Tom Wright

I have never made or eaten a **** sandwich before,however I guess it would taste like ****.
Does this mean I am not qualified to tell someone else that eating a **** sandwich is a bad idea?
I hope we have all played NRL or we can't discuss a players performance...I might not agree with someones' view of a player etc....but I will defend their right to comment as long as they are prepared to accept/discuss a different perspective.
When I look at a player on the rise, I look at what he can do, what are his natural attributes, not what he cant do. Often things that he cant do can be improved, but you cant teach natural attributes. I look at Wright and see speed, evasiveness, ball playing skill, a good sense of attacking nous. Yes maybe his involvement has been a problem and perhaps his defence needs working on. But the talent its there. A good coach can usually polish the rough edges.
Imagine what Bellyache would turn him into
Very strange.
When I gave TW wraps in the past for good performance in his Wallabies debut and good games at Brumbies I never caused such a hullabaloo. Now that I have pointed out his horrible performance in an update I caused a mischief.
Has signed again with Brumbies.
“I said last year when I signed for 2021 that there was no place I’d rather be than at the Brumbies and in Australia at this point in my career, so to have the next couple of seasons locked away is awesome."
Well that puts an end to all that speculation then
How many of the critics on this thread have represented their country in any sport. Yet you judge someone that has reached the highest level in Rugby Union in this country and on the back of a poor performance last night determine he is not a good player. Hmm.

I’d say a similar amount to how many have played or coached first grade rugby league
How many of the critics on this thread have represented their country in any sport. Yet you judge someone that has reached the highest level in Rugby Union in this country and on the back of a poor performance last night determine he is not a good player. Hmm.
Congratulations to Tom for being chosen to play for Australia in Rugby Union. He was always an outstanding talent as a footballer when he was with us. Playing for the national team in any code is a massive achievement in itself.
I have never made or eaten a ** sandwich before,however I guess it would taste like **.
Does this mean I am not qualified to tell someone else that eating a **** sandwich is a bad idea?
I hope we have all played NRL or we can't discuss a players performance...I might not agree with someones' view of a player etc....but I will defend their right to comment as long as they are prepared to accept/discuss a different perspective.

Smokin' I am in no way saying you shouldn't make an assessment of how you feel a player or coach is performing as an opinion. We all have that right. But its when we judge in a besmirching manner the underlying character and integrity of that person, we cross the line.

Let me put it this way. Lets say in fact I am Tom Wright and Bearfax is an alias. Or Tom is a close friend of mine. Thing is that may be the case. I'm not Tom obviously but you cant know if he's a friend of mine and I wont say if its true or false. I read things here being said behind his back putting him down. Different if I was just talking with friends, but this is not just talking with friends. This is a public forum. I read someone questioning his character, his personal efforts on the football field, stating he's a fraud, glory seeker etc or worse. Now what's to say I tell Tom to read some of these items. In law he would have the right to challenge someone denigrating him. Comes under the Deformation Act. Technically he could seek a legal injunction against such material and even demand the identity of those who are besmirching his name. Could even place restrictions on this very site.

I'm not saying that will happen. That's an extreme case. But it gives a sense of where we need to draw the line. To express an opinion (and ensuring its couched in such manner) about whether you think a players performance has been good or bad in a specific game, is fine. To generalise and besmirch his character by saying he's a dimwit or a glory seeker etc is not. Criticise the action, the performance, but not the integrity, commitment or character of the person.

Just as an example of how it can go, I indicated I attended a lot of court appearances. There was a rather interesting judge called Judge Knowblanche. Didn't put up with any nonsense in his court. Some people gave him a nick name called Nobby as in Nobby because he was considered nuts. Someone placed a packet of such nuts on his bench. He held up court for most of the day demanding to know who put it there. Whoever did, and no one admitted it, they would have been gaoled. Contempt of court and Defamation of character. Extreme case but gives a sense of how serious it can in the end be considered.

The thing is we sometimes forget these are people just like us. And because they are famous we think we can judge them. Yet rarely do we know more than a little about them and most from media sourses, which are generally there to titillate and create drama. An image is created which is often nothing like the real person, who is just like us, trying his best at what he does, supporting his family, with much the same concerns as we have. They just happen to be famous. I'm just suggesting we treat them like we treat those close to us, with respect.
How many of the critics on this thread have represented their country in any sport. Yet you judge someone that has reached the highest level in Rugby Union in this country
Um I'm fairly sure you have been a critic at times here yourself!! Not sure if that means you've coached a premiership team, played for Australia or racked up a number of top level games!
Hey most of us have never been Prime Minister or president of the USA or China but that doesn't mean we can't express our views on them. I'm sure you agree, actually 🙂
Um I'm fairly sure you have been a critic at times here yourself!! Not sure if that means you've coached a premiership team, played for Australia or racked up a number of top level games!
Hey most of us have never been Prime Minister or president of the USA or China but that doesn't mean we can't express our views on them. I'm sure you agree, actually 🙂

I'm hoping this was all tongue in cheek SER8 because otherwise it is exactly what I'm referring to. Respect.

