I think it is really unhelpful of Mestrov to be making comments like that, I would have hoped he had more sense. Way to kick a player who is struggling, possibly bother the team, and guarantee what questions Seibold will face in after-match pressers for the remainder of the year. My personal opinion, he should be a bit more clever than that. I think it makes Seibold's job more difficult for a start.
Love the old Dessie or hate him, I believe one of the things about him was that he 100% had the players' backs, and they knew it and they trusted him. I rate Wayne Bennett as the best "man manager" in rugby league, with an unsurpassed ability to get the best out of "troubled" or "engimatic" players. But I feel like Dessie is just about number 2, and I don't think he would have unloaded on a player in that fashion. (Let me know if I have totally misjudged, all you more knowledgeable persons).