The sum of us: Rugby league hero Steve Mortimer proud of his son's gay union

The chance of there being life somewhere else in the vast universe may well be very low but it is still many, many of orders of magnitude higher than the chance of there being a God (whichever one you choose of the many available). To equate the two is outlandish.

I also dispute your claim that "many atheists believe in the existence of aliens" - what percentage is "many" just out of interest ?? I'm an atheist and I don't believe that aliens exist, nor do any of my many atheist friends. I agree that we would all acknowledge that there is a statistical chance that alien life forms exist, but that is streets away from actually believing they do. Trying to discredit the atheist viewpoint by making outlandish claims that they all believe in little green men is ridiculous.
Many can be Many, i never stated the majority or most but a large enough sum to be noticed, a large enough sum that you will bump into a person with such beliefs.
Percentages will be low, in the same way that there are many people who identify themselves as being Homosexual, Bisexual and Lesbians but percentage wise they probably take up less than 10-15% at most(and that is being generous)

It was an observation in the same way i could equally say "Many Christians believe in the existence of Aliens" both sides are as bad as each other.

Did i state they "all" believe in little green men, once again people like to exaggerate for effect.

Appears to me " a lot" of identifying "Atheists" in this thread were offended off such a small one line observation that was thrown in to balance the counter observations---yet fail to notice in their own comments they could be doing the same to people of faith.

Basically why do people care what other people think, this is what creates conflict not meaningful debate.

Just because i support the right of Gay and Lesbians to get married doesn't mean i will ever view it as marriage, doesn't mean i agree, i am just willing to accept and don't feel i have the right to say no.
This article just about sums up Rex and this thread perfectly.

ONE of the puzzling aspects of political correctness in Australia has been its durability, its capacity to bounce back and repeatedly defy the laws of commonsense in society. Many of us thought this repressive doctrine had been defeated in the late 1990s.

Leaders from both major parties, such as John Howard and Bob Carr, had declared a new era of free speech and it appeared to be working.

Political correctness had come and gone as an aberration, a mutant strain in our national life.

The notion that a bunch of self-appointed inner-city elites could dictate to the rest of the country how we should speak, think and feel had been consigned to the dustbin of history.

Or so it seemed. Now the evidence suggests the PC monster has returned, worse than ever. It has grabbed hold of our university system, where Australian history is being rewritten and the use of sarcasm outlawed.

At Sydney University, the Evangelical Union has been threatened with deregistration because of the so-called “discriminatory practice” of requiring its members to believe in Jesus. In government schools, classes previously devoted to the teaching of maths, science and English are being replaced by “respectful relationship” and “anti-bullying” programs.


The new curriculum is a Trojan horse for attempts at neo-Marxist social engineering.

The Safe Schools program, for instance, is 5 per cent anti-bullying and 95 per cent gender propaganda: encouraging students to believe the genetic reality of male and female has become obsolete; and that swapping genders is as easy as swapping underpants. Even preschool students are not immune from this nonsense.

Early Childhood Australia teaches toddlers about sex and cross-dressing — consistent with its belief that young children are “sexual beings”.

Its Start Early program includes tours of the opposite sex’s toilets as a way of “valuing difference” and “reducing family violence”. This is what Left-feminism has become: a wacko factory arguing that if three-year-old boys inspect the girls’ loo they will grow up to never hit anyone. Elsewhere there are daily reports of a domestic violence “epidemic” and “national emergency”, inferring we’ve become a nation of wife-bashers.

Yet official figures show an annual domestic assault rate against women of 1 per cent. In their critique of men and “patriarchy”, Left-feminists never let the facts get in the way of a good story. In the new PC era, a man only needs to look sideways at an attractive woman to be labelled a “misogynist” — as the West Indian cricketer Chris Gayle found out when he flirted with Mel McLaughlin during last season’s Big Bash. While normal people spend their downtime watching My Kitchen Rules or Married At First Sight, the elites sit around dreaming up negative labels with which to denigrate the everyday fun of suburban life.

Chat up a pretty girl: “Sexist”. Laugh at a joke involving race or gender: “Bigot”. Enjoy a good-natured pun to do with sexuality: “Homophobe”. Barrack against a footy player you don’t like: “Racist”.

Taking offence used to be a choice in life. Now it’s a mandatory source of outrage for every two-bit Leftie living northeast of Marrickville.

Government agencies are adding to the PC plague. In Tasmania, the state Anti-Discrimination Commissioner has found the Catholic Church has a case to answer for speaking out against gay marriage (an institution the church has never supported).

