1. Our regular hooker's name is Lachlan Croker (not Crocker - especially not that ex Melbourne grub Michael Crocker)
2. When a Manly player signs a contract with another team and it commences after their Manly contracts expires, we have not "released" the player. He has simply signed elsewhere.
3. We get it Harper and Parker aren't going to be mistaken for Lyon and Matai. No need to start another thread about it.
4. Speaking of Lyon, he was a center and his first name is Jamie. If you are thinking of Lyons, his name is Cliff.
5. If you don't like a Manly player and you want them to leave the club, we can only "release" them to another club if the other club is willing to take over their existing contract. Of course, Manly can chip in money to facilitate that happening. i.e. pay a portion of the contract.
What else?