I don't hate Qlders, I have concern for their many insecurities & obvious psychological problems, but I sure don't hate them.
Interesting that you speak of "insecurities & obvious psychological problems" of Queenslanders.
Food for thought....
Carl Jung (I'm sure we are all educated enough to know who he is. The rest can always google, then claim they knew all along
😛 ) came up with the "Shadow Archetype". I think it is spot on!
People need to be honest with themselves about their true feelings. The unacceptable truth is that many people often hate, despise or fear the very things in others that they dislike and repress in themselves. Much unpleasantness in the world results from people trying to condemn and destroy "out there" the things they really need to deal with inside themselves.
In some psychological circles, this is also called projecting. The things we say and the accusations we hurl are a true reflection of our own subconscious hatred of the things we believe to be true and are not happy with deep within our own psyches.
The lyrics to the song, "Man in the mirror" spring to mind. If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change.
Anyway, like I say....just food for thought. Some of the forum users could do with going back for seconds however.