frank stokes
I discriminate indiscriminately
I agree with your sentiment but I also think he is one of very few contenders (besides Guac obviously) for the role he is currently playing... Who are our other ball-playing forwards on an edge?He is either the best 2nd rower we have .. or he isn't
He is either the best 5/8th we have .. or he isn't
He is either the best centre we have or he isn't
Love him and his potential .. (and before the hissy fitters start I know he is young, 1st season yadayadayada ) .. but why are people guaranteeing him a spot in the starting side ... if he is as good as we think he is .. it wouldn't be a discussion..
And just because Foran has signed next year also doesn't lock him in as the starting 5/8th ... again. if the shoo is good enough he should be able to dispose off a broken down geriatric with ease ..
Burbo? Maybe...
Bullimore? He is a middle isn't he?
Jake? Too slow
Froggy? Not sure he has the ball skills
Walker? Potentially but he lacks size...
Even if he is better at 6 than Foz it may not as easy to fill his current role as it is to play them the way Des has...