Australia’s Race Discrimination Commissioner, Tim Soutphommasane, has gone a step further: redefining the meaning of tolerance, such that citizens can now be judged to be racist “even in the absence of racial malice”. That is, one can mean no harm to another person, say with the use of innocuous terms such as Muzzie or Negro — but still be found guilty of what Soutphommasane calls “unlawful racial discrimination”.

What’s behind this resurgence of political correctness in our national life? I can identify two causes: money and ideology. In the digital age, traditional media companies such as Fairfax are under severe financial pressure. Their response has been to chase clickbait — hits on their websites from exaggerated headlines about PC outrage (which then attracts extra advertising revenue).

Ideologically, on foreign and economic policy, Left activists have run out of issues on which to campaign — turning instead to “widespread cultural change” as a way of achieving their goals. Neo-Marxism’s credibility on foreign policy collapsed with the fall of the Berlin Wall.

On economic issues, the triumph of modern capitalism (especially in Australia with its 25 years of unbroken economic growth) has rendered the Left impotent. Twenty years ago it was talking about central planning and protectionism, but now these ideas are laughable. Trying to engineer cultural change is all it has left, a strategy exercised through influence in universities, schools, government nanny-state agencies and media outlets.

This is the new Leftist Cultural Revolution, a political movement no less manipulative than Mao Zedong’s original version 50 years ago. When the elites talk about “the need for widespread cultural change”, what they are actually doing is trying to transform human nature — a dangerously authoritarian process.

They are trying to re-engineer society in their own image, such that:

● People no longer speak the truth about their beliefs or the things they see around them for fear of upsetting the feelings of “minority groups”.
● The natural urge for people to laugh at all forms of satire and absurdity is suppressed, in deference to the (overblown) sensitivities of race, gender and sexuality.
● School students are taught that it’s natural to have no gender differences in society, only gender choices.
● Men no longer flirt with women or even playfully touch another man for fear of being accused of violence and harassment.
● The meaning of intolerance is redefined to exclude malice — thereby sanitising our language and increasing the thought police powers of various “human rights” tribunals.

Resisting cultural re-education of this kind is the greatest, most important fight in modern Australia.

We need to resist the suffocating propaganda of political correctness.

Otherwise we will become a nation of Leftist clones, our lives refashioned to fit the neo-Marxist mould.
Wow I turn my back on this debate for a week and now its all about whether aliens exist.

I thought the thread was about a feel good story of a sporting legend supporting his boy. Seems like ages ago that this was actually discussed.

I have enjoyed the banter with people on this thread. I think we have been mostly fair in our exchanges and its true that some people have their opinions which they are entitled to.

I think the moral of this story is about accepting people for whom they are and rejecting homophobia and ignorance.
I would say that the real message is tolerance for anybody who becomes disaffected, for ANY reason. That would include respecting people's religious beliefs, sexual persuasion or even social habits. The word tolerance is too loosely thrown about, especially by those with set agendas. Those who denounce God and Christianity seem to have a back slapping field day defiling and ridiculing religious people, so it seems that tolerance may be sadly lacking in this instance. The thread has provided many lessons indeed, but judging people's values and beliefs is wide of the mark for a light hearted football blog that doesn't involve personal interaction and known history and behaviour of the participants. Despite what our learned peer has to say, I value all people's contributions here, but I can agree or disagree as I see fit I guess. The ST mob are a wonderful bunch!:rock::clap::inlove:
This article just about sums up Rex and this thread perfectly.

ONE of the puzzling aspects of political correctness in Australia has been its durability, its capacity to bounce back and repeatedly defy the laws of commonsense in society. Many of us thought this repressive doctrine had been defeated in the late 1990s.

Leaders from both major parties, such as John Howard and Bob Carr, had declared a new era of free speech and it appeared to be working.

Political correctness had come and gone as an aberration, a mutant strain in our national life.

The notion that a bunch of self-appointed inner-city elites could dictate to the rest of the country how we should speak, think and feel had been consigned to the dustbin of history.

Or so it seemed. Now the evidence suggests the PC monster has returned, worse than ever. It has grabbed hold of our university system, where Australian history is being rewritten and the use of sarcasm outlawed.

At Sydney University, the Evangelical Union has been threatened with deregistration because of the so-called “discriminatory practice” of requiring its members to believe in Jesus. In government schools, classes previously devoted to the teaching of maths, science and English are being replaced by “respectful relationship” and “anti-bullying” programs.


