Napper said:
That's insane! I planned on using Centrebet instrad of the TAB. Do you mind me asking what sort of win got you banned?
It wasn't just that one bet on the Reds vs Crusaders that they banned me for but it was the, to borrow Michael Clarke's words for a moment 'the straw that broke the camels back" and to Centrebets credit they told me that I was hurting their business, and that they in the business to make money not give it away, fair enough so that means that if you have a current centrebet account you are in the red and in simple terms you suck at sports betting and they will happily keep your account active.
I would place bets with centrebet usually online only and was doing very well (not enough to buy a mansion like bob dylans mate's but enough to buy modest home in the 'burbs) but that final straw I mentioned is that I placed a bet during live play when the reds were paying I believe around $3.40ish but I was placed on hold for about 5 minutes while they discussed accepting my bet or not and they finally did (only after the dividend was to be less than the advertised odds of -$0.15 so I ended up being paid only $3.25ish off my $25K bet) the Reds WON......WOOHOO and the next day BAM my account is closed.
BobDylan has raised an interesting topic on those very small percentage of people who do win and actually is what funds their life as I consider myself an "advantage" punter, those punters have something under control and that is their "psychological weaknesses"
The reality is that the bookies/house wins because they are banking on your lack of discipline (and NO human is immune to that) corporate bookmakers fund their business from "sqaures" so really there is no hope for most punters who aren't in that <1%.
Of course Waterhouse can advertise his business but he has taken it to a new unseen before extreme and it is taking away the joy of watching a simple game of league.