First Grader
I don't think I have ever felt so torn about a player. When I saw Foran developing as a young player and playing so committed each week, I always thought that this boy would captain our club to a premiership. He gave you the confidence that he being in the team made us so strong.Hope he does well at The Dogs. He's made some hard decisions in life, and it would be cool to see him get right back on track. Life's more than footy people. Shouldn't be too harsh on him. Only reason I was filthy, was because he'd signed elsewhere truth be told, and I was gutted to see him go.
When things changed in 2014 and he courted leaving, it was agonizing to see him not interested in the team that had made him and going to Parramatta made it very hard to stomach.
A lot of water had gone under the bridge since that time and I hope he personally finds peace. My fear is that his body will not allow him to carry on for too much longer.
I will remember the player as someone who I had so much time for and unfortunately a player who broke our hearts!!