There's a lot of assumed information that does the traps that is often flawed but like they say, if its said often enough it becomes the truth in many minds. One of those factors is about Brad Parker.
Scorpio is 1.93mts tall. That's 6'4" in the old scale. He's a little over 100kgs. Menzies was 1.9 mts tall and 98 kgs. Waddell is 1.9 mts and 104 kgs. Keppie is 1.96 mts and 107 kgs. Even Sironen is 1.95 mts and 109 kgs, The difference is not that great.
Its reported Parker gets monstered. Well I've seen Kaupau and AFB monstered when there are several players onto them or they are not balance in such a way to take a hit. It happens to all players No one is suggesting Parker should play front row, or be a forward enforcer. But his body shape and size is not much different from the more agile players in the second row and lock. Even Jake is only 1.85 mts and 107 kgs and he looks like a beast.
Thing is with Parker, he's actually bigger and heavier than Menzies was when he played and though forwards are probably bigger now, the difference is not great. Menzies played centre, but was not that good at it. But as a roving second row or lock he was devastating. Parker is not super fast, but he has pace more than most forwards. He's a top defender and he's tough. That's why I see him in the forwards, where I suspect he would thrive.
ps I know this relates to an earlier age when forwards werent as big. But Terry Randall would have been shorter and lighter than Scorpio. I knew Terry briefly and he was shorter than I am and I'm 1.9 mts