Engorged member
The old man used to tell one about when they had to take survivors off a supply ship that had been torpedoed in huge seas and was sinking. They could hear a dog barking on the ship. The captain asked for volunteers and this big Irish bloke said he'd take a line across. They got a few survivors ( English) back and the dog. When he got back onboard the captain congratulated him. He replied " I would'nt like to see a f**kin dog die ,sir.
My old man doesn't like to talk about Vietnam a lot, but after a couple of beers, he lets his modesty slip. He likes to tell the story of an American Lt he came across at one stage. This won him an award for bravery. My old man and his crew had made there way through the jungle to an outpost that the yanks had set up, complete with a make shift bunker! It was at the foot of a strategic hill and the yanks had been "trying" to gain it for months. The Aussies had arrived there around 7am. After a brief introduction, the old man asked this yank Lt what info they had about the VC or sympathisers in the immediate area.
His response.....he told the old man that he himself was 10 months into his 12 month tour. He goes out side to sh1t, and that's all. He advised the Aussies to do the same.
The Australians (without air support) took that hill by 4pm the following day. He always laughs when telling that story. He reckons they took it so easily because the VC did not expect it to happen, so they were undermanned and surprised as hell!! They were used to dealing with Americans.