I agree with
@winnyason here, their pack isn't all star quality. Even Arrow, while pretty good, isn't a world beater. In fact, and yes, I'm bias, but team for team, I think we are at least a match in the backs, and far and away out do them in the forwards. Going off
@sean john 's team:
1.Mitchell versus Trbojevic (I take Tom - at fullback)
2.Johnston versus Taufua (I take Johnston)
3.Roberts versus Parker (I take Parker tbh for many reasons)
4.Burns versus Suli (if his last few games are example - - Suli)
5.Gagai versus Garrick (I think this is an even match)
6.Walker verus Walker (I take Dylan)
7.Reynolds versus DCE (I take DCE)
8.Tatola versus AFB (AFB by miles)
9.Cook versus Levi (I take Cook here by miles)
10.Burgess versus Taupau (no contest - Taupau)
11.Lowe versus Thompson (Thompson)
12.Sua versus Sironen (fully fit, Sirro every day)
13.Arrow versus Jake (no contest - Jake)
14.Knight versus who knows (I'd take a utility over Liam)
15.Nicholls versus Paseka (I'd go an even split)
16.Amone versus Gosi (I take Jack, easily)
17.Murray versus Waddell (Murray has the biscuits)
12 out of 17 players we have them covered imo
2 out of 17 are close imo
3 positions, wing, hooker and a bench spot they have us covered.
We match up pretty well against them. I think people may under rate our roster (at their own peril). We are pretty stacked quality wise. I know Des loves under the radar stuff, but my expectations for this group are sky high.