Scott Penn to bail out Sea Eagles again as plans are prepared for $50m stadium

I've just read yesterday's the article about the increase in AFL funding by Demetriou (Rear Window, Financial Review 27th Sept). In it he talks about the EXTRA $324 million to be given to the AFL clubs over the next five years. I guess this comes from the extra media funding that he negotiated. With the same sort of money coming our way, then a loss of 1 million will be accommodated by the increase the clubs get from the pie. Hopefully Gallop will not stuff this up. Penn deserves thanks for coming our way. Delmege obviously couldn't continue to fund the club, and the Leagues club has its own problems. If we have to move, then so be it. Part of that problem was caused by the attitude of past boards who didn''t see, or didn't want to see, or didn't want to talk sensibly to the Council, about the degeneration of Brookvale. Penn's talk of redeveloping Brookvale with Govt assistance is to be commended, not criticized. At least he's being positive.
And the Zorba stuff I read as though Penn was just making sure half his family would talk to him at their Christmas party.
Matabele said:
WTF! said:
Cambo said:
WTF! said:
the real fortynil said:
The Penn Family deserve a massive amount of appreciation for their long term committement to the club, without them we would not all be looking forward to seeing ours boys play in another GF, we would folded long ago.
Oh please, what a complete crock! If you really believe all this self serving bull**** the Penn Family puts out you are all seriously naive. They agreed to Uncle Peter's redundancy - he's the family embarassment. All they care about now is finding another media patsy who can help them continue to spread their lies into the papers. Mark my words if the day ever comes when they have complete control of that Board, you will all regret it. There is no way Government will ever give Brookvale Oval $50 million, Penn knows that, but he wants to be able to say "I tried" before moving the team to the Central Coast or SFS. The only people who can claim to have truly saved our Club is then CEO Ian Thomson who got Max Delmege on Board at the 11th hour, as we were heading over the cliff into oblivion. The Penns are rich johnny come latelys who just like to see their names in the paper.

how about instead of hiding behind a username tell us who you really are if you wanna make claims like that it would give u a spec of creditabilty which would be more than you have now.

Mate I don't need to prove my "creditability" - I think the word you're searching for is "credibility" - it is my opinion and it is an opinion based on observing events over a decade. I didn't realise this was a website for people who want to agree with everything the establishment does.

Nice of you to join us Bob Reilly.

Bob Reilly? Interesting. Who are you? Peter Peters?

MissKate said:
WTF - where exactly do you propose Manly play should we finally get a new stadium. The two options Scott mention are feasible whilst the redevelopment takes place. Are you suggesting we continue to play at Brookie whilst the redevelopment goes on!?!

MissKate - what I'm suggesting is that there is no government that will give the $50 million in the first place and Scott Penn knows that. Once that is confirmed the Penns will say well we can't continue to lose money at Brookvale so we have no choice but to move. Naturally, if pigs are seen flying around Sydney, and we get $50 million for a new stadium, we will have to play somewhere else temporarily, and I wouldn't have a problem with that at all.
WTF - I understood the football club to be the sole voter in regards to where we play not Penn.

Also when going for government money you're better off going for more - they will always be happy to give you less money than you ask - rarely you get more. We can't fix the stadium by scraping around for 1million here or there.
Why attack WTF? He's got the right to voice his opinion!

Because some of you don't like what he/she thinks doesn't, give you the right to immediately attack someone for having a different view from others on here.

Unless anyone on here has all the inside info on how the club is run, or who and what each board members or owner is up to then how can you judge?

WTF has stated that it was his opinion. Last time I checked Australia is still a democracy.
BOZO said:
WTF! said:
the real fortynil said:
Berkeley_Eagle said:
You would think the amount of Merchandise etc it will be a huge financial boost
The Penn Family deserve a massive amount of appreciation for their long term committement to the club, without them we would not all be looking forward to seeing ours boys play in another GF, we would folded long ago.
Oh please, what a complete crock! If you really believe all this self serving bull**** the Penn Family puts out you are all seriously naive. They agreed to Uncle Peter's redundancy - he's the family embarassment. All they care about now is finding another media patsy who can help them continue to spread their lies into the papers. Mark my words if the day ever comes when they have complete control of that Board, you will all regret it. There is no way Government will ever give Brookvale Oval $50 million, Penn knows that, but he wants to be able to say "I tried" before moving the team to the Central Coast or SFS. The only people who can claim to have truly saved our Club is then CEO Ian Thomson who got Max Delmege on Board at the 11th hour, as we were heading over the cliff into oblivion. The Penns are rich johnny come latelys who just like to see their names in the paper.
Any one that calls a great Manly stalwart an embarassment and does not aknowledge Penns finacial in put and commitment to the club is not a real Sea Eagle they are a Goose. The embarassment here is so called Manly supporters putting down down their own on this Sea Eagle forum. We have enough people that hate us we need to show some loyalty respect and pride in our club as a whole .

