Hey guys. First post on here, have been following the forum for years. Thought I would jump on and give my two bobs worth.
The idea that Manly hasn’t won a comp purely because of his big contract doesn’t hold up. There are too many factors at play, different rosters, injuries, and recruitment decisions so blaming just his salary is oversimplified. What’s clear is that since 2021, DCE has consistently been a top-three halfback based on key stats like kick meters, try assists, and line-break assists. Whether people love or hate him, his on-field impact has been undeniable. Anyone vowing to boycott the game because DCE is playing needs to take a deep breath and unclench it’s not that deep, fellas.
As for the way he’s handled this, it’s smart. By controlling when and how this news came out, he’s shaped the media narrative to his advantage. And let’s be honest, if the Roosters threw an extra $500k at most players, they’d at least consider it. It’s a business move, and he’s played it well.
Looking ahead, Manly’s long-term future is strong. Next year might be a bit of a grind with some young players still developing, but the club has most key pieces locked in. The priority should be securing Galvin, letting Brooks steer the ship for a few seasons, and by the time he moves on, someone like Joey Walsh could be ready to step up. If things go to plan, Manly could be setting up another DCE/Foz-style halves pairing for the future.