As bad as it sounds I'm sort of glad this has come to a head in the manner it has. It has only shown what myself and others have been saying about our club captain and supposed leader for years now. People need to wake up and smell the roses about and around DCE. He was the beginning of the end of our decade of dominance. Destroyed the culture and we've been nothing like it since. All the group left the fold and didn't want any part of the club moving forward past retirement. And now the one person who the club has given everything too, has the chance to pay it back in some way, decides to leave the club he is captain of, for more money!! You honestly couldn't write this **** lol.. and what's worse, you have some percentage of the fan base blaming the club, like dce is some bloody saint. He is a pretender, a vulture, and has never put the club or anyone in front of his greed. Wasn't liked at QLD, wasn't liked by the old boys. Because those men knew sacrifice, knew what it took to build success and knew DCE didn't have an ounce of it in him. Good riddance. Pathetic. Manly will be great again starting next year! The imposter has finally been found out. Shame it's too little too late now!