DCE has always been a polarising figure, TJ, even among Manly fans.
I'm not sure I can articulate it completely, but even though I respect him and acknowledge the player he's become during his time here, and don't begrudge him leaving for more money (although I do wish he'd drop the bulls**t and just be upfront about that), I've never really liked him in the way I've liked - hell, loved! - other Manly players.
I will love Steve Matai till the day I die. Same with Choc Watmough, even though he's not the sharpest tool in the shed and left the club on appalling terms. I love Beaver, and will shout as much from any rooftop (and have even ended up on several watch-lists for doing so).
And I loved Kieran Foran from the moment he stepped onto the field at Brookvale and scored a try with his first touch of the football. Foran had his ups and downs over the years, and I know a lot of people have never forgiven him for the way he left us the first time, but it never bothered me because I loved the bloke and always wished him well.
In today's squad, I love Jake and Tommy (even though his injuries frustrate the hell out of me), Big Haumole (though I would have been happy to see the back of him during Jerseygate), Lehi Hoppa, and Gordy Chan Kum Tong. Yeah, that little juggle he does when he picks up the ball is annoying as hell, and ultimately he might not be a very good player, but there's something about the little bloke's smile and energy that makes me happy.
But Cherry? He's just never had that effect on me. Maybe it's because it feels like he's not genuine, or maybe it's the weird word salad he comes out with when he's trying to sound polished and smart. Whatever it is, it's something. It's almost like he wants to be kept at a distance, or that he needs to be seen as flawless instead of flawed.
And that's not saying that he hasn't been a good "ambassador" for the club and the game as a whole, or that he's not a decent bloke, or a great husband and father. He may well be all those things. I hope he is. But I've never really cared for him, or felt invested in him as a person instead of as a player.
Those connections are hard to explain - they just are, or in this case, aren't. And even though I fully accept that it reflects poorly on me rather than on Cherry, maybe other fans feel (or don't feel) the same way.