The Anthony Seibold Grievances MEGA THREAD

  • We had an issue with background services between march 10th and 15th or there about. This meant the payment services were not linking to automatic upgrades. If you paid for premium membership and are still seeing ads please let me know and the email you used against PayPal and I cam manually verify and upgrade your account.
  • We have been getting regular requests for users who have been locked out of their accounts because they have changed email adresses over the lifetime of their accounts. Please make sure the email address under your account is your current and correct email address in order to avoid this in the future. You can set your email address at
  • Wwe are currently experience some server issues which I am working through and hoping to resolve soon, Please bare with me whilst I work through making some changes and possible intermittent outages.
  • Apologies all our server was runing rogue. I managed to get us back to a point from 2:45 today though there is an attachment issue i will fix shortly. Things should be smooth now though

Tragic Eagle

Premium Member
Tipping Member
Lets see what he brings in 2023. The fact that he has Flanagan in the front seat next to him gives me plenty of confidence. He certainly has an eye for talent and lets see whether he can motivate the squad to play to their potential.


For a coach that has just been newly appointed I find it a little strange that we haven't really heard to much from him other than the press conference. Or is it just me.. was maybe expecting more, you know to maybe warm us to him.


Premium Member
Tipping Member
For a coach that has just been newly appointed I find it a little strange that we haven't really heard to much from him other than the press conference. Or is it just me.. was maybe expecting more, you know to maybe warm us to him.
Last time I scrolling on social media there was still a lot of support for Des (plenty of comments on Manly's pages about not joining/renewing/supporting the club because of it). Maybe they're treading lightly with the media at present and also giving him time to settle in at the club?
I'd be happy with an in-depth interview around May, to coincide with our 8 game winning streak.😉

Eagle 1

First Grader
So basically before a tackle has been made you’ve effectively written us , and the coach off.

I know I get a bit negative at times ( it’s been hard not to ) but that certainly beats me hands down.
Yeah, not sure why we're getting so much negativity on here, could be the bitter taste and the after effects of the way we finished the 2022 season. Lets give Siebold the chance to do something with a goodish squad.


Journey Man
Tipping Member
This thread will become hot come round 1 but by round 10 I can see this thread going to meltdown.
Surely you can also see some positives feathered friend

Seibold has a premiership winning assistant as well as squad of experienced and promising players

Young Koula for instance could turn into a serial try scoring Killer

The moral of the story ...
For every negative there is a positive
For every force there is a counter force
May the positive force be with you so you can start to see all the wonderful possibilities in your life

See the source image


So basically before a tackle has been made you’ve effectively written us , and the coach off.

I know I get a bit negative at times ( it’s been hard not to ) but that certainly beats me hands down.
The playing roster to me is alot weaker compared to season 2022. We also haven't signed any 1st graders in 2 key positions which is hooker and front row. We can't rely on Turbo to get us anywhere since his not that far from another injury when he returns. The coaching staff looks top notch but will that get us any further next year? Time will tell.
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Grizzly old fart
The playing roster to me is alot weaker compared to season 2022. We also haven't signed any 1st graders in 2 key positions which is hooker and front row. We can't rely on Turbo to get us anywhere since his not that far from another injury when he returns. The coaching stuff looks top notch but will that get us any further next year? Time will tell.

I realise that Manly faltered badly towards the end of last year and without Turbo. But I'm not sure its a weaker side. Manly have a number of young players coming through who will most probably be better this year and especially if the top side can stay on the field. Olakau'atu is a top find, Paseka has significant potential, Koula could be outstanding, Schuster will be markedly better in 2023 now he's fitter and is in the correct position. Turbo hopefully will be back but I also hope Weekes reaches his potential. There are some young players coming through including the Fainu boys. Burbo will be stronger. I suspect Parker will move to the back row which I always thought was his best spot. There's a couple of young players in what is a quite young side who will improve. Garrick is very reliable and we still have DCE , Jake, Aloiai and the speedster Saab, if we can get the ball to him. There's potential there, possibly not yet contenders but definitely a top 8 side.. Just need to keep them on the field


Journey Man
Tipping Member
The playing roster to me is alot weaker compared to season 2022. We also haven't signed any 1st graders in 2 key positions which is hooker and front row. We can't rely on Turbo to get us anywhere since his not that far from another injury when he returns. The coaching stuff looks top notch but will that get us any further next year? Time will tell.
Time will tell indeed feathered friend
But let us not end our hopes with just negatives

There are also positives as well
We might not have signed any big names but we have signed players with potential that can make big names for them selves at Manly

We also have big hopes from all our young up and coming players

Also Under Des we were a one man Tommy Manly team
There is also hope that the new coaching staff can change all that

The moral of the story
Every day we wake up if we do not focus on all our potential possibilities
We will never give our selves a great chance to achieve anything great

Tragic Eagle

Premium Member
Tipping Member
I am confident we will be stronger because our squad will be used properly and our interchanges will be managed properly. The big difference from our previous two coaches is that Seibold is not operating like a one man autonomy and has an awesome knowledge pool in Flanagan and Dymock. Seibold wants to learn from these guys and is working with them collaboratively. I’m really looking forward to 2023.

Stuey D

I am confident we will be stronger because our squad will be used properly and our interchanges will be managed properly. The big difference from our previous two coaches is that Seibold is not operating like a one man autonomy and has an awesome knowledge pool in Flanagan and Dymock. Seibold wants to learn from these guys and is working with them collaboratively. I’m really looking forward to 2023.
Also Steve Hales who apparently has a very strong relationship with all the kids that the Fultons imported into the area at a young age.

We owe Des so much. Don't know where this club would be without him but I think he became way too stubborn in his ways. I get wanting to control everything but the NRL is too big now to manage a squad on your own. As we know, the best coaches in the game (Bellamy, Robinson & Cleary) surround themselves with a huge amount of experience.

We seem to be getting a mentality within this coaching staff of working as a team which is the only way forward so I'm also sharing the same optimism as TE. As long as they don't tell us they are "training the house down!" @;)

Anyway, go Manly!
Team P W L PD Pts
15 12 3 113 28
14 10 4 118 24
15 10 5 77 24
15 9 6 161 20
15 8 7 64 20
14 8 6 60 20
15 7 7 28 19
15 7 8 21 18
15 8 7 -8 18
15 7 8 -47 18
14 7 7 -50 18
15 7 8 -89 18
16 7 8 -31 17
14 5 9 -112 16
14 4 10 -71 14
14 4 10 -105 12
15 4 11 -129 12
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