Thanks for your succinct reply - and
@Ryan thanks for your typically verbose response
You have both confirmed what I was angling at. Each of you operate in a business with real consequence for failure - and you are engaged in that.
These guys play a game, and get paid for it (good for them). But there is no consequence for failing, maybe they miss a bonus payment - but apart from mug punters that foolishly part with their money on a bet I don't see how what they do compares to your professional career with real impact.
I think you need to also reflect on the fact that they aren't paid just to play, but to train... Look at what happened when Schu was not living up to requirements as a first grader, he got dropped and told we expect more (or maybe he asked to have a few weeks off). Based on that we can understand there is expectations of the team.
(edit) I was typing my post while
@Ryan was responding to another post. in no way was the above reflecting a response to his latest post. And as another ex financial services (and ANZ alumni) I understand the stresses the job brings