Oh what a total shambles. I am a huge Tom /Jake fan but this is just a joke. I don't believe for one minute the bathroom story. But just why is someone with problematic hammies even thinking he could run after a few beers I gather, without warming up and doing all the things he has been doing over the last 4 months to prevent any issues? Now lets say he didn't do it on the Corso - the run might well have tightened the hammy for the bathroom slip. And if he really did tear the hammy in the bathroom slip he is the ultimate biodegradable man - always breaking down. Not much hope of a career ahead of you tear your hammy in the bathroom. Now this isn't illegal stupid like Walker's episode is potentially but this is equally as stupid. Stupidity that is going to cost us massively...... again! When will these morons get a few brain cells between them - Fainu, Walker, Thompson and now Turbo who we expect better decision making from. Beers and footballers and beers and footballers after dark...... just trouble and disaster waiting to happen. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Serenity Now.... Hoochie Mumma!