The new curriculum is a Trojan horse for attempts at neo-Marxist social engineering.

The Safe Schools program, for instance, is 5 per cent anti-bullying and 95 per cent gender propaganda: encouraging students to believe the genetic reality of male and female has become obsolete; and that swapping genders is as easy as swapping underpants. Even preschool students are not immune from this nonsense.

Early Childhood Australia teaches toddlers about sex and cross-dressing — consistent with its belief that young children are “sexual beings”.

Its Start Early program includes tours of the opposite sex’s toilets as a way of “valuing difference” and “reducing family violence”. This is what Left-feminism has become: a wacko factory arguing that if three-year-old boys inspect the girls’ loo they will grow up to never hit anyone. Elsewhere there are daily reports of a domestic violence “epidemic” and “national emergency”, inferring we’ve become a nation of wife-bashers.

Yet official figures show an annual domestic assault rate against women of 1 per cent. In their critique of men and “patriarchy”, Left-feminists never let the facts get in the way of a good story. In the new PC era, a man only needs to look sideways at an attractive woman to be labelled a “misogynist” — as the West Indian cricketer Chris Gayle found out when he flirted with Mel McLaughlin during last season’s Big Bash. While normal people spend their downtime watching My Kitchen Rules or Married At First Sight, the elites sit around dreaming up negative labels with which to denigrate the everyday fun of suburban life.

Chat up a pretty girl: “Sexist”. Laugh at a joke involving race or gender: “Bigot”. Enjoy a good-natured pun to do with sexuality: “Homophobe”. Barrack against a footy player you don’t like: “Racist”.

Taking offence used to be a choice in life. Now it’s a mandatory source of outrage for every two-bit Leftie living northeast of Marrickville.

Government agencies are adding to the PC plague. In Tasmania, the state Anti-Discrimination Commissioner has found the Catholic Church has a case to answer for speaking out against gay marriage (an institution the church has never supported).

Australia’s Race Discrimination Commissioner, Tim Soutphommasane, has gone a step further: redefining the meaning of tolerance, such that citizens can now be judged to be racist “even in the absence of racial malice”. That is, one can mean no harm to another person, say with the use of innocuous terms such as Muzzie or Negro — but still be found guilty of what Soutphommasane calls “unlawful racial discrimination”.

What’s behind this resurgence of political correctness in our national life? I can identify two causes: money and ideology. In the digital age, traditional media companies such as Fairfax are under severe financial pressure. Their response has been to chase clickbait — hits on their websites from exaggerated headlines about PC outrage (which then attracts extra advertising revenue).

Ideologically, on foreign and economic policy, Left activists have run out of issues on which to campaign — turning instead to “widespread cultural change” as a way of achieving their goals. Neo-Marxism’s credibility on foreign policy collapsed with the fall of the Berlin Wall.

On economic issues, the triumph of modern capitalism (especially in Australia with its 25 years of unbroken economic growth) has rendered the Left impotent. Twenty years ago it was talking about central planning and protectionism, but now these ideas are laughable. Trying to engineer cultural change is all it has left, a strategy exercised through influence in universities, schools, government nanny-state agencies and media outlets.

This is the new Leftist Cultural Revolution, a political movement no less manipulative than Mao Zedong’s original version 50 years ago. When the elites talk about “the need for widespread cultural change”, what they are actually doing is trying to transform human nature — a dangerously authoritarian process.

They are trying to re-engineer society in their own image, such that:

● People no longer speak the truth about their beliefs or the things they see around them for fear of upsetting the feelings of “minority groups”.
● The natural urge for people to laugh at all forms of satire and absurdity is suppressed, in deference to the (overblown) sensitivities of race, gender and sexuality.
● School students are taught that it’s natural to have no gender differences in society, only gender choices.
● Men no longer flirt with women or even playfully touch another man for fear of being accused of violence and harassment.
● The meaning of intolerance is redefined to exclude malice — thereby sanitising our language and increasing the thought police powers of various “human rights” tribunals.

Resisting cultural re-education of this kind is the greatest, most important fight in modern Australia.

We need to resist the suffocating propaganda of political correctness.

Otherwise we will become a nation of Leftist clones, our lives refashioned to fit the neo-Marxist mould.
Oops. You accidentally posted the entire article without the all important words: by Mark Latham.
A minor oversight, I'm sure.
@Technical Coach

TC, I think I will drop off this discussion and in future restrict our sabre rattling to matters football, an area in which you demonstrate a basic understanding.

