Put yourselves in their shoes. Untested 'evidence' that may or may not see you sit out 2 years, and an option to make it go away by accepting back dated deals and play Round 1 next year.
This has been dragging on for ages and I don't begrudge any player that simply had no confidence in the matter proceeding fairly, and took the option to plead guilty.
Two clubs have been mired down in a process that can't definitively state fault, and it's why we have these watered down options. Do you think that if they had hard evidence of illegal substance programs, we'd have seen anything but two year/life bans across the board? No wonder the Olympians are losing their ...!!!
Everything 'til now has failed the comparison test to what was initially announced. I struggle to see how any fallout has resulted in widespread implications that would justify calling last Febs grandstanding as anything but a Light Shade of Grey Day in Sport.