Oh ouch that hurt. So anyone with a differing opinion to yours is not a Manly supporter? As much as you may not like it, I am a Manly supporter and I have a very strong personal opinion that says no one is bigger than the Club, and if you are not coaching or running out on the field for my team or the CEO responding to operational or logistical issues then you should just STFU. The best outcome out of all this would be that I pick up a newspaper and don't read about any Manly Board member or official big noting themselves the week before the GF - that includes EVERYONE. If that can be described as running down my Club or make me a goose then so be it.
Simmo said:
Well, well well. It is grand final week and the Penns are dumping on their Co-Owner again, only this time it is not Delmege, but Quantum.

I am sure Quantum must really appreciate being saddled with the blame for getting rid of Zorba now that the Penns have absolved themselves of all responsibility.

hey buddy

where in that is he attacking Quantum

On that is penn was out voted on zorba. I think its a long bow.
WTF! said:
BOZO said:
WTF! said:
the real fortynil said:
Berkeley_Eagle said:
You would think the amount of Merchandise etc it will be a huge financial boost
The Penn Family deserve a massive amount of appreciation for their long term committement to the club, without them we would not all be looking forward to seeing ours boys play in another GF, we would folded long ago.
Oh please, what a complete crock! If you really believe all this self serving bull**** the Penn Family puts out you are all seriously naive. They agreed to Uncle Peter's redundancy - he's the family embarassment. All they care about now is finding another media patsy who can help them continue to spread their lies into the papers. Mark my words if the day ever comes when they have complete control of that Board, you will all regret it. There is no way Government will ever give Brookvale Oval $50 million, Penn knows that, but he wants to be able to say "I tried" before moving the team to the Central Coast or SFS. The only people who can claim to have truly saved our Club is then CEO Ian Thomson who got Max Delmege on Board at the 11th hour, as we were heading over the cliff into oblivion. The Penns are rich johnny come latelys who just like to see their names in the paper.
Any one that calls a great Manly stalwart an embarassment and does not aknowledge Penns finacial in put and commitment to the club is not a real Sea Eagle they are a Goose. The embarassment here is so called Manly supporters putting down down their own on this Sea Eagle forum. We have enough people that hate us we need to show some loyalty respect and pride in our club as a whole .

Oh ouch that hurt. So anyone with a differing opinion to yours is not a Manly supporter? As much as you may not like it, I am a Manly supporter and I have a very strong personal opinion that says no one is bigger than the Club, and if you are not coaching or running out on the field for my team or the CEO responding to operational or logistical issues then you should just STFU. The best outcome out of all this would be that I pick up a newspaper and don't read about any Manly Board member or official big noting themselves the week before the GF - that includes EVERYONE. If that can be described as running down my Club or make me a goose then so be it.

Mate without the Penns and Delmeges of this world this website wouldn't exist because we wouldn't have a club to support. Everyone knows Manly was 24 hours away from ceasing to exist a few years ago.

I am sure that penn and quantum would happily sell their shareholdings to you and then you can do whatever you like with the club. Make them an offer and show us all how the club should really be run
DSM5 said:
Excellent article and good to hear that talks are proceeding with all levels of Government. Both Delmege and the Penns need to be congratulated for having the vision and the readies to keep the club from folding. $50 million seems about right. Hopefully they're looking at buildng a stadium rather than a 'park'.

Agree and there is not one word in there 'dumping on Quantum' from Scott Penn as others have suggested. Scott has always come across in the media as a very balanced gaffe-free spokesperson - not always perfect but has become better with experience.

The heated comments from a few only show their own personal bias

Manly supporters have much to be thankful for for all the people who have played there part in rescuing the Sea Eagles from going under as mentioned earlier - I reckon they all deserve statues outside Brookvale Oval: Ian Thomson, Max Delmege, the Penns, plus Des and Crusher for their part building a mighty team over the past 8 years....yes it might get a little crowded 🙂 :heart:

Its a time for celebration of a great team - leave the negativity and personal agendas aside
Cambo said:
Simmo said:
Well, well well. It is grand final week and the Penns are dumping on their Co-Owner again, only this time it is not Delmege, but Quantum.

I am sure Quantum must really appreciate being saddled with the blame for getting rid of Zorba now that the Penns have absolved themselves of all responsibility.

hey buddy

where in that is he attacking Quantum

On that is penn was out voted on zorba. I think its a long bow.