Just kidding, your understanding is a bit more advanced than basic.
How does this ridiculous thread get to 23 pages?

I make a simple one line statement about a player signing in the '2016 Rumoured and confirmed signings' thread and it is deleted before I even post it. And this thread is allowed to degenerate to what it is now.

It should have been closed 20 pages back.
How does this ridiculous thread get to 23 pages?

I make a simple one line statement about a player signing in the '2016 Rumoured and confirmed signings' thread and it is deleted before I even post it. And this thread is allowed to degenerate to what it is now.

It should have been closed 20 pages back.
Frank! You're blaming the mods for deleting something BEFORE you posted it?
What utter rubbish. I have not EVER said or inferred such a thing. This is just the typical reaction the PC brigade offer up when they have no where else to go but plain insults.
Did you even read the article you posted? You posted an entire political diatribe which you endorse as summing up a fellow poster Rex in terms including 'an aberration' and 'a mutant strain'. So who is insulting who? Can't have it both ways!
This quote just about sums up the article.

"While normal people spend their downtime watching My Kitchen Rules or Married At First Sight, the elites sit around dreaming up negative labels with which to denigrate the everyday fun of suburban life."

If you're watching those TV shows, you've decided that thinking is not your bag. It's probably best that you are told what to do by the "elites".
If that's normal, I'd much rather be considered an "elite". No matter how condescendingly and cynically that label is offered.

Too many people have allowed themselves to believe that being a bogan moron is normal and that anyone who thinks beyond themselves and their own situation is a wanker.
@Technical Coach

TC, I think I will drop off this discussion and in future restrict our sabre rattling to matters football, an area in which you demonstrate a basic understanding.

Just kidding, your understanding is a bit more advanced than basic.
And where in this thread Mr Intelligent have i not displayed a basic understanding and balanced view on "Accepting Gay/Lesbian Rights", "Aliens" and "Alien Life".
This quote just about sums up the article.

"While normal people spend their downtime watching My Kitchen Rules or Married At First Sight, the elites sit around dreaming up negative labels with which to denigrate the everyday fun of suburban life."

If you're watching those TV shows, you've decided that thinking is not your bag. It's probably best that you are told what to do by the "elites".
If that's normal, I'd much rather be considered an "elite". No matter how condescendingly and cynically that label is offered.

Too many people have allowed themselves to believe that being a bogan moron is normal and that anyone who thinks beyond themselves and their own situation is a wanker.
They are a wanker when they use thinking beyond themselves like it is some kind of fashion statement.
How does this ridiculous thread get to 23 pages?

I make a simple one line statement about a player signing in the '2016 Rumoured and confirmed signings' thread and it is deleted before I even post it. And this thread is allowed to degenerate to what it is now.

It should have been closed 20 pages back.
Yet your search history shows you have read most of the 20 pages you think should not exist.

Why do people care if a thread needs closing, if a thread does not hold your interest or entertain you in some form don't read it---- simple.

Why do members have this need for "Moderators" to close threads, move threads and require an ignore/iggy button to ignore or not reply to someone----how about just not "replying" and learn how to ignore in the mature conventional way.
This is the most outragous thread I think I have seen on Silvertails...funny stuff & so out there, maybe we have a few aliens among us "Men in Black" style!!
This is the most outragous thread I think I have seen on Silvertails...funny stuff & so out there, maybe we have a few aliens among us "Men in Black" style!!
Dan wanted more hits and a more broad demographic viewing of this site(encompassing new viewers) so hopefully more "Aliens and people who identify as Gay or Lesbian" have jumped on board.

But the probability of his happening in the near to medium term is also "very low"
Yet your search history shows you have read most of the 20 pages you think should not exist.

Why do people care if a thread needs closing, if a thread does not hold your interest or entertain you in some form don't read it---- simple.

Why do members have this need for "Moderators" to close threads, move threads and require an ignore/iggy button to ignore or not reply to someone----how about just not "replying" and learn how to ignore in the mature conventional way.
I can assure you I have read very little of what has been written. At best it had a tenuous grip on the subject of rugby league initially. Now it is just rubbish.

I check back from time to time (usually out of boredom) and find that my 'Go to First Unread' is several pages behind the latest. I usually then skip to the latest page. Perhaps this is skewing what I have actually read.

I find it interesting that you would investigate statistics like that.

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