The Anthony Seibold Grievances MEGA THREAD

  • We had an issue with background services between march 10th and 15th or there about. This meant the payment services were not linking to automatic upgrades. If you paid for premium membership and are still seeing ads please let me know and the email you used against PayPal and I cam manually verify and upgrade your account.
  • We have been getting regular requests for users who have been locked out of their accounts because they have changed email adresses over the lifetime of their accounts. Please make sure the email address under your account is your current and correct email address in order to avoid this in the future. You can set your email address at
  • Wwe are currently experience some server issues which I am working through and hoping to resolve soon, Please bare with me whilst I work through making some changes and possible intermittent outages.
  • Apologies all our server was runing rogue. I managed to get us back to a point from 2:45 today though there is an attachment issue i will fix shortly. Things should be smooth now though

Deleted member 26876

Yeah that's enough. Put Flanagan in.
Or bring Des back.
Or Tooves even!
If Penn thinks he knows so much he should make himself coach, pull a sheens and realise he's so far out of his depth it isn't funny


Talk is cheap - Seibold is good with talk.

Replace him with Flanno B4 he gets poached by another team as head coach.
It's the ****ing cap. No one in world can win with complete park footballers like Harper and Parker.
Cut the ****ing captain and send God botherer Aloiai with him

EOL now nesting on the GC

Official NRL commentator of the UK Royal Family
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Be honest thou. On current form half our side shouldn't be in FG. It's not just Harper. The great white hope weekes was a turnstile. Kelma was awful. Tom may as well be injured. He just looks gassed all the time. why is johns there? The team looks unfit, disinterested and bored.
apprently getting rid of the past management was supposed to fix everything? From where I sit at the moment our attack looks a lot worse than even 2021. All our sweeping shape has disappeared and has become predictable.
Why on earth after seeing saab's pace tonight for that try didn't we go back yo the well at least once? Really poor coaching.


I'm afraid Manly is on the same trajectory as West Tigers when it comes to the ownership level and how the club is ran. It's easy to change coaches and think next season will be better than last season. The only thing that hasn't changed over the last 9 years is Penn's ownership of the club which to me is the major problem.

I reckon Hasler will be smiling at home after tonight's result.
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I'm afraid Manly is on the same trajectory as West Tigers when it comes to the ownership level and how the club is ran. It's easy to change coaches and think next season will be better than last season. The only thing that hasn't changed over the last 9 years is Penn's ownership of the club which to me is the major problem.

I reckon Hasler will be smiling at home after tonight's result.
Look at this junior development western sydney kids with zero links to area and to be honest one common thing all ****ing lazy


Game day lubrication specialist
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I'm afraid Manly is on the same trajectory as West Tigers when it comes to the ownership level and how the club is ran. It's easy to change coaches and think next season will be better than last season. The only thing that hasn't changed over the last 9 years is Penn's ownership of the club which to me is the major problem.

I reckon Hasler will be smiling at home after tonight's result.
Hasler coached team wouldn't have done any better. It's not coaching, it's our cattle ...... We just have poor stock. The old saying "can't put lipstick on a pig" fits this mob.


Look at this junior development western sydney kids with zero links to area and to be honest one common thing all ****ing lazy
The Blacktown relationship is one thing that needs to end. I hope the club gets this done because what exactly has this relationship got Manly?


Hasler coached team wouldn't have done any better. It's not coaching, it's our cattle ...... We just have poor stock. The old saying "can't put lipstick on a pig" fits this mob.
We have been talking for years that we have poor 1st grade standard players but in the meantime we have resigned some players who shouldn't be no where near 1st grade.


Reserve Grader
Yep I guess Des Hasler a club great was always the problem lol... this idiot penn needs to sell up and fk right off before he makes us even more laughable ffs.... He is a fkn cancer in this club

Deleted member 26876

we suck worse in defence.

Even though our attack has largely lacked direction this year (and probably isn't reliable against top teams) we've still been scoring points.

Defensively we have genuine issues

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