The amazing, meticulous and detailed reporting on the trial done by DSM5 contrasted with the incompetent and superficial reporting done by the rest of the media.
It was sickening to see Gallop sell out Brett Stewart's reputation for personal gain. It was sickening to see the media, individually and as a collective, do the same. It was sickening that the very reporters who raced each other to the bottom of the gutter to trash Brett's reputation for personal gain failed to have the integrity to retract what they had said, much less seek to undo the damage they directly caused. Ditto Gallop.
I am no Smith fan. I am no fan of the current NRL administration. But it still makes me gape with disbelief when I hear anyone compare Gallop and his administration favourably with them. Gallop, who also oversaw the virtual bankrupting of the game in his term as Murdoch's appointee and gopher.