They have effectively made a copy book "legs tackle" obsolete in the modern game. There is no reward for that skill, there is only punishment for not releasing fast enough to allow a quick play the ball. Why would you bother ? - you end up giving away a penalty, or in the worst examples spending 10 in the bin for a professional foul because you felt entitled to bask in the glory of your scything cover defence effort and hung on a nanosecond too long.
Anyway, no matter what the interpretation of the rules the officials wish to apply, our NRL coaches will exploit the extremities of it every time. They aren't interested in "spirit of the game" and the "intention" of the rules, all they want to do is win and they will test the boundaries of interpretation every time. Little wonder the officials get forced into black/white decisions to remove the controversial grey areas. Look at the obstruction rule, what a cluster that is. In the old days everyone knew what a shepherd was, now it's outside shoulders, lead runners, bad defensive reads etc. Same as @maxta example of knock on... too difficult to police so everything is now a knock on. I'd love to know how they decide when a player reefs the ball from an attacker and it spills free, who touched it last and which way it went and who knocked it on. ?? they have no idea even with slow mo replays.
Anyway, no matter what the interpretation of the rules the officials wish to apply, our NRL coaches will exploit the extremities of it every time. They aren't interested in "spirit of the game" and the "intention" of the rules, all they want to do is win and they will test the boundaries of interpretation every time. Little wonder the officials get forced into black/white decisions to remove the controversial grey areas. Look at the obstruction rule, what a cluster that is. In the old days everyone knew what a shepherd was, now it's outside shoulders, lead runners, bad defensive reads etc. Same as @maxta example of knock on... too difficult to police so everything is now a knock on. I'd love to know how they decide when a player reefs the ball from an attacker and it spills free, who touched it last and which way it went and who knocked it on. ?? they have no idea even with slow mo replays.