If you can't understand the last sentence, then back to school champ.
So did you say to your druggie friends
\"never mind even though your life is f'ked at least you're enlightened\"
\"Thanks Dan I'm glad you got through it OK you're so clever\"
The point is if there weren't drugs for ignorant fools to take to feel \"enlightened\" then you wouldn't have as manly lives f'ked up!
By the way Dan what did you learn in \"Disney world\"?
Lets disect that one by one.
I understood what you were saying in the last sentence but no one else would. Which is why I said not to be so cryptic!
To my friend with the speed addiction, all I say is, i am here for you if and when you need me, but i wont lend you money or help you get drugs.
He lives in Port macquarie now and is moving back to Sydney soon, the reason he started taking speed was because he has cronic fatigue and it helps pep him up. I have dead set seen him drink a jar of coffee one night and still be barely able to move!
It has nothing to do with enlightenment, the fact that you use that cliche shows how naive you are about drugs! It is about experience, learning things and having fun....do you know what fun is?
As for what did I learn from disney world, well I havent been there since I was about 9 but, i learnt a lot from the epcot center (part of the Disney theme parks in disney world, which is dedicated to science and the history of certain things, like aviation)
I learnt a lot about Americans as people also.
It is about experiencing different cultures. I have been to many countries, several you probably havent heard of, like guam and saipan.
Travelled through China, Thailand, indonesia, all over Europe and a good part of the US and south america. Have been to Africa and many other places across the world. Your little trip to Bali probably taught you heaps though!