Bones Knows
EagleFromMay1967 said:Dave Perry does not say that Skivvy was the only one to make an informal request. He said he was not aware of any 'formal requests' by Brett or Choc. This is code for the fact they probably did discuss it in an informal way.
Brett would be a straight shooter in these issues. However i think this was all 'months ago'. Clearly he has 'moved on'. His form is great. There was a period there where he looked slow, by his standards and, well carrying extra weight about Round 10 period. But around about the SOO 2 round, he has really upped the anti. Choc will be back to best in a week or so.
We must have listened to different interviews. After Dave Perry said there have been no formal requests, Terry Kennedy said 'What about informal requests?'
Perry answered that there have been no informal requests either from Choc or Brett.