I'm just an ordinary guy who has had the very good fortune of working closely with thousands (no BS here) of people on a quite personal level through parole work, co-supervising an emergency street adolescent lodge, and being heavily involved in union activity. My way of thinking may be seen as being soft to some. I call it being logical in regard to showing respect for the individual. I would not have survived in those positions if I didn't show such. As I clearly said, criticism of specific performance is fine. Putting someone down is not . I think that's fairly clear isn't it? I had clients who were murderers, rapists, child sex offenders, home invasion offenders, thieves, domestic violence offenders, you name it, some of the people you may have seen glorified on TV. I criticised their actions, always, but showed them respect as people. I therefore got that in return. If they did wrong I contributed to their prosecution but they always knew it was their action not mine that got them there. Its a quite simple philosophy.
Smokin' I am in no way saying you shouldn't make an assessment of how you feel a player or coach is performing as an opinion. We all have that right. But its when we judge in a besmirching manner the underlying character and integrity of that person, we cross the line.

Let me put it this way. Lets say in fact I am Tom Wright and Bearfax is an alias. Or Tom is a close friend of mine. Thing is that may be the case. I'm not Tom obviously but you cant know if he's a friend of mine and I wont say if its true or false. I read things here being said behind his back putting him down. Different if I was just talking with friends, but this is not just talking with friends. This is a public forum. I read someone questioning his character, his personal efforts on the football field, stating he's a fraud, glory seeker etc or worse. Now what's to say I tell Tom to read some of these items. In law he would have the right to challenge someone denigrating him. Comes under the Deformation Act. Technically he could seek a legal injunction against such material and even demand the identity of those who are besmirching his name. Could even place restrictions on this very site.

I'm not saying that will happen. That's an extreme case. But it gives a sense of where we need to draw the line. To express an opinion (and ensuring its couched in such manner) about whether you think a players performance has been good or bad in a specific game, is fine. To generalise and besmirch his character by saying he's a dimwit or a glory seeker etc is not. Criticise the action, the performance, but not the integrity, commitment or character of the person.

Just as an example of how it can go, I indicated I attended a lot of court appearances. There was a rather interesting judge called Judge Knowblanche. Didn't put up with any nonsense in his court. Some people gave him a nick name called Nobby as in Nobby because he was considered nuts. Someone placed a packet of such nuts on his bench. He held up court for most of the day demanding to know who put it there. Whoever did, and no one admitted it, they would have been gaoled. Contempt of court and Defamation of character. Extreme case but gives a sense of how serious it can in the end be considered.

The thing is we sometimes forget these are people just like us. And because they are famous we think we can judge them. Yet rarely do we know more than a little about them and most from media sourses, which are generally there to titillate and create drama. An image is created which is often nothing like the real person, who is just like us, trying his best at what he does, supporting his family, with much the same concerns as we have. They just happen to be famous. I'm just suggesting we treat them like we treat those close to us, with respect.
All valid points mate, but if you are going to write this every time a player is unfairly criticised on here then the cut and paste is going to get a work out. Tom Wright has gotten off lightly compared to others. Go and have a read of the last match day thread and see what was said about Jetski, Suli and Walker. Not sure why you want to fight a battle for an ex player who has received some relatively mild criticisms of his performance in another sport when there are more worthy recipients closer to home warranting your defence of their honour
All valid points mate, but if you are going to write this every time a player is unfairly criticised on here then the cut and paste is going to get a work out. Tom Wright has gotten off lightly compared to others. Go and have a read of the last match day thread and see what was said about Jetski, Suli and Walker. Not sure why you want to fight a battle for an ex player who has received some relatively mild criticisms of his performance in another sport when there are more worthy recipients closer to home warranting your defence of their honour

Point taken C and C. In fact I have said similar issues regarding players in the past starting in fact with Brett Stewart, when he was being crucified. Gutherson, Hastings, Walker, etc etc. Look back. Same issue applies. Respect no matter our personal feelings
I have never made or eaten a ** sandwich before,however I guess it would taste like **.
Does this mean I am not qualified to tell someone else that eating a **** sandwich is a bad idea?
I hope we have all played NRL or we can't discuss a players performance...I might not agree with someones' view of a player etc....but I will defend their right to comment as long as they are prepared to accept/discuss a different perspective.
That mentality has always annoyed me... If you havnt played it, you can't comment... Ok cool, I own a burger shop.. if I over cook/under cook a burger and make it taste like absolute garbage, does that mean noone is allowed to comment on it because they have never owned their own burger shops????
It's ridiculous, yet it's the go to argument for the mindless idiots that can't have a discussion with differing opinions
Wow thwre are some longgggggg posts in here.
Personally i would have him back in Manly colours tomorrow. Have followed his rugby career pretty close and last night does not represent his talent.
Please dont forget the wallibies have been dropping balls cold for 20 years so to single out TW for special mention means nothing.
He wqs never given a go by TBaz for whatever reason which was a shame. The 2 or 3 games he did get were when our barrel was empty so again not a fair comparison.
Smokin' I am in no way saying you shouldn't make an assessment of how you feel a player or coach is performing as an opinion. We all have that right. But its when we judge in a besmirching manner the underlying character and integrity of that person, we cross the line.

