So the new boy decides he'll live with it, take the pay cheque, and put up with the cronyism, nepotism and factions.
Personally I'd say "my way or I hit the highway" but I'd be doing it in full expctation that I'd be hitting the highway, burning my bridges and ruining my career.
I rest my case your honour!
If you are correct and sadly it appears you may be, is he not doing more harm to his career by not going the "my way or the highway" option.
A CEO, in any organisation that is succesful needs to be strong & show leadership. Would an Executive Recruitment Agency seek out a someone who did not show the strength to a least attempt to initiate change? The role of a CEO is not to make friends, it is to drive change, particulary in an organistaion that was on the verge of bankrupcy not 18 months ago.