Lack depth how? I am interested in where you are going here
I believe in a society where we make compromises for the greater good. It is the same reason why I follow a speed limit rather than doing what I feel. This means there are times when we all need to compromise and go beyond the "both sides" argument.
Homophobic views have a detrimental effect on young gay people. I am not sure how this is confusing or even up for debate.
The debate has never been about ones "views" that we are all entitled to have, the debate is over the "promotion" of views and by doing so forcing the hand of others who don't agree with such views to take a stand and out themselves in the "workplace".
In the same way gays and lesbians in the past would not have appreciated having to out themselves in the workplace if they were not ready to do so. The workplace should be a neutral environment to allow all people to work, retain their beliefs,views, sexuality in privacy but all get along under "The Law".
Ones views doesn't mean one is incapable of showing respect in everyday interactions, i don't have to like an individual in order to interact with them in a way that allows both of us to lead a life of freedom and opportunities.
Conversely there are many views against Religions done so in a disrespectful divisive way(even in these forums) that too can have a "detrimental effect" on people so i don't see why one group should be elevated over another.
On top of that the LGTBQ+ and any other letter that is pretty much guaranteed to be added to this group in the future, is too fluid and broad of a group/ definition that some people may not agree with certain aspects of now or in the future. Why should one show support for a definition that is not even fixed and way too broad for some.
I could go into the stats but it will just lead to certain types being offended so why bother, but it is pretty obvious that Bisexuals will have a higher rate of suicide compared to gays or lesbians for example.(no research required to work that out)
Yes i would love all people to have as near to zero suicide rates as possible regardless of who you are and i sympathize with the struggles that people with a more fluid or not straight sexuality go through on a daily basis, but i don't believe promotions dealing with the complexities of life are necessary or even helpful in the sporting domain, that is for Govts, The Education System and families to absorb, reflect, nurture and debate on.
Many will say "people choose their faith" not their sexuality but what right do they have to enforce and push that view on people of faith in public(many believers will say they are born with faith), in the same way Religious types have no right to dictate to the LGTBQ+ that it is a sin to be of that sexuality or their sexuality can be fixed.
The belief in a God has been around for a very very very long time and there is research in a God Gene taking place so why don't both sides just keep their opinions and views to themselves due to the risk of offending the other, along with not preaching such views from both sides in sport or the workplace----we all need to get along and work on ourselves in our own time.