Let me put it this way. Lets say in fact I am Tom Wright and Bearfax is an alias. Or Tom is a close friend of mine. Thing is that may be the case. I'm not Tom obviously but you cant know if he's a friend of mine and I wont say if its true or false. I read things here being said behind his back putting him down. Different if I was just talking with friends, but this is not just talking with friends. This is a public forum. I read someone questioning his character, his personal efforts on the football field, stating he's a fraud, glory seeker etc or worse. Now what's to say I tell Tom to read some of these items. In law he would have the right to challenge someone denigrating him. Comes under the Deformation Act. Technically he could seek a legal injunction against such material and even demand the identity of those who are besmirching his name. Could even place restrictions on this very site.

I'm not saying that will happen. That's an extreme case. But it gives a sense of where we need to draw the line. To express an opinion (and ensuring its couched in such manner) about whether you think a players performance has been good or bad in a specific game, is fine. To generalise and besmirch his character by saying he's a dimwit or a glory seeker etc is not. Criticise the action, the performance, but not the integrity, commitment or character of the person.

Just as an example of how it can go, I indicated I attended a lot of court appearances. There was a rather interesting judge called Judge Knowblanche. Didn't put up with any nonsense in his court. Some people gave him a nick name called Nobby as in Nobby because he was considered nuts. Someone placed a packet of such nuts on his bench. He held up court for most of the day demanding to know who put it there. Whoever did, and no one admitted it, they would have been gaoled. Contempt of court and Defamation of character. Extreme case but gives a sense of how serious it can in the end be considered.

The thing is we sometimes forget these are people just like us. And because they are famous we think we can judge them. Yet rarely do we know more than a little about them and most from media sourses, which are generally there to titillate and create drama. An image is created which is often nothing like the real person, who is just like us, trying his best at what he does, supporting his family, with much the same concerns as we have. They just happen to be famous. I'm just suggesting we treat them like we treat those close to us, with respect.
I wish I was as articulate as you Feathered friend
Wow thwre are some longgggggg posts in here.
Personally i would have him back in Manly colours tomorrow. Have followed his rugby career pretty close and last night does not represent his talent.
Please dont forget the wallibies have been dropping balls cold for 20 years so to single out TW for special mention means nothing.
He wqs never given a go by TBaz for whatever reason which was a shame. The 2 or 3 games he did get were when our barrel was empty so again not a fair comparison.

Tom Wright at 20 years of age played only 5 games and in different positions including off the bench when Trents Manly team was getting thrashed and some talent scouts on here are judging a young player on that .

After only 5 games a 20 year old is a failure LOL
I'm not getting into the the discussion above but from the games I have seen of Tom Wright in Manly lower grades, first grade and the Brumbies he doesnt not have the all round game to warrent this ongoing fascination on this forum.

He has always demonstrated talent and some flashy skills but his overall contribution on the pitch has always flattered to deceive.

All in my opinion of course
Tom Wright at 20 years of age played only 5 games and in different positions including off the bench when Trents Manly team was getting thrashed and some talent scouts on here are judging a young player on that .

After only 5 games a 20 year old is a failure LOL
100% agree.

I think in a winning team in NRL 2021 the guy could be a revelation.

But as you say we have seen him play 5 games @ 20 years of age and that shall forever tar his name.

Would be interesting to see him under Bellyach down south. If they can make Hynes a superstar I could only imagine his rise to stardom.
Um I'm fairly sure you have been a critic at times here yourself!! Not sure if that means you've coached a premiership team, played for Australia or racked up a number of top level games!
Hey most of us have never been Prime Minister or president of the USA or China but that doesn't mean we can't express our views on them. I'm sure you agree, actually 🙂
I was actually a fan of Wright and thought we may have missed our opportunity of bringing out the best in him. I guess we will never know. But what you say about me being a critic at times has merit and I have been a critic of Des in the past. But I haven't said he wasn't good player or he wasn't a good coach historically but rather that believed he was making the wrong decisions at the relevant time particularly during 2020 and the early part of 2021 and I believed the game was leaving him behind. I'm am very glad that Des has adapted and is again leading us to success. I guess the distinction is that you can be critical of someone's performance from time to time but to suggest they aren't talented and to down play their achievements is what I sought, rather clumsily, to identify as my source of disappointment.

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