How else are you supposed to read that. Why tell the world there was supposedly a split on the Board other than to make yourself look good and the others look bad?

From how it all played out, Zorba would know how hard they were really fighting for him so a public statement like this is not needed to smooth xmas relations.

Poor old Quantum get half a sentence acknowledging they will be sharing the loss, but blink and you would miss it in amongst the rest of the story that suggests Scott will be covering the loss out of his own pocket.

Why does the chairman keep raising bad news about the club. No other club or company seems so desperate to keep telling the world how bad they are travelling and how much money they are losing. Is it any wonder that it took so long to get a major sponsor when this us the image of the organisation constantly being projected by the chairman.

Maybe we would have been better off if Penn had bought Delmege's shares instead of quantum and then Scott could run the joint like a sole owner, who knows. What we do know is maybe if the Penns had kept things in house instead of using the tele to bash d Delmege at every opportunity then maybe Max would have been inclined to sell to them instead of anyone but them.
You're just reading that into it simmo.

Every board that I have ever heard about (from friends who have been part of a company structure) or been a part of myself (only one) have had differences of opinion in the voting on matters - its not always unanimous.

Thats the job of a board no matter what the business is, large or small - to have different people there who have different opinions and business experiences to bring to the table.
brookiegreg said:
You're just reading that into it simmo.

Every board that I have ever heard about (from friends who have been part of a company structure) or been a part of myself (only one) have had differences of opinion in the voting on matters - its not always unanimous.

Thats the job of a board no matter what the business is, large or small - to have different people there who have different opinions and business experiences to bring to the table.

No problem with differences of opinion, as you say, you often need that to bring out the best ideas and outcomes. But what we don't need is those differences being aired publicly all the time.

I can't imagine Quantum are at all happy with many aspects if that article. Please let's not go down that road again.
definitely a good idea!! You can make up to a million dollars a year (in losses) hey, that's only a cost of a cool 20 grand a week! Gets you the biggest piece of cardboard to slide down on at Brookie and you get in gf photos.
Great Value!!
Fluffy said:
Interesting though that he wanted to keep Peters simply as family rather than for who is right for the job.

If we are to have a professional club we need to get out of the jobs for boys mentality.

I was thinking the same thing there Fluffy. A boys club culture doesn't work and can be very destabilising for any organisation.

We can't forget Delmege and others who chipped in to save the club and I for one am forever grateful that they did.

I wasn't going to comment on this aspect of the club until after GF weekend but since it has been brought up in the article I will say this. Sorry all don't want it to be negative post leading up to a great weekend, hope it doesn't come across that way.

Penn mentions we've got 3000 ticketed seats and we need 8000 to 10,000 to be viable in terms of a venue." I would think it would be better to have 15,000 to 25,000 members.

Trolling through the warriors website I was interested in looking at what it cost our cuz in NZ for Cat 1 ticketed membership - NZD $430 about AUD $340 where compared to our golden wings membership AUD $900. If you’re a kiwi, it’s basically is less than 50% of cost compared to our membership for a single ticket, I am not certain what other clubs around Sydney are chargingor how they compare.

If you do the mathematics 3000 members @ $900 = $2.7mil
(not all 3,000 would be golden wings so revenue may be half of the above)

12,000 members @ $350 = $4.2mil and at
15,000 members @ $350 = $5.25mil

The club still comes out in front, I would even consider buying 3 or 4 tickets at that price.

Given the state of our stadium price is reflected by demand. Demand is low with only 3,000 ticketed members and it doesn't reflect price.

I think they have got the marketing side of things right now and need to work on price point. This is where it starts to hurt the average everyday family that goes to a game of RL. Personally I am seeing like most major events the average family or even the above average family is just being priced out of the market in the everyday cost of living, mortgage stress and I personally think it will only get worse in years to come.

So from my point of view and I guess most would agree it would be nice to see if we have a fair pricing structure which would increase revenue, increase membership at a lower cost to the people that support the club. More people at a lower cost can still provide for a very healthy profit.

In saying all of the above I am going to buy two ticketed memberships for 2012 (first time ever) but rather than buying a couple of golden wing memberships I am looking now at cat 2 Maroon Wings or general entry White Wings if it will help the club I support.

I became football club member and still remain as one well before when the club had financial issue's and before Delmege and Penn helped to save a rebuild the club as I felt I wanted to be a silent part that would help keep the club I support in the competition otherwise I would have lost all interest in RL, that was my motivation. So rather than sit here and whinge I feel I have a duty to do the same again and become a ticketed member in 2012 if it helps the club I support with passion.
i think we maybe we should leave this thread and revisit it next week or the week after we have won the grand final.

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