I was just reading the SMH sports section. Greeted by a huge photo of Lote Tuqiri on the front page I turned to the next page to see a story on Willie Mason and his speculation about switching codes. I involuntarily blurted out...."who gives a f@#k!"
It's a sad testiment to the sport that the only "stars" of the code are league converts. Yer I know that there are a few high profile Union players like the little bald guy (whatshisname?) and a hand full of other hyphenated wannabe's, but when it comes to publicity it's Wendell this, Matt that and Lote blah blah. And the code wets its bloody pants every time a high profile leaguie is on the market... Oooo Joey's gonna switch! Braith's a target! Now Big Willie wants to be a f@#kin wallaby! !ill Uurrrgh! get me a bucket.
That's right Willie wants to join the Wallaby's like his mate Wendell. He doesn't talk about joining a club side, or even a Super 12 (or 14??) team, he's decided he going straight to the top of that mushroom that is Union... "The 2007 World Cup looks good" say Willie!
This is another of my pet peevs about Union, it's like a mushroom.... big and fleshy on top but nothing underneath. Willie says the "international feel" of the sport is an attraction. Wrong Willie it's its ONLY ATTRACTION! League's club scene is its heart, while unions club scene is its ar$3hole. State of Origin means something, its tribal feeling is awesome while the week-in-week-out S12 is a yawn fest!
Go ahead Willie aim for that mushroom! You're guaranteed to get your mug in the paper even more than you do now.... and you can wear those nifty gloves to keep your hands soft!
[/rant over]
It's a sad testiment to the sport that the only "stars" of the code are league converts. Yer I know that there are a few high profile Union players like the little bald guy (whatshisname?) and a hand full of other hyphenated wannabe's, but when it comes to publicity it's Wendell this, Matt that and Lote blah blah. And the code wets its bloody pants every time a high profile leaguie is on the market... Oooo Joey's gonna switch! Braith's a target! Now Big Willie wants to be a f@#kin wallaby! !ill Uurrrgh! get me a bucket.
That's right Willie wants to join the Wallaby's like his mate Wendell. He doesn't talk about joining a club side, or even a Super 12 (or 14??) team, he's decided he going straight to the top of that mushroom that is Union... "The 2007 World Cup looks good" say Willie!
This is another of my pet peevs about Union, it's like a mushroom.... big and fleshy on top but nothing underneath. Willie says the "international feel" of the sport is an attraction. Wrong Willie it's its ONLY ATTRACTION! League's club scene is its heart, while unions club scene is its ar$3hole. State of Origin means something, its tribal feeling is awesome while the week-in-week-out S12 is a yawn fest!
Go ahead Willie aim for that mushroom! You're guaranteed to get your mug in the paper even more than you do now.... and you can wear those nifty gloves to keep your hands soft!
[/rant over]