for businesses, there would be a heap of jobs in that to combat any losses in industry (which I doubt there would be too many of... they would still need the workers and on top of that conbsultants to help them meet their new needs!)

There may be a bit less investment, but hey, Howard is sooooooooo overthe moon about his performance in our economy, it shouldn't worry him too much... or does he know that it is all fleeting?

And Byso, the EPA is largely ineffectual. They have done exceedingly little to prevent all sorts of natural disasters... I mean, thay go to the Land & Environment Court to argue AGAINST environmentalist groups!!! They are just government cronies.
One reason I'm doing environmental law this year.
Grad Dip Ed

Graduate Diploma of Education

Graduate Diploma of Education is a one year full-time or two year part-time course to prepare graduates for secondary school teaching in Visual Arts; Music; Science; Personal Development, Health and Physical Education; Human Society and its Environment, and English. This course is for graduates who hold a degree with a major deemed suitable for teaching in secondary education.

My Ma & Pa have got bachelors & masters in education (and arts & science)

So I'd go for a bachelor if I was gonna do that. But nope. Got BA (Bull**** anonymous) - major is sociology but the bulk in law, computers & psych. Finishing my LLB... will go back and do a masters in law cause I should be getting honours. So am thinking of admin & environmental law.

Either that or I go back and do another BA in history.

Oh, been thinking about medicine too... I've been wanting to be in medicine since I was a tiny baby (I have proof - 6 months old and I was watching medical docos and reading medical books... still have my copy of Gray's Anatomy) LMAO
:shock: Thanks but...

I am waaaaaaay too corrupt. Law & sociologu do that to a person.

I think teachers should be those that studied for their HSC, or put effort into school. Not people like me. I've only just started studying.

But hey, I can teach any kid the secret of doing well in it without much effort. It's just they get better marks when they study as well.

Those that work hard for something are to be admired for what they achieve.
Howard bad :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Mr sheen - so true and so much more realistic than byso's attempt :lol: :lol: :lol:
Cool.....Are you also doing a dip.ed (I think thats what they call it) at uni?

I'm surprised that Brendan Nelson hasn't gone that angle! :wink:

Of course all teachers are pinko-lefty-greenies..... I should now as I'm a pinko-lefty-greenie teacher myself. But I got a BEd, not one of those dip things.
[blockquote]Cool.....Are you also doing a dip.ed (I think thats what they call it) at uni?

Of course all teachers are pinko-lefty-greenies..... I should now as I'm a pinko-lefty-greenie teacher myself. .[/blockquote]

About time a teacher confirmed it, i've tried to get CW to for months :wink:
[blockquote]Cool.....Are you also doing a dip.ed (I think thats what they call it) at uni?

I'm surprised that Brendan Nelson hasn't gone that angle! :wink:

Of course all teachers are pinko-lefty-greenies..... I should now as I'm a pinko-lefty-greenie teacher myself. But I got a BEd, not one of those dip things.[/blockquote]

I hope it's not English!
All the good teachers are lefties... especially those in the public domain cause they know it's the labor party that gives education the most funding!!! LOL

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